Besides, this IQ is inherited. Lao Tzu's IQ is not high. Where can my son's IQ go?

"Yes, it is Wang Fugui! This is true!"

It seems that these two guys also knew that the name they had said was very unconvincing, and emphasized it several times.

"Who is this Wang Fugui?"

Wang Yi asked.

"He is the richest person in the ghost market. I heard that his name is worth billions of dollars!"

The two quickly continued to answer.

Can you answer quickly?Song Changying's big slap is on the side, as long as they speak slowly, Song Changying's slap will probably fall straight down!

"A few hundred million can become the richest in the ghost market?"

Wang Yi was shocked. It's damn good, he can go to him!

"Um, sir... can we go now?"

The two of them stretched their necks and looked at Wang Yi carefully, for fear that Wang Yi would order Song Changying to kill them.

"Well, let it go, it's not a big shot."

Wang Yi waved his hand to let Song Changying release the two of them.

"Thank you, uncle, thank you! Benefactor!"

When the two heard this, Qi Qi knelt down towards Wang Yi, plopping and kowtow, which made Wang Yi laugh.

"roll roll roll!"

Wang Yi smiled at the corners of his mouth, and it was bad luck to meet these two strange flowers.,

"Master, just let go?"

Song Changying looked at the back of the two guys running away, and asked.

"It's okay, go ahead."

Wang Yi didn't care. The two of them were at best Luo Luo from the ghost market, and they were good at using the advantages of the ghost market to hide themselves.

Such a character is not worthy of his own attention.


What Wang Yi didn't know was that Wu Chang was very depressed at this time.

As soon as Wang Yi left, a large number of people suddenly emerged from his site, and a team of thousands of people blocked the entire canyon!

"What? People in the ghost market want to kill each other?"

Wu Chang walked out calmly and looked at the thousands of people surrounding the canyon.

These one person is only a part, or even a very small part, just seeing these people, don’t panic for now.

Moreover, the longer he dragged himself here, the sooner Wang Yi could finish what he wanted to do.

"Wu Chang! Didn't you say it? All the people in the ghost market are going to catch the young master of the Tianshan Group. If we catch him, let's go out together!"

A big man walked out of the thousands of people and came to Wu Chang.

"Heh! That was what you promised. I, Changke Wu, didn't agree. I tell you, even if you caught the young master of Tianshan Group, you can really go out!?"

Wu Chang let out a cold voice. These guys in the ghost market have been in the ghost market for too long, and they probably have forgotten how sinister outsiders are.

Go out all, dreaming?

"Wu Chang! Now you can tell the whereabouts of the young master of the Tianshan Group and save it. If you want to stand on the same line with him, you have to have that ability!"

The big man continued to speak regardless.

Being able to go out of the ghost market already makes them crazy, so crazy that they don't even consider whether it is true or not.

Anyone who has a bit of a brain knows that anyone who dares to promise to let them all go out is simply farting!

"I don't want to say, no one can force me to say, save it, just these people, I just don't want to kill, I want to kill, you still have the life to talk to me?"

Wu Chang walked to the side of the man, patted the man on the shoulder, and yawned.

Such a frivolous behavior, the angry man shuddered, but Wu Chang couldn't help it.

"Okay! Wu Chang, you wait for me, wait for me to take someone to capture the young master of Tianshan Group, don't regret it when I leave the ghost market!"

The big man was anxious and turned around and wanted to take someone away.

"Come on, stop!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Chang yelled.

Countless figures flew down from the broken walls on both sides, just a momentary change, the big man became the person surrounded!

"Oh, you guys, do your brains grow on your ass? In my turf, I really think there is no defense when I bring people in like this?"

Wu Chang shook his head for a while, speaking of it, there were only a few who really had a strategy in the ghost market.

They are all the big people in the ghost city center, and they are designated to not meet them, so they can only play with these fools.

"Wu Chang! Dare to stop me?"

The big man yelled, but seeing so many people around him surrounded him, he was also a little panicked.

"There is nothing I dare not do, do it!"

Wu Chang is also getting angry. He is so arrogant after being surrounded by himself, his eyes are really on his ass!


Almost at the same time Wu Chang gave the order, everyone moved!

The people brought by the big man didn't dare to resist at all and could only let themselves be caught.

Not resisting, just being caught, if you resist, you will lose your life!

"You! Why don't you resist!"

The big man looked around and saw that all his people had been captured alive, almost fainting!

These are all the fucking subordinates that I have worked so hard to find. At this critical time, they are all confused?


The sound of a gun being loaded clanged.

Wu Chang had already reached the big man's head with a gun.,

"I see what you mean, you seem to be very powerful. I don't know if your head is stronger or my bullet is stronger?"

" won't kill me, we are all from the ghost city, you won't kill me!"

The big man panicked for a moment, but he quickly recovered.


Wu Chang fired a shot at the foot of the man, and the gunshot echoed throughout the canyon!

"Can you say that again?"

"Spare, wrong, wrong!"

The big man knelt down with a sound.

Good deed, Wu Chang actually shot!

The shot just hit my feet, maybe the next shot really fell on my forehead!

"Let your people get out, and let the guys who covet the young master of the Tianshan Group also think about whether or not to do this!"

Wu Chang put away the gun.

The ghost market hasn't had a big battle for too long, and these guys' greed and fear of death are very obvious.

Such a group of remnants of defeated generals, also thinking about going to the Tianshan Group's young master Wang Yi?

He was a little worried at first, but after seeing the big man like this, he immediately stopped worrying...

Even the people who dared to find themselves were scared off by themselves, and those who dared not find themselves to find Wang Yi would definitely be even more unbearable.

I just don’t know how long it will take for Wang Yi to finish what he has to do...

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