The Isle of King Deception is just a small island off the coast of China, but now, although the island looks calm, there are infinite storms surging in the dark.

Wang Yi's warship stopped on the sea no more than 20 kilometers away from the Island of King Deception.

As for the Island of King Deception, there are guards sent by Wang Yi, as well as a few people from the Tianjitang who don't know where they are now.

The two hidden Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhe have not yet appeared.

However, Wang Yi believed that these two guys were definitely on the Isle of Kings now, but they didn't know the location.

And everything is just like what Wang Yi said.

Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhe were also searching for the whereabouts of the whale fall on King Guilin Island.

The two came to the valley where the whale fell before and saw a line of words carved on the tree by the whale fell.

"Tsk tusk tusk, brother and sister love each other."

Jiang Changqing saw this line of words, and even licked his lips.

"Come on, this is a person trained by the Tianshan Group. Qin Xiaotian said that he is also a master of Ning Yuan."

Jiang Changhe reminded Jiang Changqing.

His eldest brother always thought his plan too perfect, and Wang Yi was agitated every time.

"I do things, but you still need you to teach me?"

Jiang Changqing looked back at Jiang Changhe.

When he left, Jiang Ditian had ordered that all plans were obeyed by him!

When is it Jiang Changhe's turn to point himself here?

"Hehe, how dare I teach you, my father said, everything listens to you, then I can only listen to you, my big brother?"

Jiang Changhe curled his lips, his words sounded a bit yin and yang.

His idea was to go directly to the West Realm to find Jiang Changsheng and the others trouble, but his big brother didn't think so.

Jiang Changqing insisted on setting the target on the whales, and even did not hesitate to waste time in the west to come here to find the whales.

"I don't understand. What if you catch that little girl? Do you think you can kill her?"

Jiang Changhe murmured, watching Jiang Changqing erase the lettering on the tree abruptly.

"Even if I can't kill this girl, I have to beat that bastard Wang Yi once, even once!"

Jiang Changqing gritted his teeth and spoke.

I have lost too much in Wang Yi's hands.

He just wants to win Wang Yi once, even if it is only once is enough!

"I don't understand you, just leave it to you, you need to find yourself slowly, I rested, and the people who did not order, I went to the battle myself, fake and diligent."

Jiang Changhe snorted, obviously not intending to accompany Jiang Changqing.

He Jiang Changqing has been searching for several days, and apart from the findings just now, there has been no other progress!

Jiang Changqing pretended to be positive and wanted to let Jiang Ditian see, so he could master the Dijiang Group early.

But this is what Jiang Changqing wants to do, it's nothing to do with Jiang Changhe!

Continue to search, it is estimated that Hehui has not made any progress as before, and it is useless to find it. It is better to find a place to sleep!

"Whatever you want, you don't want to find it with me, I don't stop you, but I remind you, be careful of your neck when you rest."

Jiang Changqing shrugged indifferently, and said this when Jiang Changhe turned around.


Hearing his voice, Jiang Changhe came to him in an instant, and directly picked up Jiang Changqing's collar with one hand.

"What do you mean by this? Is it possible that you still want to solve me here? Then you will become the only heir of the Dijiang Group?"

Looking at Jiang Changhe who was glaring at him, Jiang Changqing looked unconscious.

"I didn't say that, although I really wanted to do it, but I know if I really did it.

Father will not let me go, so don't worry, your head can stay on your neck for a while."

Jiang Changqing smiled and answered.

"Huh, you want to be the only heir like Wang Yi, you still think too much. As long as I'm still there, don't think about taking all the benefits by yourself!"

Jiang Changhe gave a cold snort, and finally chose to let go of Jiang Changqing.

Now that he and Jiang Changqing are fighting, he has no reason.

Moreover, now Wang Yi's warship is on the sea less than 20 kilometers away. At this time, infighting is obviously not a good time.

"Then what do you mean by this?"

Jiang Changhe continued to speak coldly.

"According to the news from my father, Wang Yi is now the deputy director of Tianjitang. It is estimated that there are people from Tianjitang on the island.

Do you think why I didn't go back, and when I went back, I was discovered by the people of Tianjitang and reported to Wang Yi?"

Jiang Changqing sneered and answered.

"What are you talking about? This is impossible!"

Jiang Changhe looked disbelief, this is impossible!

How old Wang Yi is, he can become the deputy director of Tianjitang!

If Wang Yi really becomes the deputy head of Tianjitang, then what will the two of them use to fight against Wang Yi!

The power of Tianjitang is not something that the two of them can fight against.

"How? Are you still thinking about going back now?"

Jiang Changqing continued smiling.

When Jiang Changqing said so, Jiang Changhe was speechless.

God knows what Wang Yi sent the Tianjitang people to the island to do.

Maybe it was an order to let the people of Tianjitang come to take his head... Maybe...

"Didn't you just be arrogant? Why are you speechless now?"

Jiang Changqing laughed loudly.

He knew that Jiang Changhe would have such an expression after learning that Wang Yi had become the deputy head of Tianjitang.

"Don't you worry?"

Jiang Changhe looked at Jiang Changqing, and Wang Yi was sitting on the masters of Tianjitang. Isn't Jiang Changqing worried?

"What am I worried about? Even if he has a lot of masters right now, it will be exposed in China at this time. Do you think it is a wise thing?"

Jiang Changqing didn't care.

Even if they wanted to kill them, it wasn't the mere master of Tianjitang that would dare to do it.

Now the Dijiang Group was left with their two sons, and if they died, the Dijiang Group could be said to have no successor.

The Tianshan Group also knows what kind of anger will erupt when the Dijiang Group has lost its heir.

"You mean, as long as we are together, the people from Tianjitang won't attack us?"

Jiang Changhe finally understood Jiang Changqing's words now.

If you leave alone, even if you kill one, there are still others who can be the heirs of the Dijiang Group.

But if the two of them are together, Tianshan will definitely not dare to attack them for a few days!

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