"Fuck it, why didn't Wang Yi really plan to leave us in the West before he came to the West?"

Jiang Changhong sat on the sofa bored in the mouth of the horse head in the west.

"No, Wang Yi would not do this. He stayed in China, maybe something happened."

Jiang Changsheng comforted.

"But it's also strange. Not only Wang Yi didn't come, but Jiang Changqing didn't come. I don't understand what this means."

Speaking of Wang Yi, Jiang Changsheng seemed to have thought of something and continued to speak.

"Hi, what do you care about that?"

Jiang Changhong waved his hand.

The people who don't care about protecting themselves come, but they care about the presence of the people who want to kill them. What is the idea?

"I didn't mean that. I think that maybe Wang Yi didn't come, maybe it was in Huaxia and Jiang Changqing that they did it."

Jiang Changsheng shook his head and said.

"Do you think that Wang Yi will suffer? I tell you, anyone can suffer, but Wang Yi is unlikely to suffer!"

Jiang Changhong spoke again.

"Two, I think you seem to be very leisurely."

Seeing these two guys so leisurely, Ye Hao walked over.

The two didn't know what Wang Yi was doing in China, but he did. His guard was handed over to Wang Yi to manage.

I don’t know how Wang Yi is now...

"You said when will Wang Yi come to the West, if he is not in the West, it would be less fun."

Jiang Changhong spoke, his face looked bored.

"I feel that such a leisurely life is good, at least there is no need to enjoy war."

Jiang Changhong sighed and said.

There are not many opportunities to cherish this kind of time. It is estimated that soon, a huge wave will be set off in the West.

"By the way, let me tell you a piece of news. Now Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhe are getting closer to the west, you can figure it out."

Ye Hao came to the two of them and said something more.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Jiang Changhong suddenly became nervous. He was still very leisurely without knowing the news of Jiang Changqing.

Suddenly hearing news from Jiang Changqing made him nervous.

"What I said is true, Wang Yi told me these, and Wang Yi also said that Jiang Changqing intends to arrest you two directly this time, so that you two should not go anywhere in the grommet."

Ye Hao said.

Now the Tianshan Group branch has sent people over, and I don’t know where Jiang Changqing is.

In such a situation, if Jiang Changhong and the others move, it is better to let the Tianshan Group take the initiative to come over.

"I know he will come to arrest us. What I care about is when Wang Yi will come to the West."

Jiang Changhong asked Ye Hao.

"I don't know this. Anyway, you just stay inside the grommet and don't go anywhere."

Ye Hao shook his head.

This was the case when he received Wang Yi's order. He still wanted to know when Wang Yi would come to the West, but Wang Yi didn't say what he could do.

"Uh, it doesn't matter, since I have been here for so long anyway, it's not impossible to just stay inside."

Jiang Changhong seemed indifferent.

He didn't even manage his own group, and directly let his people merge into the Tianshan Group.

Those of him are just ordinary people, and it is useless to keep them. Is it possible to expect those guys to protect themselves from Jiang Changqing?

"It's a pity that Wang Yi is not here, otherwise you can take the initiative, and you can catch both of them first."

Jiang Changsheng spoke leisurely, looking very sorry.

What he didn't know was that his thoughts and Wang Yi's thoughts coincided with each other. Wang Yi was in the West now!

Moreover, Wang Yi's location happened to be where Jiang Changqing and the others had to pass.


"Master, let's just nest here and wait, can we really wait for someone?"

In a piece of yellow sand, Song Changying came to Wang Yi and asked.

"Don't worry, we can definitely be there. This is the road Jiang Changqing must pass. Didn't he block me last time? Let him have a taste this time."

The corner of Wang Yi's mouth grinned, and a frightening smile appeared.

"Master, you really have a black belly."

Song Changying shrank his neck, and the four of them dared to stop Jiang Changqing, and Wang Yi was very courageous.

"Brother, there is movement ahead."

Suddenly, Whale Landing spoke, and Wang Yi looked in the direction Whale Landing was pointing, but saw nothing but a piece of yellow sand.


Wang Yi spoke, and glanced at the whale falling strangely.

My own eyes didn't see it. How did the whale fall see it?

"My people told me. Dad sent someone to protect me. After the accident last time, he sent someone to protect me."

Whale Luo spoke softly.

"Who is it? Twelve guards?"

Before Wang Yi posted a message, Song Changying and the two got together.

"can not say."

The whale spit out his little pink tongue, showing a grimace.

"Brother, the person you want to wait for is ten kilometers away, but they have stopped now and don't know what they are doing."


Wang Yi felt something was wrong, there was still a full ten kilometers away, so what did he stop doing.

He is now at the boundary of the Western Realm. Ten kilometers away, he hasn't entered the boundary of the Western Realm yet, right?

Even if you want to rest, you have to enter the Western Realm to rest. Stopping at that place, Jiang Changqing's brain is flooded?

"Their car broke down."

It didn't take long for Whale Landing to speak again.

"Oh? Broke down?"

Wang Yi immediately became excited, and licked his lips.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

Tianlong looked at Wang Yi and asked.

Every time Wang Yi showed such an expression, it meant that something would happen.

"You said, would Jiang Changqing let people from the Evergreen Group pick him up?"

Wang Yi gave a smirk, looked at the crowd and asked.

"That's for sure, his car is broken... Wait, master, you don't want..."

Song Changying immediately replied yes to Wang Yi, half-talking, suddenly stopped, and then stared at Wang Yi incredulously.

"You know what I want to do, right?"

Wang Yi gave a smirk.This car broke down, it was too timely!

If Jiang Changqing's car is not broken, he really doesn't know how to deal with Jiang Changqing.

Now I have a huge opportunity in front of me. If the car suddenly explodes in the middle of driving, how wonderful it would be...

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