"Do you three think that you can keep us?"

Qiantang looked at Wang Yi and spoke lightly.

"I don't know what to keep, but how can you be sure that there are only three of us here? This is China!"

Wang Yi smiled, planning to scare this guy a bit.

As a result, Qiantang didn't believe in his evil at all.

"You think this place is controlled by Tianshan Group, this place is Chuanshu, unless you can unite Wushuang City, otherwise you don't want to keep me!"

What he said was right, the land of Sichuan and Sichuan is indeed not an existence that Tianshan Group can control.

However, Wushuang City should not come out to arrest Qiantang for himself...

"You are smart, I think, my sister should have contacted you?"

Wang Yi asked with a heart move.

"Yes, I did meet your sister. Your sister is not bad, and she is very powerful."

Qiantang nodded.

Although there was no change on the surface, Wang Yi's heartbeat soared to 180 in an instant.

Sure enough, the whale came here for himself!

It seems that Wang Yi no longer needs to continue this matter today.

Originally, his purpose was to try to see the news of the whale fall.

He was really not sure about leaving Qiantang and Zhang Tuo.

After all, Qiantang and Zhang Tuo are at least two big men who gather energy, and here he is full of plans, and there is only Tianlong alone.

And Tianlong is not Qiantang's opponent...

"I'm very curious, how can you have the guts to come to us, even if this is the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, it is not a problem for the two of us to solve you silently."

Just when Wang Yi was about to leave, Zhang Tuo took the initiative to walk out.

When he came to Wang Yi, he looked at Wang Yi with a malicious smile.

"Oh? Are you going to keep me in turn?"

Wang Yi came interested.

These two guys are afraid that the water is not in their minds, but they still want to kill them?

It's not the damn thing here in the West.

This is China, the land of Sichuan and Shu!

"I think maybe I can try it."

Zhang Tuo gave a chuckle and said.


In the next moment, the smile on Zhang Tuo's face suddenly solidified.

The show showed an expression of disbelief, turned to the extreme, looking at Qiantang behind.


A trace of blood flowed down the corner of Zhang Tuo's mouth!

A dagger glowing with black light was held by Qiantang and sent into Zhang Tuo's back.

"Worri, what's the situation?"

Tianlong is stupid.

Aren’t these two people in the same group?The two men actually fought first?

"Don't fucking look at me, I don't know!"

Wang Yi's eyes also looked straight.

I couldn't believe it. I wondered if I was dreaming. To try to see if he was dreaming, Wang Yi severely pinched the net on his thigh.


Tianlong roared out.

"What is your name!"

Wang Yi glanced at Tianlong with an angry look.

"Master, can you... pinch your leg."

Tianlong's face was flushed red, how many nursing homes he had exploded in his life, when he ran into this young master...

Just pinch, you pinch your own leg!

"Oh, sorry, I didn't pay attention, I said why it doesn't hurt."

Wang Yi smiled awkwardly.

I just said why I didn't feel it just now, and I wondered if I was dreaming.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If I pinch your thigh, you can't stand it either."

Tianlong replied angrily.

But this is not the time to talk about this. What happened just now is really confusing.

Did Qiantang actually attack Zhang Tuo just now?

"Qiantang, what do you mean by...?"

Zhang Tuo could feel that the power in his body was fading crazily.

The reason for all this is that Qiantang moved some hands and feet on the dagger.

"People from the Tianshan Group said, you and I, only one person can leave Huaxia alive, so, do you understand?"

Qiantang said coldly.

"Do you think that Tianshan Group will make you feel better like this? Have you forgotten what the original intention was?!"

Zhang Tuo's eyes were bloodshot, glaring at Qiantang in front of him.

It makes him want to break his head and never think that Qiantang would actually deal with him like this!

"At the beginning, we said that we would win Wushuang City and join Dijiang Group to deal with Tianshan Group. Have you forgotten?"

"Do you think that if I die, you will be able to gain a foothold in the Western Realm? Not to mention the Tianshan Group, even if it is that person, can you really solve it?"

Being treated like this by Qiantang, Zhang Tuo didn't care about it, and directly said all the things that he had said in the West at that time.

"Sorry, I can't help it."

Qiantang shook his head, turned around and pulled out the dagger inserted in Zhang Tuo.


The moment the dagger left Zhang Tuo's body, scarlet blood was sprayed out like a shameless.

If you look closely, you can see rows of barbs on the dagger in Qiantang's hand.

By the way, there is Zhang Tuo's flesh and blood!

"His, it hurts just looking at it."

Wang Yi took a deep breath, and a huge laceration appeared on Zhang Tuo's back.

The blood is flowing like a puff, do you continue to do this? In less than ten minutes, Zhang Tuo will bleed to death!

"Don't forget, I also have meteorite gold in my hand!"

Zhang Tuo let out a roar, and the whole person began to see a gray mist!

In the mist, Zhang Tuo's skin gradually turned into the color of a rock beside the road.

"You can't run away today."

Qiantang shook his head helplessly.

Although he didn't want this very much, he had no choice but to face the pressure of Tianshan Group and that person.


With a muffled noise, Qiantang set off a dark room and enveloped Zhang Tuo.

Just like when he was in the West, Wang Yi immediately felt the beard difficulty as soon as the black mist appeared.

"Master, go!"

Tianlong reacted quickly and quickly pulled Wang Yi to leave.

Qiantang is planning to come to the real, a master of Qi gathering, if he wants to do his best, the movement is incredible!


Zhang Tuo was shrouded in black mist, but still roared unceasingly!

Just now, above Qiantang's dagger, a force rushed into his body, eroding the power in his body crazily!

Maybe he had a little chance of winning against Qiantang before, but now, there is no more...

"This guy wants to drag Qiantang to death!"

Song Changying also realized that something was wrong in an instant, and glanced at Tianlong. The two of them couldn't help but pulled Wang Yi back quickly!


It's like a bomb exploding in situ, even countless times more powerful than the bomb!

The tall buildings nearby began to fall apart in this tremor!!!

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