"Worri, what is this!"

Facing the cold air in the ice storehouse, Wang Yi also needed to resist the cold air rising from his body.

The whole person became even colder for a while.

If someone touched Wang Yi's body now, he would find that Wang Yi's body was like a corpse, without any temperature.


Outside the ice store:

Song Changying and Tianlong came to Fengzimei.

"You two, what I saw just now was really cool"

Feng Zimei glanced back at Wang Yi, smiled and said,

"No, that's it."

Song Changying smiled and touched their heads.

"You two made a bet, right?"

Feng Zimei just glanced at it and saw the purpose of these two people here.

After a change of usual times, these two guys didn't know where they went.

When the two men ran over when training Wang Yi on their own, it must be a bet.

"Sure enough, I can't keep it from the eldest lady, the eldest lady has a torch in her eyes, we take it."

Song Changying nodded again and again, anyway, it was nothing shameful, and he would recognize it if he recognized it.

"I still don't know what you think, how about adding me, what are you betting on?"

Feng Zimei's words made Song Changying almost faint.

Feng Zimei took the wrong medicine today and actually gambled with them?

"Miss, I bet with him, I bet that the young master can stay in the ice store for an hour, if he can, even if he wins."

Tianlong said.

"Oh? Do you think Wang Yi can stay in there for an hour?"

Feng Zimei raised his eyebrows.

Others may not know it, but she still knows it. With the pill he gave Wang Yi, Wang Yi can stay in it for half an hour, even if it is the sky.


Seeing Feng Zimei's expression, Song Changying immediately realized that he seemed to be losing money.

"I gave him the Extreme Cold Pill, how long do you think he can hold on?"

Feng Zimei looked at the two and asked.

"Miss, are you going to let the young master die? Can this thing be given to the young master?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw an incredible light in each other's eyes.

Extreme Cold Pill can be a divine object to those who cultivate cold energy, but to Wang Yi, it is no less than a poison!

"I'm doing business, what do you two have to say?"

Feng Zimei asked faintly.

"No, it's just that, Young Master probably won't last long."

Song Changying shook her head quickly.

Feng Zimei does things, how dare he have any opinions.

It's just that I've been cultivating in the ice store, and I gave things like Wang Yi back. Isn't this a cheating?

"I don't think it's necessary. There is Extreme Cold Pill, maybe the young master will practice very quickly."

Tianlong thought for a while and said so.

What he saw was much more comprehensive than Song Changying.

Extremely cold, it is hot, and extremely hot, that is cold!

Song Changying couldn't understand the thoughts of Tianlong and Fengzimei at this moment, and could only look worriedly into the ice storehouse.

At this moment, Wang Yi was curled up in the corner in the ice storehouse, with the Fire Eye Jue technique operating in his body.

But Rao is like this, he still can't stand the blazing coolness coming from his body!

Wang Yi's lips could not have any bloody color at this time, and the whole person curled up in the corner and trembled constantly.

"Mom... damn, this... isn't this... pitting... pitting?"

The teeth in Wang Yi's mouth were fighting up and down, and the icy cold from his body seemed to freeze everything in his body!

When the Huoyan Jue worked, even though there would be warm current flowing through the body, in the face of such ice cold, that little heat was obviously not enough.

Looking at the walkie-talkie in his hand, Wang Yi's eyes flickered

If you let Feng Zimei get yourself out now, this person would be lost.

It's true that you and Feng Zimei said that you want to cultivate, you can't just surrender right after it has just started, right?

Helpless Wang Yi can only grit his teeth!

Even if he was frozen to death, he would not say that he couldn't bear to go out!

As time passed by, Wang Yi's breathing gradually became weak.

The trembling of the body also stopped. The only basis for confirming that Wang Yi was alive was that Wang Yi's chest was still slightly heaving.


Wang Yi suddenly took a deep breath and exhaled it vigorously. The white mist surged.

The original icy power in his body suddenly started to become hot at this moment!

It was like lighting a fireball inside him!Suddenly, the temperature in Wang Yi's area rose sharply!

Suddenly opened his eyes, in Wang Yi's eyes, it was as if flames were burning!

"I see, it turned out to be like this..."

Wang Yi stood up, the force of the extreme cold raging in his body, and at the moment when he was almost unable to bear it, the force of the extreme cold suddenly began to become hot.

Things must be reversed, maybe that's it...

Then the heat suddenly rose in his body, Wang Yi ran the Huoyan Jue, letting this heat wander in his body.,

The cold air in the ice storage gradually subsided under the imperial movement of Wang Yi's Fire Eye Jue.

The huge ice storehouse did not withstand the heat generated by Wang Yi alone!


On Wang Yi, a flame visible to the naked eye covered Wang Yi's whole body, wrapping Wang Yi's whole body!

The color of the flame is like a deep sea orchid, the surrounding cold air turns into hot air, flying in the ice storehouse.

At this moment, Wang Yi's strength had a steady impact!

Slowly spreading one hand, a flame jumped on his hand. In the center of the flame, Wang Yi could vaguely see a small ball.

That was something he had never made before.

This orb, as if it had life, leaped gently in the fireball.

"This is... Lingyuan."

Wang Yi looked at the fireball in his hand. The small round ball in the fireball was the so-called spiritual element for the cultivation of spiritual practitioners.

But now Wang Yi could only use the Huoyan Jue to spur him, and when his strength reached Ning Yuan, he did not need to use the Huoyan Jue.

Wang Yi's gaze fell on the gate of the ice warehouse.

While the light flickered, Wang Yi's gaze actually penetrated directly through the gate of the ice store, and saw the three Feng Zimei waiting outside.

The gate of the ice store is made of titanium alloy several meters thick!

With such a gate, Wang Yi's gaze still penetrated directly!

"Unexpectedly, the eyes are also much better."

Wang Yi smiled, bowed his head and sighed.

Now he feels the temperature in the ice storage room, it can't affect him at all.

As long as you activate the Huoyan Jue, the cold air in the ice store will seem to have encountered an enemy, and all will be scattered!

But Wang Yi was not in a hurry to go out. He wanted to see when the three people outside would be anxious.

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