"Is there no one way to get the best of both worlds?"

Wang Yi gave a wry smile.

In any case, I have to face at least a group of people, so there is no way to prevent myself from making a move, and let them fight first?

"Master, are you thinking about eating peaches? You are now in the middle of the two of them. If you don't make a move, they won't be able to fight."

Song Changying answered.,

This idea of ​​Wang Yi is really naive.

If Wang Yi's site was on the edge of the West, it would be fine. It happened to be in the center of the West, and it happened to stop the two groups of Qiantang and Jiang Changqing!

If this fights, Wang Yi will definitely suffer!

"Master, let's go to the ghost market. If you go to Qiantang, I guess it will be useless."

Tianlong spoke.

Qiantang's injury hasn't recovered yet. For the time being, Qiantang's team in the western region should not be able to move. Just be careful of Jiang Changqing.

"I know, but when I go to the ghost market, God knows there is something weird in it, what about Xing Bo? I haven't seen him for so long, so I won't run away, right?"

Hearing Tianlong talked about the ghost market, Wang Yi suddenly rang. He also had a Xing Bo!

However, the guy Xing Bo hasn't seen it for a long time. If he runs away with his own money, he will be depressed.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him for a long time. Since you left the West, he hasn't appeared again."

Ye Hao also walked up to Wang Yi at this time and said.

He has always stayed in the West, and even he, who has always been in the West, has never seen Xing Bo. How could Wang Yi have seen him?

"Go and find him for me."

Wang Yi suddenly felt that one head and two were big, and his brain capacity was almost insufficient...

Xing Bo disappeared when he needed Xing Bo most.

"Stop looking, am I here?"

When Ye Hao wanted to go down and send someone to find Xing Bo, Xing Bo's voice suddenly came in from outside.

Then Xing Bo stepped in and looked at Wang Yi with interest.

"I've heard about you in China, but I didn't think you were quite good. If I hadn't got the news, I might have run away."

Hearing what Xing Bo said, Wang Yi was very upset.

"You said this as if you were taunting me."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

"I don't mean to mock you, I just tell the truth. If you are suppressed by the son of the Dijiang Group in China, then I won't have to follow you anymore and return to my ghost city to enjoy my old age."

Xing Bo answered as if it were a matter of course.

What he said was right. China was the dominant site of the Tianshan Group. If Wang Yi couldn't match Jiang Changqing in China, the result would be inevitable if he came to the West.

"Then you come back now, do you mean that you intend to help me?"

Wang Yi asked.

"What do you mean? Now, besides me, there seems to be no one else to help you, right?"

Xing Bo spoke lightly.

"Now in the ghost market, there are indeed a lot of people you can fight for. During your visit to China, I helped you get 3,000 people.

This can be regarded as my limit, and the rest are ugly guys and need to be dealt with by yourself."

Wang Yi almost couldn't help laughing when he said this.

It seems that just now, Xing Bo said that he would help himself depending on the situation.

In the end, when he was still in China, this guy went to the ghost market to help out manpower. Isn't this conflicting with what he said just now?

However, Wang Yi didn't mean to expose Xing Bo, but just motioned for Xing Bo to continue.

"If you want to go, I can introduce some people to you. As for whether you can win those guys with eyes on the ass, it has nothing to do with me."

"Don't worry, no one can escape the palm of my hand, isn't it the same for you?"

Wang Yi smiled and said.

"You're pretty wild."

Xing Bo smiled.

"You can tell me first, now in the ghost market in the west, there are those guys I can get."

Wang Yi nodded without comment, and asked.

"It's very simple. There is one person, and your chances of success are quite high. He has 8,000 people in the ghost market, and many of them are spiritual practitioners. If you can take him down, your days in the West. , It will be much better."

Xing Bo spoke, and Wang Yi became interested.


"This person Xichen also knows him, Chu Xin, the boss of the biggest casino in the ghost market."

Xing Bo answered.

"Are there casinos in the ghost city?"

Wang Yi looked surprised, there are actually casinos in places like ghost markets?

"The last time you came to the ghost market, what you saw was only a part of the ghost market. The ghost market is underground in the west, and the area is very large. You thought you saw all of the ghost market, but you actually saw less than half of it. That's it."

Xing Bo spoke again.

As a native of the ghost market, Xing Bo was very upset by being looked down upon by the ghost market.

Even in those days when Qiantang was the boss of the West, he didn't dare to easily provoke people in the ghost market.

The reason is that those guys in the ghost market are not easy to mess with, and any ghost market leader can upset the West.

"Then when shall we leave?"

Wang Yi asked.

"What are you in a hurry? Even if you let you go to the ghost market now, you will not find that guy. Waiting for my news, I will go to the ghost market first."

Xing Bo spoke.

The whereabouts of the people in these ghost cities are unpredictable, even if he wants to find someone, it is not a simple matter.

"It's okay. You try to be as fast as possible. By the way, ask your people to find me where Jiang Changqing and others are going, and see what they want to do."

Wang Yi nodded and answered.

Qiantang is still recovering from his injuries, so there is no point in finding Qiantang

Instead of wasting time on Qiantang's body, it's better to see Jiang Changqing's actions.

"You really regard me as your subordinate, order me if there is nothing to do."

Xing Bo shook his head helplessly, but still agreed to Wang Yi.

It is not difficult to know Jiang Changqing's news, but if you want to know the details, it is not that simple.

Jiang Changqing is not as easy to deal with as those idiots. It can be said that it is impossible to fully capture Jiang Changqing's whereabouts.

However, Wang Yi has confidence in Xing Bo. At any rate, this guy was also selling news in the ghost market before. He must have his own set of these things!

What Wang Yi is worried about now is that Jiang Changqing is also coveting those people in the ghost market. As a result, his already disadvantaged situation will become more difficult to shake...

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