I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 357 He is my person, I want to take away

"Jiang Changsheng, you dare to speak to father like this!"

Jiang Changqing also stood up, walked to Jiang Changsheng, slapped Jiang Changsheng's face directly with a slap.

Regarding all this, Jiang Ditian just watched and didn't even stop it.

"Hehe, what? Jiang Changqing did what you wanted to do. You don't stop it, right?"

Jiang Changsheng's side face quickly became red and swollen, but he seemed to feel no pain, just looking at Jiang Ditian.

"Bring him down!"

Jiang Ditian scolded again, and when those people walked to Jiang Changsheng, they would take Jiang Changsheng away.

Jiang Changsheng didn't have any intention to resist, and the current resistance had no meaning anymore.

Just let these people take them away, it's not a bad idea...


At this moment, Wang Yi's voice suddenly rang.

Jiang Changsheng's pupils suddenly enlarged, and he began to roar wildly.

"Wang Yi! Get out of here! What are you doing here! Get out! You shouldn't be here!"

"To shut up!"

Before Jiang Changsheng could finish speaking, Jiang Changqing's slap was about to fall directly.


This time, Jiang Changqing’s slap did not fall, but Jiang Changqing was slapped and slapped.

"Hehe, my brother teaches my brother this kind of thing, once is enough, the second time, I can't stand it anymore."

Wang Yi smiled and stood in front of Jiang Changsheng.

"The chairman of Dijiang Group, it's polite."

Seeing Jiang Ditian who was not very beautiful, Wang Yi arched his hand towards him, instead of bowing.

"Wang Yi, you dare to come to this place, Jiang Changsheng, did you tell him the place?"

Jiang Changqing roared and got up from the ground.

"Shut up, why do you talk so much?"

Tianlong said angrily, and quickly came to Jiang Changqing, slapped again!


In front of the chairman of Dijiang Group, slap his son in the face!

Originally, Wang Yi thought Jiang Ditian would be angry, but Jiang Ditian actually laughed.

"The young master of the Tianshan Group is indeed a talented person, much better than my sons."

Wang Yi did not understand what he meant by this.

Please, I'm here for trouble, OK? Not only did you not act on me, but praised me instead?

"Of course, my father's genes are better than yours."

Wang Yi smiled and answered.

"Oh, is it so?"

Jiang Ditian sneered, his figure turned into lightning, and he arrived in front of Wang Yi almost instantly.

Even Wang Yi couldn't see him with open eyes, let alone how he came to him.


At the same time, an extra person appeared beside Wang Yi, and Yan Wushuang came to Wang Yi.

"I said, the chairman of the Dijiang Group, shouldn't he start with the juniors?"

"Yan Wushuang?"

After seeing Yan Wushuang, Jiang Ditian was taken aback for a moment, and then returned to the original place in an instant.

"Yan Wushuang, what do you want to do?"

Looking at Yan Wushuang, Jiang Ditian asked coldly.

"I don't want to do anything, it's you, what do you want to do, your dignified chairman of the Dijiang Group, isn't it justifiable to start with the younger generation?"

Yan Wushuang just smiled.

It seems that his appearance has scared Jiang Ditian. He is very satisfied with this effect...

"What are you going to mix with the matter between Tianshan Group and Dijiang Group?"

Jiang Ditian looked suspiciously at Yan Wushuang who suddenly appeared in front of him.

As the city lord of Wushuang City, Yan Wushuang suddenly reminded Jiang Ditian of a lot of things.

Could Wushuang City be united with Tianshan Group?Are you planning to deal with his Dijiang Group first?

But as far as he knows, aren't the old guys in Wushuang City the most unseen of Tianshan Group?

Since this is the case, how do you explain Yan Wushuang who appeared in front of you?

"Do you think Wushuang City can't cooperate with Tianshan Group? As long as it is beneficial, even if it is an enemy, it can become a friend. Don't you understand this truth?"

What Wang Yi didn't expect was that Yan Wushuang said this shamelessly.

"You are so fucking shameless."

Wang Yi leaned close to Yan Wushuang's ear and said softly.

"Nonsense, I can't beat him, can't I use the name of Tianshan Group to scare him?"

Yan Wushuang spoke.

I can't beat this guy, but can't I use the name of Tianshan Group to scare him to death?

"You're awesome, if my father knew you were so smart, you would be finished."

Wang Yi was helpless, he really dared to talk about this product, but he had already said it, and there was nothing to do.

"Tianshan Group and Wushuang City are mixed together?"

Jiang Ditian still asked in disbelief.

He still couldn't believe that Tianshan Group was mixed up with Wushuang City.

"What do you think?"

Yan Wushuang replied, his attitude seemed very bewildering.

Looking at him like this, it is inevitable that people wonder if Tianshan Group is really cooperating with Wushuang City.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Jiang Ditian didn't ask whether Tianshan Group was united with Wushuang City, and said, knowingly.

"He is my person, I want to take it away, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Wang Yi walked up and pointed towards Jiang Changsheng.

"Your man, he is now the fourth son of the Dijiang Group, how did he become your man?"

Jiang Ditian sneered.

"Then you can ask him and see if he says he is the son of the Dijiang Group or mine."

Wang Yi shrugged indifferently.

Do you still think Jiang Changsheng will stand with him?

"I just said that if I leave today, then I will no longer belong to the Dijiang Group.

Father, this is the last time I call your father. I am no longer a member of the Dijiang Group!"

Jiang Changsheng spoke with a firm tone.

"Then what about your equity in the Dijiang Group? Not anymore?"

Jiang Changqing asked.

"No more!"

Without waiting for Jiang Changsheng to speak, Wang Yi took the initiative to walk out.

Isn't it just an equity?If you don't want this thing, it doesn't matter, it won't be of much use anyway.

"You... the equity you worked so hard to get, are you shameless?"

But Jiang Changsheng didn't understand.

Having worked so hard to obtain such a large amount of equity in Dijiang Group, now Wang Yi actually says not to do it?

"Yeah, I don't want it, is there any problem? Isn't it just equity? Equity is more important than your life."

Wang Yi nodded. Money and people are always more important in Wang Yi's heart.

You can make money without money, but without people, you really have nothing...

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