"In that case, you go, I won't keep you either."

Jiang Ditian sighed and said.


Jiang Changhong turned around and left without any hesitation.

After he was gone, Jiang Ditian set his sights on Jiang Changsheng.

"Changsheng, how about you? The crime you committed can be said to make you sure to die. Even if you are my son, I can't keep you!"

After Jiang Changhong left, Jiang Ditian's attitude towards Jiang Changsheng could be regarded as a threat.

As long as Jiang Changsheng does not agree, Jiang Ditian will kill him directly!

Jiang Ditian, who was irritated by Jiang Changhong just now, can do anything now.

"Father, I won't deal with Wang Yi. If you want to kill me, kill me."

After Jiang Changsheng finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.


Jiang Ditian sighed, looked at the top of his head, thinking, returning to twenty years ago...


"Ditian, what do you say our child's name is?"

Twenty years ago, Jiang Ditian was also the chairman of the Dijiang Group, but at this time, the Dijiang Group had not yet become the second force of the Tianshan Group.

Looking at the weak woman lying on the bed, Jiang Ditian sighed.

"Oh, I'm not good, you know the identity of my bloodline, and you will die in order to give birth."

From Jiang Ditian’s mouth, one can hear infinite heartache,

Because his physique is different from ordinary people, if ordinary people give birth to him, they will directly drain the vitality in the body and die.

In such a situation, only the Tianshan Group can be saved, but it takes a lot of effort to save such a person.

Although it is rumored that these ladies are still alive all the time, everyone in the Dijiang Group knows that all these people are dead.

He had four wives, none of them survived. In the end, he could only lie to his sons and say that their mother was still alive.

But as time goes by, they will sooner or later discover that this is a scam.

"Why, call him Changhong."

The weak woman lying on the bed spoke softly.

"Well, if you call him Changhong, then call him Changhong."

Jiang Ditian nodded.

He has the blood of the gods and beasts, and it is indeed fast to cultivate, but if there are advantages, there will definitely be disadvantages.

The price of practicing fast is that none of his women can survive, a sad tragedy happened again...

Although I have the foresight before, I still feel heartache after experiencing it again.

"I want to beg you for one thing."

The woman on the bed spoke again, looking at Jiang Ditian tenderly.

Without a trace of blood on his face, he couldn't live for long, and he couldn't even hold on for a day.

"Tianshan Group, damn Tianshan Group, if Tianshan Group is willing to give me medicinal materials, you don't have to die!"

But Jiang Ditian kept mumbling like he hadn't heard it.

"No need to do this. If you want to make people who are about to die come alive, even the Tianshan Group.

There is also a huge price to pay, and there is no need for others to make such sacrifices for you."

The woman on the bed comforted.


Jiang Ditian wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Although he didn't say anything, the Tianshan Group had already become a force he had to destroy.

The same was true in the previous two times. He had begged the Tianshan Group, but the Tianshan Group had no intention of helping him.

It's just that there are not enough medicinal materials...

"I said, if one day Changhong wants to leave the Dijiang Group, you can let him go.

Don't embarrass him, don't kill him, even if you abolish him, let him live."

The woman spoke, and a drop of glitter fell from the corner of her eyes.

Among the big forces like Dijiang Group, women can think of what Jiang Changhong will face in the future.

So he begged Jiang Ditian, if Jiang Changhong made a mistake, even if Jiang Changhong was leaving, don't hurt his life.

"I promise you, you have a good rest, I will go to Tianshan Group again."

Jiang Ditian nodded. At this time, no matter what the woman said, he would agree to it.

"No, you have been there more than once, and Tianshan Group said no, maybe it's really not there."

The woman shook her head. She already knew she couldn't survive.

Even if the Tianshan Group comes out with medicinal materials now, there is not enough time.

She just wanted to take another look at this man before she died again, this man who was the chairman of Dijiang Group...

"The recent medicinal materials of the Tianshan Group are indeed a lot less, but you shouldn't even be able to get this.

I have said that I can exchange a small half of the equity of Dijiang Group, but Tianshan Group still does not change it!Damn Tianshan Group!"

Jiang Ditian closed his eyes in pain.

He is not a fool, he knows that Tianshan Group has this medicinal material, but he doesn't want to pay such a huge price for him as a Dijiang Group.

But if the Tianshan Group does not help him, his woman must die...


The first tears brought Jiang Ditian back.

He opened his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him. All three of them were his sons.

They are all children without their mothers. It can be said that he is to blame for all this.

In front of these three people, he always showed a stern and fierce appearance, just to cover up his guilt for these three people.

"Come on, get him up for me and put him under house arrest for life!"

Jiang Ditian let out a roar, and several people walked in immediately.,

Jiang Ditian was indeed unable to kill Jiang Changsheng's things, but Jiang Ditian still did it under house arrest.

Now Jiang Changsheng is clearly in the gang with Wang Yi, if it is released, it will always be a hidden danger for the Dijiang Group.

"Father, I understand your approach. I don't need them to do it. I will do it myself."

Jiang Changsheng spoke lightly.

He came here today and helped Wang Yi do so many things, he never thought that he could leave safely.

Putting him under house arrest can be regarded as a favor from his father for his inaction.

After all, these things that he helped Wang Yi do are enough to make Emperor Jiang kill himself countless times!

"Father, the main person is Jiang Changhong, he has nothing to do with the fourth brother!"

Jiang Changqing also pretended to persuade him.,

"Shut up, when you sent someone to assassinate him, why didn't you think that he was your fourth brother?"

Jiang Ditian yelled, raging!Let Jiang Changqing dare not say anything!

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