"You mean, you are also looking for people, but you are looking for people to bring them back to me safely?"

Wang Yi's original heavy mental arithmetic was to let go a little.

On this matter, these guys still have no need to deceive.

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with you saying that. We really don't have any malice."

Wu Tian said, Wang Yi finally understood what he meant.

Now that you understand what you mean, you won't catch yourself anymore if you want to?

"Come on, catch me!"

But what he didn't expect was that Wang Yi directly called the guards and handcuffed him.

"You think I'm a second force, so you want to lie to me? Lie me out of the Isle of Kings, are you the fucking fool to be the whole world!"

Looking at Wu Tian who was handcuffed in front of him, Wang Yi directly cursed.

Just kidding?

Isn’t it just to save people that I came to the Isle of Kings with all my hardships?

Now that people have not been saved, these guys are still thinking about letting themselves leave the Isle of Kings first?!

This set of things can be used to deceive others. I want to use this to deceive Wang Yi into dreaming!

"No, adults, we really don't have any bad intentions, but what I said is true!"

Seeing that he was handcuffed, Wu Tian also panicked and spoke quickly.

"How do I trust you? I haven't contacted you before, have I? Why should I believe you?"

Wang Yi just smiled and asked.

"My lord, it's like this..."

Wu Tian told Wang Yi about the current situation of King Deception Island with confidence. After listening to this guy's words, Wang Yi fell into deep thought.

Looking at the look in this guy's eyes repeatedly, Wang Yi was still determining if this guy was lying to deceive himself.

"Master, I think what he said is true."

Tianlong walked to Wang Yi's side and said softly.

"Do you know it again?"

Wang Yi glanced at Tianlong and grinned at the corner of his mouth.

"Master, think about it, he has no reason to lie, does he?

If it's a big deal, let him go back, wait until you find Miss Jingluo, just bring Miss Jingluo back to us."

After Tianlong gave Wang Yi an explanation that he felt that Wu Tian did not lie, Wang Yi suddenly absolutely absolutely no need to lie.

Perhaps it was like what he had told himself just now, all of this was arranged by the Dijiang Group for Qin Xiaotian.

As for their King Island, it was only a piece of Dijiang Group from beginning to end.

"Well, I will let you go back today. I'll give you two days. You bring me the person I want, if you can't.

I will take it directly to Kill King Island, and I will not let it go, whether it is from King King Island or from Dijiang Group!"

Wang Yi spoke and motioned to the guards to let Wu Tian go.

There was no danger, Wu Tian took a breath, obediently, and almost stayed on this battleship forever.

But what should I say, if this battleship is directly approaching King Guilin Island, it is estimated that the entire island will be under the aim of the heavy artillery on the battleship!

Which of the Tianshan Group has the ability to directly destroy the Isle of Deception!

"Release the people, from now on, you can bring people back to me earlier, but later, I will find your trouble! Understand?"

Wang Yi stopped Wu Tian when Wu Tian was leaving, and Wu Tian trembled as he watched with cold eyes.

"I understand, don't worry, my lord, we must find someone to bring you back!"

Wu Tian nodded repeatedly.

He originally wanted to make an offer with Wang Yi, and after he found someone, let Wang Yi guarantee their safety.

Now it seems that this still guarantees a fart!

It is a great thing that he can leave this battleship alive!What kind of bicycle do I need a bicycle...

"Master, do you think what he said is true or false?"

After Wu Tian left, Song Changying and Tianlong came to Wang Yi and asked.

"I don't know, it's just a delay. Now the people from Tianjitang are also on the island immediately. Whether or not what he said is true, it is always good to buy some time for the people from Tianjitang."

Wang Yi shook his head.

He didn't completely believe in this guy at all, he had always believed in himself!

The people of Tianjitang are ready to board the Isle of Kings, and it will take a while for the people of Tianjitang to report back.

Just this time is used for the people of Tianjitang...

"By the way, young master, there is one thing we two want to know, who is the person sent by Tianjitang this time?"

Tianlong asked Wang Yi.

He knows a little bit about Tianjitang, so he also wants to know what perverted characters Tianjitang dispatched this time.

"I'm not very clear, I remember it seems to be Xu?"

Wang Yi seriously thought about it for a while, and found that he had no impression at all and gave up.

To put it bluntly, he was also a vice-master of the crooked door of Tianjitang. He didn't know how many people, how many strong people, and what strengths there were in Tianjitang.

The only thing he knew was that the people who came to Tianjitang this time were all Ningyuan masters!

"I said, Master, you, the deputy hall master, did not even know this."

Tianlong gave a wry smile. This may be the least-handed deputy hall master he has ever seen...

"Hey, what do you mean? Taunt me?"

Wang Yi immediately became unhappy.

After all, I haven't even seen the people in Tianjitang. Isn't it weird not to know these things?

"Don't dare, how dare I? Let's go on guard."

When Tianlong saw that the situation was not good, he shook his head quickly and left after speaking.

"This guy……"

Watching Tianlong walk away, Wang Yi muttered.

"Ye Tian, ​​come here."

Not long after Tianlong left, Wang Yi called Ye Tian.

Ye Tian came to Wang Yi and arched slightly.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

"Nonsense, didn't you tell me what to do? You should monitor Wu Tian, ​​who has just left, and send a few people to follow along."

Wang Yi spoke out of anger.

Let him come by myself, mainly to see Wu Tian's movements.

If it is really like what he said just now, just for reconciliation, then everything is easy to say.

But if you let yourself find out that he is a little bit wrong, he will be the first to die!


Ye Tian nodded, then turned and left after speaking.

The current position of the battleship was not far from King King Island. If it were to get closer, it should be within the scope of the people on King King Island to detect.

It is understandable to start laying out everything right here...

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