"Oh? You are actually a spiritual cultivator at Ningyuan, why didn't I see it?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows.

It seemed to him that he didn't know the woman in front of him anyway, pretending to be coercive in front of him, so he could manage?

"I am mad at you!"

The whale turned around and left in anger!I almost didn't hold back and bite Wang Yi...

"Master, awesome!"

Song Changying gave Wang Yi a thumbs up.

It was really crazy that even his sister was shocked, although Wang Yi didn't know that the girl in front of him was his sister.

But for Wang Yi's ability, Song Changying had to give Wang Yi a praise!


Two days later, Jiangdu Airport:

Wang Yi brought a group of people to the airport. The flights from the west to Jiangdu are really pitiful. It is estimated that Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhong should be on the same plane.

This picture, tut tut...

"Master, do you think the three of them will do it directly on the plane? That's fun."

Song Changying licked her lips.

His thoughts can be regarded as going with Wang Yi, and Wang Yi is also wondering whether those guys will just get on the plane.

"The ideas of the two of you really cooperate."

Feng Zimei whited the two for a day.

I don't know if Wang Yi broke Song Changying or Song Changying broke Wang Yi.

As long as these two people are together, there will be no peace, at least that's how it is.

"Master, are we here to pick up people?"

Tianlong shook his head helplessly, walked up and asked.

"You think too much, you can see where there is a suitable place to start from the airport to the Tianshan Group branch."

Wang Yi shook his head.

If Jiang Changsheng and Jiang Changhong were picked up directly at the airport, it would be detrimental to them.

At least when they go to the Dijiang Group, Jiang Changqing will definitely take this as an example.

"Yes, there is a tunnel. If it were me, I would definitely start there. There was no signal and no one there."

Tianlong speaks.

That tunnel is a useless tunnel. I believe that as long as it is a normal person, he would not choose to go there.

But he believed that Jiang Changsheng and the others would definitely go there!

"Um, let's go to that place and wait first. I'm just here to see if the flight is delayed. It doesn't seem to be delayed."

Wang Yi checked the time and then the list of flights, grinning.

"Damn! Master, did you go all the way for this?"

Song Changying called out immediately.

Even if it is so, then Wang Yi can't run away by himself, and he is still bringing so many people together?

"I like it, you control me and get in the car!"

Wang Yi replied irritably, turned around and got into the car directly.

"Awesome, bold!"

Song Changying gave a thumbs up to Wang Yi's back.

=Who is the eldest master, even if he is unhappy, what can be done...


Not long after Wang Yi and others left, the flight from the west to Jiangdu landed.

According to what Wang Yi thought, there was indeed nothing wrong. Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhong were on the same plane.

The three of them came out of the airport exit at the same time.

"Haha, third brother, you have to take this opportunity well, after all, this is the only chance you can return to the Dijiang Group!"

At the gate of the airport, Jiang Changqing laughed, and after the laugh, he got in to pick up his car.

"What should we do? Wang Yi doesn't seem to come to pick us up."

Jiang Changhong looked at Jiang Changsheng and asked.

Jiang Changqing's words are definitely not the truth, but this is not the West, and it is not easy to do it himself.

And it's still in a crowded place like the airport. If you do it yourself, the headlines tomorrow will probably mean you won't have to run.

"Wang Yi was right that he didn't come to pick us up."

Jiang Changsheng said.

"Huh? Your brain is flooded? Isn't it good if no one picks us up?"

Jiang Changhong looked at Jiang Changsheng speechlessly.

They're all here, it's still Wang Yi's site, Jiang Du!Where is Wang Yi's area under Wang Yi's jurisdiction?

He also said that after they got off the plane, they would go to Tianshan Group to find him. It is a problem for them to leave the airport now, is it possible?

"Did the sir hit it?"

Thinking of this just now, a taxi drove over and stopped in front of them.

"roll roll roll!"

Jiang Changhong opened his mouth and shouted out of anger.

"Are you sure you two won't get in the car? I am the Tianshan Group's special car!"

The person in the car said softly again.

"Let's go, go up, this is the car that Wang Yi got to pick us up."

Jiang Changsheng smiled and pushed Jiang Changhong in regardless of the three seven twenty one.

It was Honghe who was driving, and this was also arranged by Wang Yi. Although you might be suspected of sending someone to pick you up when you are a taxi, it is better to expose the handle to others directly.

"Fuck! Just drive this thing to pick us up, is Wang Yi so poor? I thought, I can kill him in China!"

Jiang Changhong spoke very upset.

"Stop calling, you are in danger. Master is waiting for us in the tunnel. There must be someone in the tunnel who wants to kill you."

Honghe drove the car and said lightly.

"I don't believe that since China is so big, there is only one way to go to your Tianshan Group!"

Jiang Changhong spoke out of anger.

"I found out how you got to Huaxia IQ but stayed in the West? Wang Yi is giving us a chance."

Jiang Changsheng cursed in an angry voice.

People Jiang Changqing worked so hard to get out of the game, but if you don't go there, you are too sorry for him.

And at this time, grab Jiang Changqing’s handle,

If you can make a living, when the time comes to see his father, if Jiang Changqing's plan is known by his father, it will be miserable.,

Obviously I knew that this was the four people arranged by my father to return to the Tianshan Group. He also had people come to assassinate the two of them.

"Yes, but can Wang Yi guarantee our safety? We didn't bring anyone here."

Jiang Changhong nodded and asked.

This is really because they didn't bring anyone, but the chairman of the Dijiang Group, that is, their father gave the order to die, not allowing them to bring anyone in the West.

If it is brought back, it will be solved directly for them!

If you say so, then of course you can't bring people back...

However, Jiangdu is Wang Yi's territory after all, and it is estimated that many of the staff belong to Wang Yi...

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