I inherited a hundred billion fortune

320 I Don't Understand

"Fuck! What the hell is this!"

The huge explosion left only a buzzing tremor in Wang Yi's mind.

The movement Zhang Tuo made was too damn scary!

"Master, didn't I tell you? Master Qi gathering, you can't afford it."

Tianlong gave a bitter smile.

This is the first time he has seen this kind of dying game.

Although I don't know what happened in the dark room, what is certain is that Zhang Tuo is really desperate!


There was a loud noise, and two figures emerged from the black fog.

To be precise, it did not come out, but flew out directly!

The two directly hit the ground, and a large crater with a depth of two meters appeared on the ground!

"Qiantang! You said I did something wrong, I thought about so many things for you, so you treat me like this?"

At this time Zhang Tuo has completely fallen into a state of madness.

A black hair has turned into a coquettish purple.

"The power of meteorite gold!"

Tianlong spoke out without thinking about it.

Nothing can do this kind of change except meteorite gold.

"Really, Meteorite still has this ability?"

Wang Yi looked at Zhang Tuo who were fighting together and asked.

"Master, be careful!"

Still thinking, Song Changying suddenly flew forward and rushed over!

He threw Wang Yi to the ground, and a black light brushed Wang Yi's ear.


Wang Yi's ears seemed to be deaf, and he could only hear such a sharp sound.

"Fuck, my ears!"

Wang Yi suddenly covered his ears and squatted on the ground. He couldn't even hear Song Changying talking next to him.

"Master, are you okay?"

Song Changying asked anxiously.

"The young master was pierced by the eardrums because of the black light's speed. You take the young master to leave first, and I will hold it here."

Tianlong saw Wang Yi's situation at a glance.,

Full of calculations Wang Yi has just finished tempering his body now, his body strength has not yet reached the point where he can withstand the aftermath of an attack by a master of Qi gathering.

"No, isn't this just saying that the young master is deaf?"

Song Changying suddenly panicked.

What is the difference between being shocked through the eardrum and deaf?

"If you don't take the young master and leave, it won't be as simple as being pierced through the eardrums!"

Tianlong glared at Song Changying.

Just now Qiantang didn't stop Zhang Tuo directly, and the troubles it brought were too great.

Even if the strength is drawn, the dying counterattack of a master of Qi gathering is not that simple to bear!


There is another loud noise!

Qiantang's figure flew out of the big hole, and Zhang Tuo quickly came out of it.

Unexpectedly, as far as the situation looks like, Zhang Tuo has the upper hand!

"You! You actually put the meteoric finance into your body!"

Looking at Zhang Tuo, Qiantang couldn't believe it.

He originally thought that Zhang Tuo would be quickly resolved under his sneak attack, but he did not expect that Zhang Tuo's counterattack would be so powerful!

Some even made him unable to resist!

"What do you think? The meteor gold I gave you is fake. Keep one hand, who won't?"

Zhang Tuo sneered.

Many blood stains appeared on the face!

That was a sign that the body could not bear the huge force of meteorite gold and it was about to collapse!

The violent blood vessels covered Zhang Tuo's whole body, looking like a piece of earthworms clinging to Zhang Tuo's body.

"Even if it's dead today, I will pull you up!"

Zhang Tuo roared and rushed towards Qiantang, only in the blink of an eye, he traversed a distance of tens of meters and came to Qiantang.

Zhang Tuo's face full of blood suddenly appeared in front of him, and Qiantang dodged quickly.

But now it was too late, Zhang Tuo firmly grasped Qiantang's foot with one hand.

The whisper like a devil rang in Qiantang's ears.

"Don't worry, I can't bear the power of meteorite gold, and I will die immediately. When I die, all the power in meteorite gold will be poured out.

At least it is equivalent to the explosive power of hundreds of tons of explosives. Not only you, but everything in this area will be wiped out!"

"You are crazy!"

Qiantang wanted to break free, but Zhang Tuo seemed to grow on him, and there was no way to break free.

"You want me to die, then die together..."

Zhang Tuo sneered.

Since Qiantang intends to let him die, there is no need for him to be polite with Qiantang.

If you want to die, you have to put on a backrest, and walking on Huangquan Road is not lonely.

"Damn! It's fucking over!"

Tianlong originally wanted to mix up this matter, but after hearing what Zhang Tuo had just said, he immediately didn't want to participate.

Who can withstand the power of the meteorite explosion!

Even if it resisted, wouldn't it mean to die here together?

The only thing he can do now is to take Wang Yi away. The farther he goes, the better!

"Want to leave? The Tianshan Group did this. Where do you think you can go?"

Seeing Tianlong want to take Wang Yi away, Zhang Tuo yelled.

Without even selling, Tianlong felt a huge force behind him pulling him back in the direction of Zhang Tuo!

"I wipe!"

Tianlong couldn't believe it.

After all, I am also a master of Qi gathering, okay, people have not deliberately shot, and rely on the force field to make myself unable to stand it?

"Tenlong, are you okay?"

From a distance, Song Changying shouted.

"You take the young master and leave quickly, I'm fine!"

Tianlong roared in Wang Yi's direction.

Fortunately, Wang Yi's distance is still safe!

"go back!"

Golden light flashed on Tianlong, resisting the force pulling him backward.

That kind of power comes from the attraction of meteorite gold, it is difficult for him to resist, and he will always move slowly in that direction.

But what he can do is to slow down his speed towards Zhang Tuo.

"I don't understand, what the hell is the power of Meteorite!"

Tianlong cursed, if he died here today, he would probably be suffocated to death!

What a shame to die like this!

The time for all this to happen was only in a short minute.

In this short minute, the blood marks on Zhang Tuo's body gradually increased.

Even some blood stains have begun to seep into blood!

At most half a minute, Zhang Tuo would be swallowed by the power of meteorite gold.

Then the power of meteor gold will be completely detonated!

Let alone exaggeration, everything within a radius of at least two kilometers will be affected!

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