I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 388 The Origin of the Ghost City

He had long thought that Jiang Changqing would definitely use some methods when he came to the ghost market, but he didn't expect Jiang Changqing to be so willing.

In this way, anyone in the ghost market who had a disagreement with the Tianshan Group before will come to trouble themselves.

"So Master, if you promise me, I can help you solve a lot of these troubles, let alone too much, at least half of the people, there is no way to get close to you."

Wu Yan Wang Yi was silent, and said while the iron was hot.

"You think I will be afraid of those guys. Even if I don't promise you, I have the ability to escape the pursuit of those guys. Do you believe it or not?"

Wang Yi just sneered.

Just relying on this to impress myself, I am still too young.

The manpower in front of Wu Chang is just like that, too much, not too much, and less is not too little.

"Then it depends on you, Master. My conditions are here. If I want to cooperate with the Evergreen Group, it will definitely not be like this."

Wu Chang spoke again.

"Are you absolutely, can you keep me?"

Wang Yi took a deep breath and said plainly, but between his brows, there was already anger.

"I don't think I can keep you, I just have such a request, I hope Master can agree."

Wu Chang spoke quickly.

Don't say it was Wang Yi, he couldn't deal with Song Changying and Tianlong alone.

Once Wang Yi becomes unhappy and fights, he will lose a lot of people and gather forces in the ghost market, no better than the West.

If the team that has gathered together so hard is disturbed by Wang Yi, it will be a big loss.

"I don't think this is the tone of your request, so I can promise you, but you need to do it.

It's not just simply being out of my control, what I let you do, you still have to do it!"

Wang Yi opened his mouth and told his bottom line.

It's impossible to not be controlled by yourself. People who bring them out by themselves have no reason to run around in the West!


Wu Chang hesitated.

Although he wanted to go to the West, it was really uncomfortable to be restrained by others.

"Don't worry, I won't control you too tightly. At least your days in the West are better than your days in the ghost market."

Wang Yi smiled and said.

He has captured the fate of these people, these people want freedom, and freedom in the West!

After living in a dark place like the ghost market for a long time, I miss the outside scene more and more.

"Master speaks for words?"

Sure enough, Wu Chang was still tempted.

Even if he is subject to some constraints from Wang Yi, he can bear it, as long as he is not allowed to continue to stay in a shabby place like a ghost market!

"My young master always counts words, don't you believe it?"

Tianlong went out and gave a cold voice!

"Of course I believe, then I will wait for the news from the young master. As for the place you want to go, I will send someone to safely send the young master."

Wu Chang nodded quickly.

Compared with those who want to kill Wang Yi and go out, he would rather choose to cooperate with Wang Yi!

He believed that Wang Yi, as the eldest master of the Tianshan Group, would still count his words.

"Hehe, how many people can you have?"

Wang Yi smiled and asked casually.

On the surface, it is careless, but Wang Yidu is still very concerned about this.

"I don't have many people, almost four thousand people. If the young master wants to, you can also let the young master go alone."

Wu Chang spoke.

The surprise of four thousand people shocked Wang Yi's heart. He didn't expect that he would be able to harvest a group of such people just after entering the ghost market!

"Forget it by yourself, let your people go and clear the way first. Tell me what is going on with the ghost market and the Western Territory."

Wang Yi waved his hand and got the person, so why not use it?

"it is good."

Wu Chang nodded and arranged for some people to find out the way forward for Wang Yi.

As for him, he brought Wang Yi to a cave on the side of the mountain.

Inside the cave, some oil lamps were lit, and there was no electricity...

"The young master should know that there is a person in the west, no one dares to offend, right?"

Wu Chang sat down and asked.


Wang Yi nodded. He had heard the news. There was a man in the Western Territory who would not easily provoke him.

"It's her! The people in the ghost city are all the sinful people and descendants of the West Territory. These people are imprisoned in the ghost city.

You can never leave the ghost city. Once you leave the ghost city, you will be chased by people from the west until they return to the ghost city."

Wu Chang opened his mouth to explain to Wang Yi.

It was only after Wu Chang said a few simple sentences that Wang Yi completely understood.

The whole emotional ghost city is a huge prison, a prison dedicated to the West.

It's easy to get in, but not so easy to get out!

But what those people in the Western Territory didn't expect was that the ghost market that was originally used as a prison had developed into what it is now.

It even became an underground dark city in the West!

Many people from the West will come to the ghost market to buy and sell things and news.

All of this seems to be harmonious, but it is the case that the people built in the ghost market do not set foot in the West!

As long as the people in the ghost market set foot in the West, they are bound to be expelled.

So if they want to go out, they must rely on those big forces on the list to survive.

"I don't know anything else, but in the past few years, people in the ghost market have hardly gone out.

Because those guys in the west don't need people from the ghost market to supplement their staff, it will last for several years!I can't see the sky, I can only survive in this underground dark city!"

Wu Chang opened his mouth, and he inadvertently revealed his hatred for those people in the West.

"I'll take you out, what if the one in the Western Territory is asking for trouble"?"

Wang Yi thought of this awkwardly, and asked.

"Master, as the young master of Tianshan Group, are you afraid of this?"

Wu Chang smiled nonchalantly.

Anyone in the Western Territory can be afraid of that person, but Wang Yi doesn't need it!

Theoretically speaking, as long as Wang Yi is willing, he can take anyone away from the ghost market. As long as Wang Yi is not attacking the local forces in the West, that person will definitely not attack!

This is also in line with what Wang Yi is doing now, and fighting with Qiantang!Get rid of Jiang Changqing first!

As for Qiantang, after Wang Yi has solved Jiang Changqing, then Jiang Changqing's people can be used to solve Qiantang!

As long as these ghost market people don't have to fight Qiantang, Wang Yi will be fine!

Even if something goes wrong, the ups and downs will definitely protect Wang Yi!For Wang Yi, doing all of this is basically confident!!!

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