"Give me money, hurry up!"

Song Changying continued to stretch out his hand towards Tianlong.

"Let's pull it down, so I won't give you money, am I like that kind of person?"

Tianlong cast Song Changying angrily.

"I think you are like this kind of person. If you don't give money, I'm not at ease."

Song Changying spoke, Tianlong was speechless for a moment.

"Wait, it is estimated that the young lady will soon conduct the second round of training for the young master, and we will bet again! I don't believe I still lose!"

Tianlong stared at Song Changying,

Grandma's, anyway, Feng Zimei will definitely continue the next round of devil training for Wang Yi.

The chance to gamble was that he didn't believe it anymore, he couldn't win Song Changying once.

"You are a gambler who is on the top, you can't do this, you will lose more then."

Song Changying smiled, as if it was for Tianlong's good, to persuade him.

"Shut up! Change you, you will come up too!"

Tianlong does not care.

Can't just let Song Changying take advantage of him?The scene just now was definitely an accident!

"Fine, you want to gamble, then gamble, you want to gamble, I don't necessarily play with you?"

Song Changying could only nod her head.

Anyway, Tianlong owed himself so much money, even if he continued to bet with him, he might not be able to win back all the money he owed him.

Besides, if you bet by yourself, you will definitely lose, right?"

For Wang Yi, he is still very confident.


"Sister, how should we train next?"

On the playground, Wang Yi looked at Feng Zimei and asked softly.

"Are you addicted to abuse?"

Feng Zimei was a little surprised.

She originally planned to give Wang Yi a little time to rest. After all, she had no mercy for the brutal beating just now.

"It's okay, I resist fabrication."

Wang Yi straightened his chest and patted his chest twice with his hands.

"Why didn't I find that you still have such a bit?"

Feng Zimei smiled.

Just now it was Wang Yi who said that he didn't want to cultivate, it was right, but now it is Wang Yi who is killing his life...

"If you want to, let's continue. The speed is good, but your practice is indeed a bit difficult. So next, I need you to maintain your practice in the extreme cold."

Feng Zimei thought for a while, then said.,

"What do you mean?"

Wang Yi still did not understand what Feng Zimei said.

"Simple, I will take you to the ice store. You practice your fire eye tactics in the ice store. This way, you can exercise your ability in extreme environments."

What Feng Zimei said is very simple.

But after Wang Yi heard it, his whole body trembled.

The ice store...

If you put yourself in this kind of place, it won't be long before you become a popsicle, right?

"It's okay, you don't need to worry, you can't stand it anymore, I will let you out."

Feng Zimei urged on the side again.


Wang Yi still looked at Feng Zimei in disbelief.

"Of course, I'm your elder sister, how can I still let you die in it?"

Fengzimei immediately looks like righteous words,

"Um. All right."

Wang Yi considered it for a long time, and chose to believe in the charm of wind and purple.

"The ice store is ready, but the temperature may not be so low. God knows you passed the first pass so quickly."

Seeing Wang Yi's promise, Feng Zimei nodded, but the following words made Wang Yi's face dark in an instant.

Feelings have to thank myself for passing this time quickly...


The ice bank of Tianshan Group Jiangdu Branch:

Looking at the huge ice store in front of him, Wang Yi took a breath.

Before the door of the ice store was opened, Wang Yi could guess the scene inside.

"What kind of stuff are in such a big ice store..."

"It's nothing, nothing more than some food and medicine. Some things can't be exposed for too long, so they are placed in the ice storage. But don't worry, I will arrange for you a separate room without these things. Ok?"

Feng Zimei smiled.


The corners of Wang Yi's mouth twitched wildly. Thank you so fucking...

"Go in, I won't go. By the way, there is no signal inside. If you can't hold on, use this."

Feng Zimei said, and handed Wang Yi something like a walkie-talkie.

In the ice storage, mobile phones have no signal, and only enhanced communication equipment can be used.


As soon as the ice storage door opened, the oncoming cold wind made Wang Yi almost ran away.

This has not yet entered, and the cold wind blowing out of it makes me unable to stand it. If you stay in it for a period of time, you must not freeze yourself into a fool...

"Go in, what are you waiting for?"

Feng Zimei urged Wang Yi to see that Wang Yi still did not move.

"Uh, can I go pee first?"

Wang Yi was persuaded in an instant. It was uncomfortable to go in or not to go in.

Don't go in, just now, in front of Feng Zimei, I have already installed all the forces.

But let's go in... it's hard to say what it's like to come out.

"No, get me in! You have to pee in it!"

Feng Zimei refused, and couldn't help but stuff Wang Yi in!

"Eh eh eh! I go in to pee, so cold, can you pee out?"

Wang Yi still wanted to resist. As soon as he spoke, the door was closed by Feng Zimei Peng!

"Damn it, it's cold..."

There is nothing around, the only thing that can be seen is the mist wandering in the entire space.

Not long after he entered, Wang Yi began to tremble all over.

It is estimated that the temperature in this ice store is at least 20 degrees below zero!Even lower!

"By the way, in the corner of the ice store, there is something that may help you."

At this moment, the walkie-talkie in Wang Yi's hand suddenly heard the voice of Feng Zimei.

But when Wang Yi wanted to respond, Feng Zimei cut off the walkie-talkie from the outside...


Wang Yi cursed fiercely, took a breath after the cursing, and the cold air ran through his body, shaking even more severely.

In this case, it's better to talk less, because the body has less calories, and if you continue to talk, you would like to be frozen into a fool.

When he walked to the corner of the ice storehouse, Wang Yi looked at a small wooden box in the corner of the ice storehouse. Wang Yi picked it up with a small pill inside.

Although he didn't know what the pill was for, Wang Yi picked it up and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The melted pills flowed into Wang Yi's belly. After taking the pills, Wang Yi immediately regretted it.

con man!Feng Zimei is a liar. After taking this pill, it will fill and cool the mouth first.

Immediately afterwards, a chill began to burst from the body!

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