At the same time, in Jiang Changhong's group office:

"What? You mean, my father said he could let me return to the Dijiang Group?"

"Yes, third brother, father said, as long as you go back, you can still give you equity in the Dijiang Group, and even some people can be transferred."

Jiang Changsheng sat opposite Jiang Changhong and said with a smile.

"Hehe, fourth brother, don't you see what my father wants to do? If it weren't for us to go back, my father would never let us go back."

Jiang Changhong sneered.

Based on his understanding of his father, he would never do anything without interest.

If he can drive his own son out for profit, there is nothing his father can't do.

"But third brother, if you don't go back, if your father deliberately wants to kill you, you can't resist it?"

Jiang Changsheng spoke softly.

He estimated that Jiang Changqing should have received the news.

If Jiang Changhong didn't plan to go back, with Jiang Changqing's temper, he would definitely say Jiang Changhong in front of his father.

In the event that his father is really tossed with Jiang Changqing's mentality and intends to kill Jiang Changhong, Jiang Changhong will really have no way of survival.

"I know that if he wanted to silence his mouth, I would have died a long time ago, but for the sake of my mother, I won't do anything."

Jiang Changhong spoke slightly.

Part of the reason why he can survive in the West is because his father didn't intend to target him.

If so, even if you just send a few people to harass yourself, you will not be able to achieve your current results.

"So, three, you'd better go back."

Jiang Changsheng spoke, intending to persuade Jiang Changhong.

"I know, but I'm curious, what did my father want to do, he actually got all four of us back at the same time, for the first time."

Jiang Changhong nodded.

He still knows what to do and what not to do.

At least in this matter, he has no room for resistance.

He believed that his father would not kill him. When his father let himself out of the Dijiang Group, this time he would not go back to kill him.

"I'm worried that my father did this because he intended to let us join forces to deal with the Tianshan Group."

Jiang Changsheng sighed and spoke leisurely.

He followed Wang Yi and learned some news from Wang Yi.

Wushuang City had already begun to have a little idea of ​​wanting to move, and was temporarily suppressed by the Tianshan Group.

But their father would definitely seize this opportunity to unite with Wushuang City against the Tianshan Group.

It is absolutely impossible for my father to let go of such a good opportunity!

"Hehe, I am not exactly a member of the Dijiang Group, so what he wants to do, in fact, has nothing to do with me, does it?"

Jiang Changhong smiled.

Even if he returned to the Dijiang Group, he would just go back for the sake of his father's face.

He goes back, doesn't mean that he intends to rejoin the Dijiang Group!

"On the contrary, it's you. You now have a lot of equity in the noble district. You are in China, and you are also busy doing this.

If you don't plan to fight against the Tianshan Group, it will be difficult for you to get past your father's level."

Jiang Changhong spoke and glanced at Jiang Changsheng with some concern.

Of the four brothers, only their third and fourth are considered harmonious.

It can be regarded as because the two of them have never had any idea of ​​competing for profit.

"I don't know this, but if my father wants me to deal with Tianshan Group, I can do it, but if I want me to deal with Wang Yi, I can't do it."

Jiang Changsheng spoke.

If it weren't for Wang Yi, he might have died in Jiang Changqing's hands now.

What's more, Wang Yi still helped him like this, no matter what he did, he never asked, trusting himself so much, even his father could not do it...

So if you count it, Wang Yi is still his benefactor.

He couldn't do it to his benefactor.

"It's okay, we'll know when we go and see."

Jiang Changhong smiled.

Since you are planning to have a showdown, then go to the showdown and see who has the more powerful method in the end!


Wang Yi still didn't know that Jiang Changhong had left the West after receiving news from his father.

Wang Yi now lives in the Jiangdu Tianshan Group branch.

In this short period of time, the Jiangdu Tianshan Group branch has brought Wang Yi a full 1 billion in profits!

"Master, you are back!"

As soon as Wang Yi returned to the Jiangdu branch of Tianshan Group, Honghe and his party immediately found him.

"You guys, there shouldn't be any major events these days?"

When Wang Yi saw Honghe and the others, he also said with a smile.

"It's not a big event, but some things have happened, but Tianshan Group deserves to be the No. 1 Group of China, it's just drizzle."

Honghe smiled.

A few of them also learned about the spiritual cultivator, although they were a little late in their cultivation, they had completed their body tempering.

If they were fighting with the ability of special forces before, now they are fighting as a spiritual practitioner!

"I should go back to the West Territory soon. There are still some things that need me to deal with in the West Territory. It shouldn't be long."

Wang Yi said with a smile.

"Master, it's okay, don't worry, Jiangdu, Tianshan Group can be said to be the only one."

Lin Zhanfei also smiled.

With Ye Hao's actions in Jiangdu, it is estimated that no one will dare to attack the Dijiang Group in Jiangdu for a long time.

"By the way, I need you to do something for me."

Wang Yi thought that he still had the task of obtaining the Noble Quarter of the Dijiang Group.

I have been in the West for so long, but this person has never done anything.

"Master, I know what you are talking about. Now 30% of the equity in the noble district of the Dijiang Group is in Jiang Changsheng's hands.

Being in Jiang Changsheng's hands is equivalent to being in your hands, Young Master."

Lin Zhanfei didn't even wait for Wang Yi to say what it was, so he reported it directly.

I have to say that Wang Yi is very satisfied with Lin Zhanfei.

It is estimated that such a subordinate is still difficult to find.

However, Lin Zhanfei needs to stay in Jiangdu to deal with Jiangdu's affairs, so it is not convenient to take it to the west.

Otherwise, my days in the West Territory might be more moisturized.

I don't know where it came from. Wang Yi has always been impatient recently.

Even dreaming of Jiang Changsheng, dreaming of Jiang Changsheng, is it because I haven't seen Jiang Changsheng for too long and missed him?

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