"Xiaoyi, are you sure you want to continue, you have been knocked out now?"

Feng Zimei looked at Wang Yi who got up and asked.

"Eldest sister, you said...Will the whale fall on him and carry out the mission, will it be more dangerous than this."

Wang Yi lowered his head and spoke softly.


Feng Zimei's heart trembled and she couldn't speak. It turned out that... Wang Yi thought so.

Whale landing mission is indeed dangerous, at least more dangerous than Wang Yi was trained by himself.

"Whales are still taking risks outside to carry out missions, but I still live here comfortably. After three days of rest, it is almost enough. Whales is still waiting for me, go ahead!"

Wang Yi suddenly raised his head. This time, the divine light in Wang Yi's eyes was stronger than ever!

Feng Zimei nodded and started to move. Wang Yi rushed towards Feng Zimei again!


Feng Zimei looked at Wang Yi rushing towards her, and she couldn't help but explode.

This time, Wang Yi's speed was actually much faster than before!

And it's not just a little bit, this is an increase in speed that can be seen with the naked eye.


But this time, Wang Yi was still knocked out by Feng Zimei.

Wang Yi seemed to be prepared for being overturned this time. He supported the ground with his hands while he landed, but he did not fall to the ground.


Tianlong couldn't help but praised from the tree, Wang Yi didn't have such skill before.

"the second time!"

Song Changying ignored him, just counted silently.


Once again, Wang Yi was fanned by Feng Zimei. This time, Wang Yi didn't retreat much, but stopped immediately after a few mere steps.

This is not because Wang Yi has become more powerful, but the intensity of Feng Zimei's attack on Wang Yi has become lighter.

"Sister, you are not so good."

Wang Yi flushed his face and looked at Feng Zimei with a smile.

"My strength to beat you is indeed a little bit smaller, but my speed still won't change. Keep going."

Feng Zimei spoke slightly.

Continuing to fight with the intensity before, she was really worried that Wang Yi would be hit stupid directly.


The third slap, Wang Yi failed to pass...

"Look, although the speed of the young master is much faster now, it is not that simple to want to pass."

The dragon on the tree looked at Song Changying, as if he had already won.

"Do you believe in miracles?"

Song Changying did not answer him, but instead asked.

Just now he saw that Feng Zimei’s slap almost staggered from Wang Yi.

It was only at that moment that Feng Zimei adjusted the angle very cleverly before it could be worthy of hitting Wang Yi.

"Come on, I admit that the young master has perseverance, but it is still difficult to avoid it, okay."

Tianlong said in an angry voice.

"Then you just watch it."

Song Changying smiled, and continued to focus on the two facing each other on the playground.

"Sister, this time, I can pass..."

Standing in place, Wang Yi's eyes were extremely strong.

He discovered the law of Fengzimei, not that he could rush over by choosing one side.

Regardless of whether it is on the left or right, Feng Zimei can quickly come back.

But at the moment when Fengzimei returned to defense, there was a fleeting opportunity to pass through Fengzimei and come to the back of Fengzimei.

I only need to seize this momentary opportunity to pass Feng Zimei's side.

"Oh? Then you can give it a try."

Feng Zimei opened her mouth and made a move to stop Wang Yi.


Wang Yi's speed this time quickly caused a tremor in the air.

Quickly came to the front of Feng Zimei. At this time, Wang Yi was on the left of Feng Zimei. Seeing Wang Yi's appearance, he wanted to cross from the left of Feng Zimei.

Feng Zimei quickly reacted, slapped and slapped it in the direction it was about to arrive in case!

The change occurred at this moment, Wang Yi seemed to see through Feng Zimei's movements, and the speed at which he was advancing quickly slowed down for an instant!

Feng Zimei's slap had already gone out, and before he could take it back, he leaned forward slightly!

Supporting this time, Wang Yi speeded up again, from the other side of Feng Zimei to the back of Feng Zimei, he flicked a hand and shot...


Song Changying on the tree shouted with excitement.

Just now, Wang Yi's fake shot was really wonderful, and even Feng Zimei didn't react.

However, if you want to do this, you must know where Feng Zimei will attack last moment. If you guess wrong, the whole person will stop in place...

"I wiped it, Master actually did it. This is the fourth time, right?"

Tianlong was also stunned.

I thought he had already won, but Wang Yi's surprise in his hand made him unexpected.

Song Changying was right, Wang Yi would indeed surprise people.


Suddenly, Feng Zimei quickly turned around and slapped Wang Yi on the head.

"Smelly boy, you even lied to me, lied to me to take action, then paused, leaning forward with my body, there is no way to adjust, you just passed, right?"

Wang Yi almost fell to the ground with a stagger that Feng Zimei was afraid of. He turned around and looked at Feng Zimei.

"Sister, what you said, as long as you can pass, I am here? You can't help but count!"

Wang Yi looks very innocent. As long as he can win, he still cares what means he does?

"Forget it, even if you pass, if you continue anyway, I will still be seen through the action by you, and the results will be similar."

Feng Zimei waved her hand and didn't care about these things with Wang Yi.

As long as you see through it once, there will be a second, third, or even countless times.

As long as you see your own flaws and want to pass, there are 10,000 ways.

"Hey hey, give money!"

On the tree beside him, Song Changying stretched out a hand towards Tianlong.

"Fuck, you are so fast!"

Tianlong didn't expect Song Changying to start asking for money, and was so frightened that he almost fell from the tree.

This makes it as if he won't give him money, so anxious?

"Hey, what you said is wrong. Also, the young master just hid in the fourth slap, shouldn't you give more?"

Song Changying stretched out a finger and shook it in front of him.

I guessed that it would be possible to hide it for the fifth time, but Wang Yi unexpectedly came to a miracle and avoided it the fourth time.

In this case...there would be one more method to ask Tianlong for money.

If you think about it, it was originally the bet that I avoided it for the fifth time, but now I just avoided it the fourth time.

Then this money... shouldn't it be given more... just think about it and be happy.

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