I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 375 The dead will not leak news

"You mean, you promised my brother to save me, and then told my brother not to attack you?"

Jingluo glanced at these people suspiciously, and asked with some suspicion.

"The eldest has no time. If the people of the Dijiang Group find something is wrong, it will be over!"

Xuan Wuyan hurriedly spoke.

I believe that Jiang Changqing will be able to discover what's wrong soon, and the distance from here to the center of King Guilty Island is not too far. If he doesn't go back for a long time, Jiang Changqing will be able to react quickly.

But what Xuan Wuyan didn't realize was that behind the team behind him, two people, the team that had quietly separated from each other, went in another direction...

"Okay, I'll go with you, where shall we go first?"

Whale Luo thought for a while before nodding.

Anyway, she is also injured now. If these guys want to, they can catch herself immediately, but these people didn't do it.

"Okay! Miss come with me, I have arranged a speedboat, and this will send you to the Tianshan Group battleship!"

Xuan Wuyan nodded and waved to let those hands go through the arrangements.


In the central villa on King Deception Island, Qin Xiaotian looked at the two Jiang Changqing who were brought back, and immediately walked up and knelt in front of them.

"I have seen two princes!"

"Get up, you have been undercover in the Tianshan Group for so long, and it is hard work. By the way, how much money have you been greedy for the Tianshan Group?"

Jiang Changqing waved his hand to let him get up.

"Not much, just five billion."

Qin Xiaotian spoke, and opened his mouth to say a huge sum of five billion yuan, which does not include the treasures he got from the Tianshan Group.

If those things are also counted, what he found in the Tianshan Group is estimated to be tens of billions!

"Good job, but I asked you to withdraw from the Tianshan Group. Don't tell my father. If my father asks about it, you just say that you were exposed in the Tianshan Group, understand?"

Jiang Changqing nodded and gave another order.


Qin Xiaotian asked incomprehensibly.

Lies in front of Jiang Ditian, that's a big inverse!

"If I ask you to say it, just say it. Anyway, you are what I called out. You can't let my father know."

Jiang Changqing spoke again, already a little impatient.

"Subordinates know."

Seeing Jiang Changqing's expression, Qin Xiaotian bowed and spoke.

"Okay, you can go."

Jiang Changqing nodded, and Qin Xiaotian turned around, still immersed in the doubts about why Jiang Changqing would not let himself tell Jiang Ditian these things.


With two consecutive bursts of sound, Qin Xiaotian stared at the boss, looking down at a dagger that had penetrated from his chest.

There was still a cold feeling on the dagger, Qin Xiaotian turned his head in disbelief and looked at Jiang Changqing behind him.

"Sometimes, if you want to keep a secret, dead people are the best, understand?"

Jiang Changqing just sneered.

He can even kill his own brother, and there is anyone he can't kill.

According to his father's order, he was to go to the West to deal with Jiang Changsheng and Jiang Changhong, instead of letting himself deal with Wang Yi.

But he still came here resolutely to find Wang Yi. It is estimated that if Jiang Ditian knew it, he might be furious.

"My son...you...he..."

Qin Xiaotian wanted to say something, but the blood rushing from his chest blocked his throat, making him unable to say anything.

"You are really my big brother, no matter who you are, you can do it. Will it be my turn next time?"

Jiang Changhe looked at all this with plain eyes.

Since his elder brother asked Qin Xiaotian to withdraw from the Tianshan Group, he thought that there would be such an appearance.

This can be regarded as what he expected...

"If you dare to tell this thing, I don't mind killing you now, so you'd better not tell it."

Jiang Changqing glanced at Jiang Changhe and said.


After speaking, he took out the dagger.

The blood-red dagger was pulled out of Qin Xiaotian's body, and it also carried a large piece of Qin Xiaotian's flesh!

"Hehe, this guy is unlucky, and he has become a master like you."

Jiang Changhe smiled coldly,

"Is there a problem with a master like me?"

Jiang Changqing wiped the blood on the dagger, and glanced at Qin Xiaotian who was already dead.

The dead would never start talking, and now he was waiting for Xuan Wuyan to bring people back, and then he would kill Xuan Wuyan.

"What do you plan to do with these people on King Island? With so many people, someone will leak the news, right?"

Jiang Changhe asked.

"These people, there is no need to continue to live."

Jiang Changqing spoke lightly.

"You are crazy, there are more than a thousand people, are you going to kill them all?"

Jiang Changhe was in a cold sweat.

This guy is too crazy!

There are a thousand people on the entire Island of King Deception. Can he kill them all?

"This doesn't require me to take action. Wang Yi will take action to help me get rid of the people from King Island. I only need to tie his sister."

Jiang Changqing spoke, with a confident appearance.

He also knew that Wang Yi's warship was docked in the open sea, waiting for Wang Yi to get rid of the people on King Strange Island, and then he would take action to get the whale down.

In this way, only Wang Yi knew that he was here!

"My lord, my lord is not good!"

Suddenly, two people broke in outside, the two who ran out of Xuan Wuyan's team.

But when he came in and saw Qin Xiaotian lying in a pool of blood, he barely turned around and ran out.

"Don't panic, he is united with the people of Tianshan Group, so I killed him."

Jiang Changqing didn't panic.

Anyway, Qin Xiaotian is already dead, why didn't he make the final decision with his own mouth?

"My lord, Xuan Wuyan intends to return the person to Tianshan Group!"

The two had no doubts, and hurriedly spoke.


Jiang Changqing stood up, Xuan Wuyan was actually instigated by Wang Yi?

Qin Xiaotian, a person who did not instigate a rebellion, was said to be instigating a rebellion in his own mouth, and Xuan Wuyan, who he thought did not instigate a rebellion, actually did it!

"Hurry up!"

Without saying anything, Jiang Changqing immediately stood up and hurried towards the place just now.

"The two princes are so anxious, where are they going?"

Just after leaving the door of the villa, in front of Jiang Changqing and the two, there were a few more people shrouded in black clothes.

Looking at the words "Tianji" embroidered on the chest by these people, Jiang Changqing gritted his teeth, and he saw the identity of these people at a glance!

"People from Tianjitang!"

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