"I don't care about these things, but I do. What are the things I rescued. If you were saved by me and your backhand hurt me, wouldn't I be stupid?"

Wang Yi smiled and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. I have sent someone to clean up the road where you are going, so you can go without worry."

Wu Chang spoke lightly.

Since Wang Yi has agreed to help Wang Yi, he will naturally not do things that betray Wang Yi. Believe it or not, that is Wang Yi's business.

"Okay, let me see if you have really cleared the way forward."

Wang Yi sneered and turned to leave. Wu Chang didn't mean to stop Wang Yi.

Wang Yi's goal in coming to the ghost market is not him, but the more powerful characters in the ghost market. There is no need to waste time with him.

On the way after Wang Yi left, there was really no one to stop Wang Yi.

Occasionally, you can see signs of fighting and traces of dark red blood.

The blood stains are very fresh, and at first glance they left behind.

"Hey, what this guy says really counts!"

Song Changying said with a hey.

"Don't be so anxious to determine a person, you have to look again."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

It’s not his style to draw conclusions so quickly.

: "Master, you are still really cautious, and everyone has helped you."

Song Changying smiled and joked.

Of course he knew that he shouldn't trust someone so quickly, but he just wanted to beat Wang Yi.

"Stop the fucking nonsense, come with me!"

Wang Yi knocked Song Changying on the head and turned around to enter an alley in the ghost market.

The houses in the ghost market are even better than those in the West. Most of the houses in the West are made of clay, but here, all marble!

"Master, what are we doing here?"

Being led by Wang Yi into the alley, Song Changying asked puzzledly.

"Someone has been following us, haven't you noticed?"

Wang Yi glanced at Song Changying and said.


Song Changying was frightened by Wang Yi, and her whole body trembled. Not only he, but even Tianlong did not notice!

Hidden in the darkness to follow them, and have not been discovered, what a pervert is this!

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

Seeing Song Changying's disbelief, Wang Yi emphasized again.

"No, master, there are people following us? Haven't they all been cleaned up?"

Song Changying still didn't believe it.

The pictures they saw along the way were like this, and now they suddenly said that someone had followed them, and under this originally gloomy environment, it seemed extremely terrifying.

"Don't think that if you can't find it, I can't. Let's make a bet?"

Wang Yi spoke softly, pulled Song Changying and Tianlong to his side, and whispered something in their ears.

"Master, is this really okay?"

After Song Changying heard what Wang Yi said, her expression was a little strange.

"Don't worry, I said yes, then it must be possible."

Wang Yi patted Song Changying on the shoulder, and disappeared!

As for Tianlong and Song Changying, they looked at each other and jumped out in two different directions!

Not long after, two black shadows flickered at the place where the three of them had just stopped.

"What should I do? The three of them seem to be separated?"

One of the shadows asked the other person.

"What else can I do, chase! That so-called young master must have gone from the middle, this way is the safest! The remaining two, don't chase!"

The other person spoke, very sure.

The directions Song Changying and Tianlong went were all cliffs with broken arms in the ghost market. Only Wang Yi was the safe road.

The two naturally felt that Wang Yi would take such a path.


After half an hour:

Wang Yi was on the edge of a cliff when his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Master, get it done, come back."

Tianlong's triumphant voice came from inside, and Wang Yi's mouth lined up.

He guessed that these people would feel that they were walking on a safe path, so deliberately cheating them is all in his plan!

Wang Yi quickly rushed to Song Changying and the two people, looking at the man in black who was knocked out by the two, with a black line.

"I said, can you two start to pay attention to your measures, if I kill you, what do I want them to do?"

"No, we are already paying attention to proportions, but these two guys seem to have a stronger hiding technique, and it's useless to fight."

Song Changying looked innocent.

He wanted to act lightly, and he did it that way. God knows these two are as crisp as a piece of paper.

That is, he kept his hands. If he didn't keep his hands, the two hapless guys might die directly in his hands.

"Old rules."

Wang Yi shook his head helplessly, and turned his face very clearly.

"Old rules?"

Song Changying and Tianlong looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were curved at the same time, the devil smile...


Suddenly, the slapped sound kept resounding. As long as Wang Yi said this old rule, these two guys would immediately understand.

"Cough cough cough!"

The two men in black were awakened alive by Song Changying and Tianlong. Looking at the two people in front of them, and thinking about the horror when Song Changying and the two shot, their bodies shook involuntarily.

"Just follow us here? I really vomit."

Song Changying looked at the timid appearance of these two guys, and the whole person was not good.

He would be followed by such a guy, and he has not found these two guys yet?

"Song Changying is not good at learning art."

Wang Yi walked over with a smile, squatted down, and looked at the two people who were beaten into pigs.

"Tell me, who asked you to follow me?"

"I... we can't say... if you say it, then... it's dead."

The two shook their heads at the same time.

"Oh? If you don't say it, you will die?"

Wang Yi said with great interest and winked at Song Changying.

"I slapped you to death, can you tell me?!"

Song Changying slapped at the two of them, slapped roundly. After this slap, it is estimated that the brain will collapse.

"Eh eh eh! I said! It was Wang Fugui who let us follow! He said that as long as we keep providing your whereabouts, we will give us half a million!"

But before Song Changying's slap hit the two of them, even when it was just the landslide air, the two guys were shocked.


Half of Wang Yi's face twitched crazily, what kind of fairy name was this.

It sounds like a person with money and no brains... If his father had a little IQ, he wouldn't have given him such a name, right?

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