"Two princes, you should continue to stay here. Let's take action. If you lose, your reputation will be bad."

Several people in Tianjitang sneered.

They have been crouching here for a long time, just waiting for the people of King Strange Island to bring the whale back, and then come to cut the beard.

But Jingluo didn't wait, but instead waited for Jiang Changqing and the others.

They heard everything that happened inside and what these people said.

So they only need to stop Jiang Changqing, and the whale will be able to return to Wang Yi safely.

"Wang Yi's arrangement was pretty good."

Jiang Changqing calmed down. At least all the people in front of him were in the same state as him.

If you fight, don’t say you can’t beat it, you can’t beat it!

"What our young master arranged is naturally good."

The people of Tianjitang stand in place, they will not let Jiang Changqing pass!

"Okay, it's a waste. After Wang Yi has left, everyone on King Deception Island will have to die!"

Jiang Changqing gritted his teeth, with blue veins on his forehead violently, intending to threaten these people with the Isle of Kings.

"The son is joking. What does King King Island have to do with our Tianshan Group? In the case, the people from King King Island helped Qin Xiaotian kidnap Miss Jingluo.

We should think about dealing with the Isle of Deception. Are you naive if you threaten us with our enemies?"

The people in Tianjitang didn't care.

Their mission is to find the Whale Landing. Now that the Whale Landing has been found, as long as Jiang Changqing is stopped, the Whale Landing can safely return to Wang Yi's side. Why not?


On the sea, Xuan Wuyan's speedboat had reached the side of Wang Yi's battleship.

No one stopped him, it went smoothly, even he himself didn't expect it to be so smooth.

After boarding the battleship, Xuan Wuyan did not let go of the whale falling for the first time, instead, he kept supporting the whale falling.

"Miss, this is a pill, which can help you recover."

Xuan Wuyan took out a pill and put it in Whale Luo's hands. Whale Luo took the pill and ate it after saying thank you.

Before the change, she would still be a little skeptical, and now on the battleship of the Tianshan Group, she has no doubts at all.

"Whale falling!"

Wang Yi rushed out of his room and came to Whale Landing. He looked at Whale Landing's frail appearance, with a heartache.


Whale Luo yelled, tears ran across the corner of her eyes, but when she wanted to run towards Wang Yi, Xuan Wuyan caught her!


A dagger appeared in Xuan Wuyan's hands and placed it on Jingluo's neck!

The sudden change shocked everyone!

All the guards rushed up and surrounded Xuan Wuyan.

Wang Yi stepped forward.

"What do you want to do? Do you dare to do it, do you still want your King of Cunning Island?"

"Master, there is no way I can do it. Even if you don't deal with King Cunning Island, King Cunning Island will definitely die. Therefore, I beg you to help me, Master."

Xuan Wuyan said helplessly.

There is really no way, otherwise he would not do it like this.

He held Whale Landing only to allow Wang Yi to take action to keep his King Island.

If Wang Yi didn't make a move, when he released the people back, there would be no survival in the entire Isle of Deception!

"Are you begging?! Let go!"

Tianlong also scolded.

Unexpectedly, after Xuan Wuyan brought people back, he would come out like this!


Song Changying quickly walked around behind Xuan Wuyan, looking at Xuan Wuyan, he was already ready to take action.

His speed is the fastest and the easiest to save people!

"It's useless, I've given the young lady the poison, if there is no antidote for me, the young lady will die soon.

I know that there are many medicinal materials in the Tianshan Group, but in a short time, it is impossible to deliver medicinal materials to you, right?"

Xuan Wuyan could perceive Song Changying's movement and reminded Wang Yi again.

"What do you want me to do?"

Wang Yi took a deep breath. He dared not gamble with his sister's life.

"The people who took us from King King Island to King King Island and buy me another small island by the way. With this condition, it should be no problem to exchange your sister's life, right?"

Xuan was speechless.

"Do you know, even if I did these things for you, what will happen to you when you let go?"

Wang Yi said coldly.

"I know that when the time comes, the young master wants to kill me or what, I will listen to the young master.

But these subordinates have followed me for so long, and sympathize with me, let them die, I can't do it!"

Xuan Wuyan continued to speak, lowering his head.

He is willing to take his own life in exchange for the lives of his men.

What is certain is that as long as he hands people over to Wang Yi, if Wang Yi doesn't help him, King Deception Island will be destroyed by the Dijiang Group!

The only one who can help him is Wang Yi!

So this plan was made after Wu Tian found Wang Yi and Wang Yi agreed to give him two days.

"My lord, let's not go! If you want to die, you have to die with the adults!"

At this time, a group of people on the Isle of Kings also boarded the battleship.

Although the number is not large, there are only a few hundred people, but the tone of these hundred people is the same, they are all going to die with Xuan Wuyan!

Ye Tian looked at this scene, his eyes burst into light.

Once upon a time, he was the same, being such a role in the team.

Seeing this picture again, Ye Tian's heart was inevitably a little excited.

Among other things, it is enough to make his subordinates so trustworthy and even willing to follow Xuan Wuyan to die, which is enough to explain Xuan Wuyan's behavior.

But all this could not be an excuse for him to help Xuan Wuyan.

Everything here must obey Wang Yi's orders. As long as Wang Yi doesn't give his life, none of them can help Wang Yi make decisions.

"What do you want me to do?"

Wang Yi asked.

"It's very simple, my subordinates, I hope you can settle down well, at least let them all live, as for me, let me go!"


With that said, Xuan Wuyan knelt directly towards Wang Yi!


At the moment Xuan Wuyan knelt down, the hundred people also knelt down towards Wang Yi!

"I beg you to spare our island owner, we are willing to pay off with our lives!"

The loud voices of a hundred people echoed above the sea, and the shaking sea surface slightly rippled.

Looking down at the hundred people, Wang Yi's heart was unavoidable, although he was not like Ye Tian, ​​who had experienced the baptism of the battlefield.

But he also understands how difficult it is to get his subordinates to do this, or all his subordinates to do this.

Return the vows to the soldiers, and the generals...

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