"What do you call me?"

The girl looked at Wang Yi and asked with a smile.

"Call you senior, is there any problem?"

Wang Yi said in a puzzled way. He didn't hear what the girl said just now, and he didn't know that the little girl in front of him who looked about ten years old would actually be his grandmother.

"Do you know where I am now? You call me grandma?"

The little girl sneered and asked.

"I don't know, it's better than me anyway."

Wang Yi shook his head.

"Well, my strength is not that great, it's just a bit stronger than you.

But this is outside. If it were here, even if the immortal of your grandfather came, he would not be able to beat me."

The girl spoke.

If the Fengzimei people outside knew that the girl had directly told Wang Yi about their strength, they would have all dropped their jaws.

For so many years, the girl has never told Tianshan Group about her strength.

Even the chairman and the old man did not know her strength!

"By the way, give you something, this is what your mother left for you."

While Wang Yi was stunned, the girl didn't know where to get a small package and put it in front of Wang Yi.

"My mother gave it to me, what is the relationship between my mother and you?"

Wang Yi looked at the package but did not pick it up.

"Hehe, you don't need to know this. By the way, what kind of exercises are you practicing now?"

The girl chuckled, but did not tell Wang Yi again.

"Open Yang Eye and Fire Eye Jue."

Wang Yi spoke, regardless of whether he could tell outsiders about his practice.

In his subconscious mind, he told him that the people in front of him did not have any malice towards him.

I can even feel a cordial feeling from the bottom of my heart, this feeling I have also experienced when facing Feng Duyun.

Although I hate Feng Duyun, this feeling comes from the bottom of my heart.

"Tianshan Group is planning to give your eyes to... Oh, forget it, I can't control it either."

Hearing Wang Yi's words, the girl was stunned, as if she had thought of something.

"what happened?"

Seeing that the girl's expression was not right, Wang Yi quickly asked again.

"Nothing, this is a good thing, you just need to practice hard."

The girl shook her head, but lowered her head into thought after she finished speaking.

This makes Wang Yi a little embarrassed.

It's not like, according to Song Changying's pen drawing for themselves for a long time, this girl should be a cynical, like to make fun of people.

But why is it not like this when facing yourself?

If Wang Yi knew that this girl was his grandmother, perhaps he would understand everything.

Which grandmother would go crazy in front of her grandson...

"Um, senior, that girl outside..."

Wang Yi tentatively spoke, and he remembered that there was another Xunluo who needed treatment.

"She's fine, she has no problems at all."

Before she finished speaking, the girl took Wang Yi's words.

"Her heart disease is also what I and her are optimistic about. I naturally know her condition."

heart disease……

Hearing these three words, Wang Yi's heart jumped.

My sister, doesn't she have a heart attack?

Despite thinking this way, Wang Yi still didn't connect the outside Xunluo with his sister, Jingluo.

After all, the gap between the two is not even a star at all!

"Did the senior have treated other heart disease girls?"

Wang Yi spit, and asked nervously.

"No, just this one, you can open the package and take a look, you are not curious?"

The girl shook her head. It was obvious that she did not want to talk about these things with Wang Yi any more, but instead asked Wang Yi to open the package.


Wang Yi nodded and picked up the package from the ground.

Wang Yi has no feelings for this mother who has no impression in his own memory.

Even knowing that his mother has passed away, there is still no sign of sadness.

Because in Wang Yi's mind, this person has never seen him before...

Open the package, what’s in the package is a small wooden box,

After opening the wooden box, a fist-sized glass ball appeared in front of Wang Yi.

On the glass ball, Wang Yi's face was reflected.

"Is this a toy when I was a kid."

Wang Yi gave a wry smile.

This thing looks like a large glass ball, without any special appearance.

"Forget it, it doesn't count, you can hold it first, this thing can save your life when it is critical."

The girl spoke lightly.

Everyone said that, and Wang Yi couldn't say more.

Reaching for it, and after picking it up, the glass ball began to change wildly in Wang Yi's hand.

The sudden change shocked Wang Yi.

"Take it, it's okay."

The girl continued to speak.

When Wang Yi heard the girl say this, he could only bite the bullet and hold it.

Soon, the glass ball turned into a string of jade beads, hanging on Wang Yi's chest.

It looked like it was inlaid into Wang Yi's flesh, without a rope hanging, but it couldn't fall.

"This thing has been integrated with your body. Your mother has taken great pains, but it's a pity..."

The girl said with a sigh.

"How much does Senpai know about my mother? I want to hear it."

Wang Yi hesitated for a while, and finally spoke.

It can be said that Wang Yi doesn't know anything about his mother.

But not understanding does not mean that Wang Yi does not want to understand.

"Your mother? Needless to say, you can ask your father. When your father intends to tell you, it may be the time when your father gives up, and it is also the time when your father has achieved success."

The girl said this very vaguely, but Wang Yi didn't understand it at all.

"You can go now, remember, within half a year, come to me again, I will help you restore your eardrums.

Now it is only temporary, after two times, the aura can condense into a real eardrum."

Wang Yi nodded, turned around and planned to leave.

"Wait, remember my name. My name is Mu Qian. In the future, maybe you will be needed to erect a monument for me."

Just as Wang Yi was about to leave the house, the girl stopped him and said a lot of things that Wang Yi could not understand.

"Junior remembered."

Wang Yi nodded.

Just as it is the so-called culture of the Tianshan Group, it is normal for the younger generation to erect monuments for the elders.

What he didn't know was that after he was gone, the little girl stood up.

Looking at a spirit card placed in the corner of the room, the word Xiaorou was written on it.

Mu Qian walked to the spirit card, put his hands on the spirit card, and spoke softly.

"Xiaorou, your son, is very good, at least, in my opinion, very good, maybe, according to the plan of Tianshan Group, it is not impossible..."

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