"Master, how is it?"

Seeing Wang Yi coming out of it, Song Changying immediately approached Wang Yi.

"I'm all right."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

When Wang Yi actually answered his words, Song Changying almost didn't jump up and dance.

If it weren't for Song Changying to do this, Song Changying would really jump up and revel.,

What he did last time was really rubbish, so he felt a little guilty about Wang Yi.

Now that Wang Yi is all right, he is happier than anyone else.

"Master, why are you so unhappy looking at you like this?"

Tianlong realized that Wang Yi was wrong and asked quickly.

Could there be any problems after treatment?

"It's okay, just because she told me something that makes me a little bit confused now."

Wang Yi shook his head and said.

"whats the matter?"

Song Changying leaned forward and asked with gossip.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

Without giving Wang Yi a chance to explain, Feng Zimei immediately walked up and slapped Song Changying's head.

She knew that the little girl's identity was not simple, and she might have a good relationship with the chairman.

So it is absolutely impossible for Song Changying to know what Wang Yi knew.

It's not that he doesn't know, but he can't know, or that he is not qualified to know these things.

"Cut, I don't want to know yet."

Song Changying made a cut and turned to look at Tianlong.

"By the way, the last time you promised to give me the money, when are you going to give it to me?"


Tianlong almost vomited blood, isn't he talking about Wang Yi?Why did it suddenly happen to me again!

"You are fine, let's go."

Feng Zimei spoke slightly.

This is the mourning hall of the Tianshan Group. They are not suitable to stay here.

Wang Yi nodded, and at the end of leaving, he looked back at the direction of the small black house behind.

He always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it.

This feeling hasn't reappeared in Wang Yi for a long time.



"What are you talking about, my father asked me to withdraw from the West?"

Jiang Changqing sat in his office.

The situation in the Western Realm suddenly changed, which made him a little baffling. Especially Wang Yi and Qiantang disappeared into the Western Realm at the same time, which made him puzzled.

These two guys disappeared at the same time. Could it be that Qiantang and Wang Yi are planning to join forces to kill him first and then fight in a decisive battle?

"Yes, the chairman said, let you immediately give up everything in the west and return to Tianshan Group."

The man standing below nodded and said.

"How is it possible! I have not done anything yet when I arrived in the west, let me go back now, what does my father think?"

Jiang Changqing roared out.

He dispatched so many people to the West in order to obtain the fragments of falling gold.

As long as he obtains the meteorite fragments, his position in the Dijiang Group can be regarded as completely stable.

But now that he hasn't done anything yet, let him go back?

"Master, this is the order of the chairman. If you don't listen, I worry that the chairman will..."

His men spoke, somewhat worried.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that I will lose power in the Dijiang Group, just like Jiang Changhong, and then you will have no backing?"

Jiang Changqing glanced at his men and said coldly.

"Master, your subordinates absolutely don't mean anything like this. No matter how you are, Master, I am your loyal subordinate.

It’s just that I’m worried, if the chairman is so anxious to let you go back, is there something wrong with the Dijiang Group?"

The subordinate spoke quickly.

In the face of Jiang Changqing, he has no ability to resist.

Working under Jiang Changqing's hands, to put it bluntly, is Jiang Changqing's dog.

However, the Dijiang Group has already issued a death order, and Jiang Changqing must be returned to the Dijiang Group immediately.

Although I don't know why I am so anxious, something must have happened.

"I see. Go and find Jiang Changhong."

Jiang Changqing took a deep breath.

In any case, he can't disobey his father's wishes. If he doesn't listen, his fate is probably the same as Jiang Changhong.

"By the way, the chairman also asked me to bring a message to Young Master Jiang Changhong, saying that as long as he is willing to go back, Dijiang Group can still accept him now."

The subordinate spoke again, and the name Jiang Changhong had changed.

Before Jiang Changqing, when he called Jiang Changhong, he called his name directly.

But now the Dijiang Group seems to have a chance to atone for Jiang Changhong.

As long as Jiang Changhong is willing, tomorrow, no!From now on, he can become the third son of the Dijiang Group again!


This time Jiang Changqing really didn't expect it.

His father was actually willing to recall Jiang Changhong, but he remembered that Jiang Changhong made harsh words to the Dijiang Group when he left the Dijiang Group.

He didn't believe that his father didn't know what Jiang Changhong wanted to do.

To get such a person back to the Dijiang Group again, isn't this a time bomb placed in the Dijiang Group?

Still don't know when it will return to the one that exploded!

"This, the subordinates don't know, but the chairman said it himself."

The man spoke.

He didn't know what the chairman thought.

"What exactly does my father want to do? Does he still think that the Dijiang Group is not messy enough now?"

Jiang Changqing's eyes are micro-mic.

Their three brothers now looked extremely harmonious in the eyes of everyone in the Dijiang Group.

But nothing can be hidden from his father's eyes.

In the past, his father kept one eye open, because according to his father's words, only the strong could take over the Dijiang Group.

He did indeed do this, but now the results of so many hard work have been disintegrated by his father's words!

This makes Jiang Changqing not depressed!

"What about Jiang Changsheng? He disappeared in the eyes of Dijiang Group for so long, and his father didn't say anything?"

Jiang Changhong continued to ask.

"The chairman didn't say anything, but looking at the chairman's meaning, he intends to let all four sons return to Tianshan Group."

The man spoke, Jiang Changqing nodded.

Now, I can only do it according to my father's wishes.

I just don't know what his father wanted to do with such a hand.

If you simply want to ease their relationship, it can only be said to be a scheming.

They have been fighting for so long, and everyone has casualties under their hands. In the face of these, there is no chance of reconciliation!

Especially Jiang Changhong, in his life, and Jiang Changhong can only be enemies, it is impossible to cooperate!

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