I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 378: One And One Billion

"Master, you are stealing someone from me."

Ye Hao laughed.

Although the welfare benefits of the Southern Region are good, there are obviously more things you can get by following Wang Yi.

"I didn't even think about robbing you, to figure out whether it's good or not, I'm passive."

Wang Yi said silently.

The conscience of heaven and earth, even if he wants to rob people, the objects he wants to rob are those who are strong spiritual practitioners.

Xuan Wuyan in front of him does not look like a very strong spiritual practitioner...

"Yes, yes, young master, you are passive, so what do you say? Accept it or not?"

Ye Tian looked at Wang Yi with interest. He wanted to know if Wang Yi had the heart to stop facing such a real man.

"You are going to the West with me now. It will be very dangerous. You first join the Southern Region. In the name of my personal guard, when you become stronger and your team becomes stronger, I will need you."

Wang Yi thought for a while, then said to Xuan Wuyan.

Faced with Wang Yi's remarks, Xuan Wuyan had no choice but to nod and agree.

After all, Wang Yi does not need him now, but fortunately, Wang Yi has not completely burned his hope.

After he gets mixed up in Nanda District, he can still return to Wang Yi.

"Master, what do you put in my southern area? This is to ask my southern area to cultivate talents for you, and then dig them away when your people get better."

Ye Tian gave a wry smile.

It's almost... Wang Yi's idea is simply inappropriate.

"I haven't asked you for money yet? I put my people in Nanda District to do things for you in Nanda District. If Nanda District doesn't give me a little sign, then forget it, and even say that?"

Wang Yi grinned, and after speaking, he looked at the whale falling softly.

Jingluo also looked at Wang Yi at this time, their eyes facing each other, very gentle...


On a yacht off Huaxia:

"Damn! I've been toyed with by Wang Yi again!"

Jiang Changqing sat on the yacht, slapped him on the table in front of him, and the table broke instantly!

"Be more tempered and overturn the boat, we don't need to go back."

Jiang Changhe said angrily.

My eldest brother always thinks of confronting Wang Yi every time, but every time there is no good fruit.

Except for a little advantage when I first met Wang Yi, since then, my elder brother has not been able to take advantage of Wang Yi's hands!

"you shut up!"

Jiang Changqing scolded angrily. Now that he was already irritable, how could Jiang Changhe even mock himself?

"Let's go to the West, and dealing with Jiang Changsheng and the others is much easier than dealing with Wang Yi."

Jiang Changhe spoke and laughed.

For both Jiang Changhong, they both knew the details of those two people, and those two people had completely lost support.

To deal with it is much simpler than Wang Yi.

"I mobilized my father's personal guard to go to the West, this time, before Wang Yi, I caught those two guys!"

Jiang Changqing nodded and spoke.

"You said you, if you don't come here, go straight to arrest people, and now you have arrested..."

Jiang Changhe spoke silently.

Originally, it was done by directly mobilizing people to go to the West, but in the end, he had to make a trip like this.

At that time, if you were going to the Western Territory, instead of this King Island, everyone would have been caught!

"You shut up, you close your stinky mouth when you don't let you talk!"

Jiang Changqing yelled again.

"Well, everything is up to you. Father said that. What else can I say?"

Jiang Changhe held the back of his head with both hands, and took a comfortable posture to rest in the cabin, leaving Jiang Changqing alone on the top of the boat depressed.


Tianshan Group Jiangdu Branch:

Two days later, Wang Yi returned here with the whale.

The recovery speed of the whale fell completely surprised Wang Yi. In just two days, the whale fell almost recovered!

"Brother, where are we going next, my task is complete!"

The whale hopped to Wang Yi's room and looked at Wang Yi with big eyes.

"Next, next we are going to the West. It is estimated that Jiang Changqing and the two of them will also go there."

Wang Yi smiled and said.

"By the way, I have a surprise for my brother."

Whale Luo took out an envelope from his arms and placed it in front of Wang Yi with a mysterious face.

"What? You mysteriously."

Picking up the envelope, there was no weight. Wang Yi opened the envelope in no hurry, and asked the whale first.

"Guess, you guessed it, I'll tell you the bank card inside!"

Jingluo showed a grimace at Wang Yi, and the child had a bad temper!


The corners of Wang Yi's mouth twitched frantically. This seems to have told himself already?

If you don't know what's inside, don't you become a fool?

"I don't want your money, it feels like you are supporting me... I am richer than you."

After knowing what was inside, Wang Yi immediately returned the thing to Whale Fall, which he couldn't ask for.

If you take something from the whale, isn't it just eating whale's soft rice?

Do you look like someone who eats soft rice?

"Brother! How much money do you have!"

What Wang Yi didn't expect was that Jingluo looked at him directly with his hands on his hips.

"Me? It's about seven or eight billion."

Wang Yi thought for a while, and if he counted the money he had been unblocked by Feng Duyun, he did have a lot.

"Hahaha, brother, you don't have as much as me! I have a full 11 billion!"

The whale fell immediately and laughed.

Wang Yi almost didn't get scared by the whale.

"how much do you have?"

"One hundred and one billion."

With big eyes flashing, Jingluo looked at Wang Yi with a puzzled face, as if he didn't understand why Wang Yi had such an expression.

"Hey, are you kidding? You have 11 billion?"

Wang Yi took a deep breath, rich woman!

But why does Whale Fall have so much money?Could it be that the son of which super group took a fancy to Whale Luo and gave Whale Luo the bride price?

"This is my mission. In the last mission, Tianshan Group gave me all the money that Qin Xiaotian searched for Tianshan Group.

I was rewarded with a total of more than 10 billion, plus my previous ones, so it's 11 billion."

Whale said, and gave Wang Yi the calculation.

Wang Yi held the bank card that Jingluo handed him with trembling hands.

Ma... there are 11 billion in it!A huge sum of money, I have never seen so much money in my life, right?

He hasn't earned 11 billion, and he actually let the whale fall ahead...

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