I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 358 You Don't Dare To Do It

"Wang Yi, you're crazy, what I worked so hard to get out, you lost it with a word?"

Jiang Changsheng cried out immediately.

"You shut up, this thing do you think you left Dijiang Group, can it still belong to you?"

Wang Yi spoke in an angry voice. Now it is a problem for Jiang Ditian not to let them go. This guy is still concerned about these things.

"Damn! Isn't this fucking money?"

Jiang Changsheng roared, joking, he has so many equity in the noble district, these are all money!

"It's the money, but don't you think your life is more important than these things?"

Wang Yi continued to speak, Jiang Changsheng was speechless for a moment, and was speechless.

"Hehe, you two, in front of me, discuss the equity of my Dijiang Group. Is this when I don't exist?"

Jiang Ditian sneered.

These two guys are discussing his equity here in front of their own face. This is simply not giving him any face!

"I think, even if I want to take him away, you can't stop me today, right?"

Wang Yi smiled and said.

"is it?"

Jiang Ditian sneered and waved at those men, who immediately surrounded Wang Yi.

"Jiang Ditian, do you think I am afraid of you?"

Yan Wushuang snorted coldly. It seems that if you don't see a bit of Blood River Ditian today, you don't plan to give up!


Several bursts of sound rang out, and those people fell to the ground one by one, unconscious.

"I'm just fainting them now. If you continue to be arrogant, guess what will happen to your two sons?

I can't beat you, but if I kill your son, I can do it. Don't push me in a hurry!"

Yan Wushuang said coldly.

Before Yan Wushuang, Wang Yi gave Yan Wushuang a thumbs up.

It really deserves to be an experienced old world.

Directly threatened the two sons of this guy.

Yan Wushuang specializes in hidden weapons, although it is true that he can't beat Jiang Ditian.

But wanting to kill his two sons in front of Jiang Ditian is not difficult for Yan Wushuang.

"you dare!"

Jiang Ditian glared at Yan Wushuang.

This is the fucking site of the Dijiang Group. How could Jiang Ditian be threatened by others on his own site.

"I can not?"

Yan Wushuang continued to speak coldly, and the two flying knives in his hand were like shadows.

"Guess what, is my knife quick or your reaction quick?"

Suddenly Jiang Ditian stopped talking.

If Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhe weren't here, he would have fought.

But what he faced was Wushuang Yan, a master with hidden weapons.

In a fight, these two sons may not be able to keep them.

"Go away, don't let me see you again!"

Jiang Ditian took a deep breath, and finally could only choose to let Wang Yi and the others leave.

"Eh, that's right, let's go."

Wang Yi nodded, and without waiting for Jiang Changsheng to speak, he pulled Jiang Changsheng away.

"Father, just let them leave like this?"

Jiang Changqing shouted unwillingly.

"Shut up, if you want to die in his hands, I can do it now!"

Jiang Ditian was depressed at first, but now Jiang Changqing still voluntarily leaned forward to greet him, naturally it was Jiang Ditian's curse.


Seeing that Jiang Ditian seemed to be really angry, Jiang Changqing could only retreat obediently.

"Tianshan Group... Wushuang City, ha ha..."

Jiang Ditian watched Wang Yi take Jiang Changsheng away, his expression cold, his eyes kept emitting cold light.


On the beach outside the island:

"You really came back."

Seeing Wang Yi safely bring the people out, Jiang Changhong was not surprised.

At first, he was really worried about Wang Yi, but then he thought about it carefully. When did Wang Yi do things he was not sure about?

Thinking of this, he hardly worried anymore.

"Your father is so temperamental, he almost did it."

Wang Yi smiled and joked.

"Don't my father, he is not my father now."

Jiang Changhong answered.

"You two will go back to the Western Realm first. It is estimated that Qiantang is still alive now. The Western Realm will not be very peaceful. I will go back to the Western Realm to meet you soon. Be careful."

Wang Yi looked at the two and said.

"Well, you are also careful, you are now completely exposed to Jiang Ditian, maybe he will deal with you."

Jiang Changhong also nodded.

As for Jiang Changsheng, he turned his head and glanced at the direction he had just escaped from, his eyes a little strange.

"What? Do you still want to go back?"

Seeing him like this, Wang Yi also knew what he was thinking, walked up to him and joked.

"No, it's just a pity for my money."

Jiang Changsheng shook his head, looking depressed.,

"Fuck you, you're even more money-loving than I am, let's go.

After a while, Jiang Ditian realized that Tianshan Group had not cooperated with Wushuang City, and he would probably chase us to death."

Wang Yi said speechlessly, this guy actually likes money more than himself, he is a fan of money!

"It's not a question of not being wealthy or not, okay? By the way, people from Wushuang City, how did you get here, or is it the city lord of Wushuang City?"

Jiang Changhong took another look at Yan Wushuang and asked Wang Yi.

He originally thought that Tianshan Group and Wushuang City had cooperated, so Wang Yi could call Yan Wushuang to help.

Now it seems that it is not the same thing...

"You don't need to worry about this, Shanren has a clever plan."

Wang Yi smiled mysteriously and directly pushed the two aboard.

Having this time to wrestle here, it is better to run away quickly, Jiang Ditian was temporarily bluffed by him just now, it is hard to guarantee that he will react quickly.

"Let's go, I'll go the other way, lest I get caught by those old guys.

Don’t forget to give me the things I want. I will contact Feng Miaomiao and give her the things."

Before leaving, Yan Wushuang came to Wang Yi and said.

He didn't expect that it was so simple today and left directly.

It's also because of Jiang Changqing and the others being there just now, otherwise, he really can't beat Jiang Ditian.

"Don't worry, what I promised will never break my promise, it's just time..."

Wang Yi nodded.

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Yan Wushuang took the words immediately.

"I don't care. Within two months, I want to see things.

Can't you give me ten or eight years, ten or eight years later, whether Wushuang City is still a problem."

"Good good, two months!"

Wang Yi had no choice but to agree, who made Yan Wushuang show great efforts today...

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