Back at the mouth of Ma Datou, Wang Yi could be regarded as welcoming a welcoming ceremony.

These guys directly turned all the explosives in the plug into fireworks, and there was a firework show.

"It's really idle and nothing to do."

Sitting on the banquet hall, Wang Yi lowered his head, saying that it was a welcome ceremony for himself, but it was actually a carnival of these guys.

This welcoming ceremony, I don’t know how much money it will cost, but it’s all his Wang Yi’s money. It hurts to think about it...

"By the way, Wang Yi, I heard Song Changying say that you severely rectified Jiang Changqing on the way?"

Jiang Changhong approached Wang Yi and asked.

"Yes, it's a pity that he didn't kill him directly."

Wang Yi nodded, and now he thinks it's okay, even if the defensive ability of the car is a little bit worse, he just blows up the car.

It's just a pity that I couldn't blow up the car directly.

"You can do it, what else do you want? It might not be possible to change someone else."

Jiang Changsheng came up, seeming to comfort Wang Yi.

"I think you two have a good life here, so I didn't think about gathering power or something.

You are in the West, Jiang Changqing wants to kill you, don't you two fools know?"

Wang Yi glanced at these two guys.

It's been a long time since I saw each other, these two guys are fatter!

I worked hard in China, but these two goods enjoyed their lives in the West.

"Hey, we are not doing nothing. We collected the news of Qiantang, and now Qiantang has gathered Zhang Tuo's influence.

And it's still expanding. Now half of the West has been controlled by Qiantang, and it is estimated that it will spread to us soon."

Jiang Changhong immediately argued.

"Since you know everything, why not prepare?"

Wang Yi asked.

"Fuck, how do you prepare for this? How can we deal with Qiantang if you don't come back? There are tens of thousands of people under Qiantang now! That person can fill us to death!"

Jiang Changhong cried again.

Originally, Qiantang's team was huge, but this time adding Zhang Tuo's team, this western coalition with tens of thousands of people, isn't it running sideways on the western border?!

"Then, in the name of Tianshan Group, also gather a group of people."

Wang Yi spoke indifferently, because the western border was so vast, there were forces and people that Qiantang didn't get.

"It's too late. Evergreen Group has already done this. Evergreen Group now owns a quarter of the land in the West, and Tianshan Group has about the same amount. As for Qiantang, it's half."

Jiang Changhong shook his head.

Without waiting for Wang Yi to gather forces, the Evergreen Group had already taken action. After all, the Dijiang Group behind the Evergreen Group personally came forward to create momentum for him.

You, a young master of the Tianshan Group, do you still fight with others?

"go on."

Wang Yi was speechless and motioned to Jiang Changhong to continue.

"Currently, the combat power in the West is almost 100,000, and Qiantang has about 50,000 in his hands. As for the Evergreen Group, it is almost 20,000.

Tianshan Group 10,000 yuan, this is still full of plans, there are still 20,000 yuan still waiting."

Jiang Changhong opened his mouth and explained to Wang Yi the current situation in the West.

"How come there are only 100,000 people?"

Wang Yi frowned and asked.

Taking a frenzied place like the Western Territory, the combat power will definitely not be only one hundred thousand talents!

"You don't understand. When fighting, these 100,000 people are considered regular.

As for those weird people like Ji Shi and Xidian, don't count on them."

Jiang Changhong spread his hands. There are many monsters and ghosts in the Western Realm, but how many of those guys will give you their lives?

"But we can fight for people in the ghost market. The size of the ghost market is something we didn't expect before.

A rough estimate is that the combat power in the ghost market now is at least 50,000 people. As long as these people can be obtained, Qiantang will not be afraid."

Jiang Changsheng took the words of Jiang Changhong and spoke.

"You still work."

Wang Yi nodded and praised Jiang Changsheng.

This guy Jiang Changhong would only report bad information to himself, and it would have no substantive effect.

Want to come or Jiang Changsheng knows how to solve the current dilemma.

"Now the West is divided into three major alliances, the Evergreen Alliance, and the Qiantang Western Lord Alliance.

There is also your weakest Tianshan Alliance, saying it is an alliance, it is better to say that your Tianshan Alliance is all your own."

Jiang Changsheng said, and finally, he looked at Wang Yi with a melancholy expression in his eyes.

"I know why Ye Hao didn't dare to bring the team to the West."

Wang Yi gave a wry smile and quickly broke the subject.

It is estimated that Ye Hao also has a team of tens of thousands of people, but he dare not put all the team in the West, and it is estimated that he was also shocked by these chaotic teams in the West.

"Don't break the subject, we have to unite some people now, otherwise you can't even beat the Evergreen League based on the current situation.

Although you occupy a lot of land, it is of no use. If no one is guarding it, you will become a polished commander in a day."

Jiang Changsheng spoke and pulled Wang Yi back.

"Want to be so exaggerated, one day?"

Wang Yi's whole person is not good, so he can make himself a bachelor in one day, so I dare not brag like that!

"I'm serious. Look at this. Your stronghold is surrounded by Qiantang and Jiang Changqing. As long as one party moves, the other party will move.

At that time you will be the first target, after all, you are the one who rests between the two of them."

As Jiang Changsheng said, he took out the map and marked it to Wang Yi by the way.

Looking at the map in front of him, Wang Yi took a breath.

Obediently, almost all of his resident sites are surrounded by Jiang Changqing and Qiantang.

Take the Western Realm to compare it to a sphere, and your current position is the center of the sphere.

Whether Qiantang wants to deal with Jiang Changqing or Jiang Changqing wants to deal with Qiantang, he must pass through his own station!

"Why didn't I find my resident location so awkward before?"

Wang Yi gave a wry smile. This question is very daunting...

"It hasn't happened before, hasn't it? If you don't want to be a polished commander, the ghost market is one way.

The second way is to contact Qiantang and let Qiantang make a peace battle. First let you and Jiang Changqing tore, or else you and Jiang Changqing will come to make dumplings with Qiantang. Don’t you be confused?"

Jiang Changsheng once again gave Wang Yi advice.

But these two suggestions, no matter which one, are not so easy to implement.

Needless to say, the people in the ghost market all use their nostrils to see people. As for Qiantang, if he pits him, can he still fight with himself?

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