I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 356: Jiang Changsheng's Wrath

On the island beach at this time.

As soon as Jiang Changhong came out, he ran into Wang Yi.

"Hey, did you come out like this?"

After Wang Yi saw Jiang Changhong, he thought that he hadn't met his father.

"Yeah, he didn't hit me."

Jiang Changhong nodded and said.

"It shouldn't be."

Wang Yi whispered, Jiang Ditian didn't even attack Jiang Changhong, which was beyond his expectation.

"If he wants to attack me, he has to see if he can do it."

Jiang Changhong whispered softly.

If Jiang Ditian had a little conscience, he would not be able to pass the test of his own mother.

"Where is Jiang Changsheng?"

Wang Yi asked.

"He's still inside."

Jiang Changhong answered.

"You are crazy, did you leave him alone?"

Wang Yi immediately felt bad.

"Any questions?"

Jiang Changhong didn't understand him and asked, if he has been released, will Jiang Changsheng still have trouble?

"You are a big idiot!"

Wang Yi gave Jiang Changhong an angry look.

People let you out, obviously they are going to attack Jiang Changsheng. It's impossible for them to do nothing, right?

"Even people outside of the Dijiang Group have come out. As a member of the Dijiang Group, Jiang Changsheng will have trouble?"

Jiang Changhong still said with some incomprehension.

"Because you are outside the Dijiang Group, you are fine."

Wang Yi took a deep breath and said.

Because Jiang Changhong is outside the Dijiang Group, no matter what he does, it will not be the turn of the Dijiang Group to control it.

Instead, it was Jiang Changsheng, who was still the son of the Dijiang Group.

What Jiang Changsheng did, Wang Yi knew very well in his heart that Jiang Ditian wanted to attack Jiang Changsheng. It can be said that it can't be simpler!

"Fuck, why didn't I think of it just now?"

Jiang Changhong also quickly realized.

"Hurry up and take me to find him!"

Wang Yi hurriedly spoke. If he was late, something really happened.

"Do you dare to find my father?"

Jiang Changhong glanced at Wang Yi, isn't this guy's brain flooded?With these few people in a small amount, I dared to find Jiang Ditian dignitaries.

"What? Do you want me to watch Jiang Changhong being imprisoned by your father or killed directly?"

Wang Yi spoke out of anger.

He had guessed it, even if Jiang Ditian killed Jiang Changsheng directly, but if Jiang Changsheng was to be imprisoned, Jiang Ditian could still do it.

"It's in the conference room not far ahead."

Jiang Changhong spoke, and after finishing speaking, Wang Yi immediately went over there without any hesitation.

Jiang Changhong was left alone, looking at Wang Yi's back.

"He actually went to trouble Jiang Ditian for longevity..."

For a while, Jiang Changhong didn't know what it was like.

Obviously Wang Yi could leave everything alone, but Wang Yi dared to face Jiang Ditian just for Jiang Changsheng.

Maybe if you changed someone else, they wouldn't do what Wang Yi did.

Wang Yi's doing so stimulated Jiang Changhong.

When it started, his views on Wang Yi also began to change. Wang Yi, this person, made Jiang Changhong incomprehensible, completely incomprehensible.


In the conference room, Jiang Changsheng sat there, as if waiting for something.

"What are you waiting for? Do you think someone will come to save you? Jiang Changhong won't be back."

Jiang Changqing sneered.

This result is what he really wants to see. Now his opponent is only a river.

"You don't need to worry about this. I have to wait, not Jiang Changhong."

Jiang Changsheng shook his head and sat on the spot, looking at his father with shining eyes.

"Father, if I leave today, you will no longer be my father in the future."

Hearing Jiang Changsheng's words, Jiang Di's eyes began to surge with infinite anger.

"What do you mean? You don't even recognize my father?"

"Hehe, father, when you were in the Dijiang Group before, you didn't give me any rights, did you?"

"That is, Jiang Changqing gave me some shares in his noble district in order to show that he is a good brother."

"Later, I was chased by Jiang Changqing. When I was in danger in the West, where was your so-called father?"

"Your mind is full of dealing with the Tianshan Group, and you don't even care about your son. In that case, what do I want this father to do."

"Anyway, it will be the same as nothing..."

When speaking of the last sentence, Jiang Changsheng's face clearly had a somewhat lonely look.

"Changsheng, you are accusing you of being the father?"

Jiang Ditian stood up and looked at Jiang Changsheng.

"I just don't want you to participate in the Dao Dijiang Group competition. Isn't it good to be an ordinary person honestly?"

This seemed to care about him, but Jiang Changsheng sneered.

"Father, I think you don't want me to practice too fast and disrupt your plan, because you know that one day I will surpass you.

Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhe are not sure of this, but I do, no wonder.

After I showed my talent for cultivation when I was a child, but you delayed let me practice. At that time, I already understood."

"You have worked so hard to turn me into a strategist, a loyal servant of yours, not a controller!"

Until now, Jiang Changsheng had not even passed the test of body tempering.

It's not that he doesn't have the talent for cultivation, but that he has no cultivation at all. To be precise, there is no way to cultivate.

Because of the blood relationship, if he wants to cultivate, he must obtain the cultivation technique from his father's hands.

But Jiang Ditian never meant to let him practice.

At first he didn't understand, but now he understands...

Compared with the other three brothers, his own seriousness with this father does not seem so important.

"You have to understand that it is impossible for you to hold a bowl of water flat."

Jiang Ditian spoke, what else he wanted to say.

"Even if a bowl of water is uneven, you shouldn't spill all the water on my side! You really are my good father!"

Jiang Changsheng couldn't bear it anymore, for so many years, so many years, he has never fallen out with Jiang Ditian.

It was because once he fell out with Jiang Ditian, he would at least face house arrest.

Only now, Jiang Changsheng couldn't help it.

A tool, in the eyes of his father, has always been just a tool, a tool used to deal with the Tianshan Group...

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