I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 380 Car Repair Part-time Acting

"Master, don't you want to put explosives on these guys' cars?"

Tianlong asked.

"Of course not, why do you think this way? How can this be done."

Wang Yi quickly refused.

"Then what do you mean?"

Song Changying also asked.

Since it is not to plant explosives, how to make their car explode.

"Shanren has a clever plan."

Wang Yi showed a mysterious smile. Even if Jiang Changqing couldn't be blown up, he would cry for his father and mother!


Sure enough, according to what Jingluo said, a car soon drove out from inside the west.


Seeing this car, Wang Yi's eyes sank.

This is the car I am looking for!

"Chang Ying, stop their car."

Wang Yi looked at Song Changying and spoke.

Song Changying nodded, a small stone suddenly appeared in his hand, and shot out in the direction of the car!

An ordinary pebble, in Song Changying's hands, seemed to have the power of a bullet, and the tire of that car had a puncture at a few hundred meters!

The vehicle glided abruptly for a certain distance. If it wasn't for the people in the car to control it well, it might have overturned directly.

After the vehicle stopped, Wang Yi immediately got up and walked over there.

To be safe, Wang Yi also put on a mask. God knows if the person who came to pick up Jiang Changqing this time will know him.

Walking to the front of the vehicle, Wang Yi coughed.

"Ahem, your car has a flat tire. Let's change the spare tire."

"who are you?"

A person got off the car, looked at Wang Yi, and asked.

"Me? I just passed by and just saw your car broke down, just a reminder."

Wang Yi said hoarsely.

"Change the spare tire, I won't, it's broken, I have to pick someone up."

This person in the Evergreen Group suddenly became anxious.

He still had to rush to pick up Jiang Changqing, but this kind of thing happened. If Jiang Changqing knew about it, he would have his own good fruit.

"Why don't I help you, but you have to pay."

Wang Yi hesitated, pretending to be embarrassed.

"it is good!"

People in this Evergreen Group agreed directly without even thinking about it.

Wang Yi nodded, his goal was achieved, this guy was anxious to pick up Jiang Changqing, and he really didn't care about his identity.

As a taxi driver before, Wang Yi still had the ability to change tires. Not to mention changing tires, even if the car had a little problem, Wang Yi could solve it by himself.

Wang Yi wandered around the car and quickly found the location of the fuel tank.

"turn on."

Wang Yi said to the man.

"What do you want to open the gas tank for?"

This person from the Evergreen Group immediately became cautious, didn't he change the tires?What do you do when you open the fuel tank?

"Nonsense, you see that the screws on your tires are rusty. Wouldn't it be better for me to clean them with gasoline?"

Wang Yi glared at him.

"If you fucking repair the car or not, if you don't repair it, I will go!"

After speaking, he acted as if he was leaving.

Seeing that Wang Yi was about to leave, the members of the Evergreen Group immediately grabbed Wang Yi.

"If you can't tell it, you're over. I'll drive it for you."

With that, he walked to the driving position and opened the fuel tank.


When the lid of the fuel tank was opened, Wang Yi licked his lips, smelled the scent of petrol wafting out of it, gave a smirk, and put his hand on it.

A gleam of light followed Wang Yi's hand into the fuel tank, and soon disappeared.

All of this happens inside the vehicle, and outsiders can't see anything at all.

After finding out the spare tire replacement tool from the trunk and putting on the spare tire for this Changqing Group person, Wang Yi clapped his hands.

"It's done, give me the money."

"How much do you want?"

When the people from the Evergreen Group saw the tires were replaced, their eyes were not right.

"It's not too much to ask you for five thousand yuan. It's not easy to find a car repairer in such a place."

Wang Yi took it for granted and reached out to this guy for money.

"Do you want money? Do you want bullets?"

This Evergreen Group sneered, took a pistol from his arms and pointed it at Wang Yi...

"Fuck! Big brother, don't! Big brother, I was wrong! Can't I do if I don't need money?"

Wang Yi immediately made a look of horror.

It seemed that he was very satisfied with his deterrence, and the guy from the Evergreen Group nodded in satisfaction.

"get out!"

After hearing this sentence, Wang Yi immediately ran away, and he fell a few times on the road, which made the guy laugh.


It’s not just this guy from the Evergreen Group who laughed. Tianlong and Song Changying on the hill not far away were also laughing.

"Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous, it's a pity that Master didn't go to act, hahaha, hey, my stomach hurts."

Song Changying clutched her belly and laughed wildly. Seeing his appearance, people didn't doubt whether he would laugh.

"Yes, the young master pretends too much, especially in the final wrestling, it's so awesome!"

Tianlong also nodded, and the corner of his mouth couldn't hide his smile.

Only the whale fell on the side and did not smile. She knew that perhaps her brother had spent time in Linjiang before.

When she thinks of this, she just feels distressed, without any intention to laugh.

Soon, Wang Yi returned to several people and spit.

"Grandma's, take a mouthful of sand! Pooh! Pooh!"

"Master really wronged you, let you do this kind of thing, hahaha."

Song Changying couldn't help laughing again when he saw Wang Yi's gray head and face.

"Shut up, laugh again, I will tear your mouth to you!"

Wang Yi slapped Song Changying on the head.

If this guy doesn't know how to repair cars, would he go by himself?

But the performance just now, tusk tusk, is very exciting when I think of it. If I am an actor, I can also be a actor!

"Brother, what did you do just now?"

Jingluo walked up to Wang Yi and asked. What she was more curious about was what Wang Yi did when opening the fuel tank.

"check it out."

Wang Yi smiled, spread his hands, and a flame appeared.

"what is this?"

The two Tianlong stopped smiling, and asked.

"I left a fire in his fuel tank. I can control the temperature of the fire. After Jiang Changqing gets in the car, I will let the temperature of the fire reach the point of gasoline. If it doesn't blow up, he will also burn him!"

Wang Yi answered.

Since reaching the realm of fixed interest, these things have been a piece of cake for him, as simple as eating..

It is estimated that Jiang Changqing would never have thought that one day he could be blown up by his own people in his own car!

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