"No, you still know such a person, so I underestimated you before."

Wang Yi looked at Tianlong curiously.

"This person, I don't have a certain way to get him out of the mountain, and it's been a long time."

Tianlong just smiled.

He just said it was a possibility. If he wanted this person he knew to be dispatched, it would have to pay a great price.

"Who are you talking about, tell me first."

Wang Yi nodded and said.

"The person I'm talking about is from Wushuang City."

Tianlong spoke softly.


Wang Yi's expression is a bit wonderful.

People from Wushuang City, that's a fart, isn't Wushuang City also hopes that the Tianshan Group will be destroyed?

The destruction of the Tianshan Group is good for Wushuang City.

Isn't this a pipe dream to let the people of Wushuang City help yourself?

"Master, listen to me first. People in Wushuang City don't completely hope that the Tianshan Group will be destroyed.

At least some people think that the Tianshan Group is now, for Wushuang City, it is still pretty good."

Tianlong spoke quickly.

Wushuang City is indeed the one that some people hope that the Tianshan Group will be destroyed, and they still hope that the Tianshan Group will be destroyed immediately.

But not everyone in Wushuang City hopes that the Tianshan Group will be shattered.

"There are two factions in Wushuang City?"

Wang Yi asked.

"Master, if you want to say this, you can, at least I know, there are people in Wushuang City who want Tianshan Group to continue to exist."

Tianlong nodded.

It's not about faction or anything.

There are not many people in Wushuang City, and they must be united in order to compete with Tianshan Group and Dijiang Group.

If Wushuang City splits due to factions, either Tianshan Group or Dijiang Group can immediately clean up Wushuang City.

"Who are you from Wushuang City?"

Wang Yi continued to ask.

"Xing Wushuang, the lord of Wushuang City!"

Tianlong spoke.

This is something Wang Yi didn't expect.

The city owner of Wushuang City didn't want the Tianshan Group to be destroyed.

Since this is the case, as the city lord, can't he control everything in Wushuang City?

"Wushuang City is not the same as Tianshan Group. Above Xing Wushuang, there are still many stubborn old people.

Because Wushuang City was the No. 1 power in China before, the rise of Tianshan Group made these old guys very upset."

Tianlong explained.

Wang Yi nodded, this is indeed correct.

There is indeed a big gap between what young people and old people think.

It is estimated that those old things are always thinking about how to deal with Tianshan Group, so that Wushuang City can return to glory.

As for Xing Wushuang, he probably wants to stabilize the foundation of the current Wushuang City.

Although there is a conflict, there is no contradiction.

"And I met Xing Wushuang, he also taught me something, so I said, I can go to him to try."

Tianlong spoke.

As soon as he said this, Wang Yi's eyes were immediately wrong.

Xing Wushuang is the lord of Wushuang City, and Tianlong is the twelve guard next to Feng Duyun, the chairman of Tianshan Group.

The two got in touch, and this matter is a bit confusing...

"Master, don't look at me like this. I don't have any bad thoughts about Tianshan Group. The sun and the moon are lessons!"

Tianlong quickly explained.

"I didn't say anything, I was just thinking, if that's the case, can he take action on your face?"

Wang Yi shrugged and said.

"Master, you are wrong. It is not on my face, but on your face, Master. My face is not valuable, Master, your face is valuable."

Tianlong gave a wry smile.

Why does the other party want to act on their own face?

He is just a guard next to the chairman of the Tianshan Group. The gap between Shen Fei and Shen Fei is too big. If you want to look at face, you should also look at Wang Yi's face.

"For the sake of my face? I didn't understand."

Wang Yi was at a loss, what does this have to do with himself.

He hadn't even seen the other party's face, and compared to his identity, he was just the young master of the Tianshan Group.

He is the lord of Wushuang City, and his identity is always stronger than himself.

"Master, if you think about it, Tianshan Group will be your heir. Sooner or later you will be the chairman of Tianshan Group. If you can promise him something, maybe he will do it."

Tianlong spoke.

Wang Yi immediately understood what Tianlong meant.

Xing Wushuang didn't want to have a conflict with the Tianshan Group, but if he talks with Feng Duyun, it is absolutely impossible to get used to him with Feng Duyun's temper!

And he is the next chairman of Tianshan Group, so talking with myself is almost like talking with Feng Duyun.

I believe it does not take a few years before he can become the chairman of Tianshan Group. At this point, Xing Wushuang is still willing to wait.

"But what should I do if I can't find him, and you also said that the old guys in Wushuang City won't agree. How do I meet Xing Wushuang?"

Wang Yi asked.

Even if he wanted to meet Xing Wushuang, it was still a big problem.

If those old guys in Wushuang City knew that Xing Wushuang would meet him, it was still unknown what they would do.

"Master, if you plan to do it, I can arrange this for you, but Master, you have to figure out how to say it."

Tianlong spoke.

He and Xing Wushuang had met before, so he also knew how to find Xing Wushuang.

Finding someone in Tianlong is not difficult at all.

But what to do after finding someone is something that Wang Yi needs to think carefully about.

"I'll figure out how to do this, you just need to get people to me."

Wang Yi nodded.

In short, Jiang Changsheng himself would not let him die like this, he must save him.

I don't know if the chairman of Dijiang Group is really as vicious as he imagined to kill his son.

But take precautions, it's always good.

"There is not much time for us now. Calculated by time, at most one week for us.

A week later, Qiantang almost recovered from his injuries, and the chairman of Dijiang Group also met Jiang Changsheng and them."

Tianlong emphasized again.

Wang Yi nodded. It took a week, although it seemed like a long time.

In fact, he didn't have much time. He had to find Xing Wushuang first during this time, and also convince Xing Wushuang to help himself.

As for how to convince Xing Wushuang, it is indeed a question that Wang Yi should think about.

After all, it's impossible for a city owner to be fooled by a little boy, right?

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