"Miss, when do you plan to tell the young master your identity?"

In another room of the Jiangdu branch of Tianshan Group, Song Changying was sitting in front of Jingluo and asked with interest.

"What do you care about this?"

Whale Luo spoke softly.

Regarding Wang Yi has not yet discovered her identity, she doesn't know what to say.

I really don't know if I should be happy or disappointed.

"I'm just asking, I don't think I can see what the young master looks like."

Song Changying smiled and said.

"If you change your words, can you tell?"

Whale Luo didn't answer, but instead asked Song Changying.

"Well, after all, Master and Miss you have lived together for so long. Although you can't see it in a short time, you can still see it after a long time."

Song Changying thought for a while before speaking.

Anyway, looking at what Wang Yi looks like now, it is not clear that the identity of the whale falls at all.

But after a long time, this is hard to say.

"You said why he hasn't seen it now?"

Whale Luo took off the mask on his face, put his chin in his hands, and spoke softly.

"Miss, do you want the young master to see it, or do you hope the young master can't see it?"

Song Changying said with a smile.

"I don't know, anyway, I just don't want to say it myself, give him a surprise, and let him find out for himself."

Whale Luo shook his head and said.

"Song Changying, come out!"

Suddenly, Wang Yi's voice came from outside.

The scared Whale quickly put on the mask that he had just taken off.

That is, Wang Yi is not like Song Changying, if Wang Yi directly broke in, it is estimated that the person in front of him is his sister!

"I'm coming!"

Song Changying hurriedly shouted, turned around and winked at Whale Fall before leaving.


The whale made a cut, and continued to drag his chin with both hands, not knowing what he was thinking, and smiles from time to time.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

When he came to Wang Yi, Song Changying asked.

"Nonsense, you don't know where to go for so long, do you still see me as a young master?"

Wang Yi said angrily.

"Isn't there something wrong with me? What do you want me to do, Master?"

Song Changying touched her brain and asked.

"It's not a big deal, you pick someone up, I guess someone will stop Jiang Changsheng on the way to Tianshan Group."

Wang Yi ordered.

Others don't know, but Jiang Changqing will definitely send someone to stop it!

Jiang Changqing will definitely know that Jiang Changsheng will come to him, so if he can solve Jiang Changsheng on the road, Jiang Changqing should be very happy.

"Master, it's not like..."

After Song Changying heard what Wang Yi said, she couldn't believe it.

After all, this is China, not the West.

If it's in the West, don't just send someone to make trouble, it is Wang Yi who said that Jiang Changqing intends to use the entire Evergreen Group to kill Jiang Changsheng and he believes it.

There seem to be few people who dare to mess around in China...

"Are you a young master or I am a young master, you just need to take someone to do it, and I don't know if I have enough manpower in China."

Wang Yi returned him angrily.

There are quite a few people in the Western Realm, including Ji Shi and Xidian, as well as the guard of his father's previous appointment.

It's different in China. Many of these people in China are ordinary people.

But what he needs to face next is Jiang Changqing's team of spiritual cultivators.

If you send ordinary people there, what is the difference between sending them to death...

"Master, don't worry, you don't have enough manpower in China, don't you still have Ye Hao? This is half of Ye Hao's site. There should be a lot of spiritual cultivators in his guard?"

Song Changying smiled facelessly and said.

"You bullshit you, Ye Hao's people are now in the West."

Wang Yi now really doubts whether Song Changying’s brain is broken.

Ye Hao's team was all pulled to the barrier of Ma Datou for defense, and it hasn't come back yet.

Not only did Ye Hao's team not come back, but Ye Hao was still in the West.

Why do you have to go to the West to get Ye Hao back first, and then let Ye Hao bring the team back?

After doing this, Jiang Changqing’s people don’t know how many times they have been tortured and killed...

"Uh, then we really don't seem to have much manpower."

Song Changying also understood.

"And me, I'm also a spiritual practitioner."

A soft voice came from behind, and the whale fell stepped forward.

"You can talk."

Wang Yi twitched his eyebrows and glanced at Whale Fall.

"Don't you know everything in that place?"

The whale spoke lightly.

In the past few days, she has learned a technique that can change her voice.

This simple thing has nothing to do with talent, as long as you learn it, you can learn it well.

"Then what did you lie to me before?"

Wang Yi said silently.

At that time, I said to myself that I couldn't speak, but Feng Zimei actually helped her to speak together!

He was now wondering what the relationship between the girl in front of him and Feng Zimei was, so that Feng Zimei could help her.

"I didn't learn the ability to change the voice before..."

The whale murmured in his heart. Of course it was impossible to tell Wang Yi this.

"Before I was worried that you would see me, so I didn't speak, how about it, is my voice nice?"

Whale Luo said softly.

"Oh, dare you be a little more nauseous, it's still awkward, with the same name as my sister, but it's a pity that I'm a thousand miles away from my sister."

Wang Yi retched.

Wearing a mask, you are afraid that you will see her?

What do you see, do you see the mask?


The whale was anxious, but couldn't find a reason to scold Wang Yi.

'Even sweet in his heart, Wang Yi said so, as if he did not scold himself.

"Why don't you speak anymore, what strength you are talking about, you actually say you can help? Fight this kind of thing, the girl should forget it."

Wang Yi looked at the whale falling with disdain.

Although the figure is indeed good, it really doesn't look like a spiritual practitioner.

"I! I'm Ningyuan's spiritual cultivator, isn't that better than you!"

The whale fell out of breath.

Even if it's an older brother, he can't say that about himself!

How does she feel like those people who were beaten by Wang Yi before? This feeling is like eating shit!

wrong!This feeling is more uncomfortable than eating shit, no wonder the people who were stunned by my brother before have that expression.

If she removes the mask from her face now, her expression is probably similar to those guys...

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