As night fell, a bright moon appeared in the deep blue sky. The moonlight poured down on the snowy fields like flowing water.

In the snowfield, two figures walked ...... on it

"So," said one of the figures

, "Columbia, why did we walk there?"

"It wasn't easy to get noticed in the past, and we didn't need to be known by the Fatui stationed there when we went to the stronghold. "Columbia explained.

"If that person knew we were here, he probably wouldn't dare come. Of course, the possibility of his head iron cannot be ruled out," Columbia began.

"Alright then," Kagami said.

Nothing to say all the way.

Near the Fatui stronghold

, "Eh" Columbia suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" asked Kagami.

"Childe is in the stronghold, and he doesn't hide his aura at all," Columbia said speechlessly.

"Would Childe care about such a thing, isn't he a pure battle maniac?"

"Ha, Childe shouldn't care about that, he should care about the mysterious man who destroyed the Fatui stronghold," Columbia chuckled and continued

, "There are other executive spirits around, let's wait here

" "Hmm" Kagami-ryu replied.

"There are so many executives squatting here, and

I don't know if that "mysterious person" will come" "I don't know, I should come." Columbia said.

"Also, what exactly does "squat" mean?"


don't know how long it has been......

"Here we are," Columbia said suddenly.

As Columbia's voice fell, a giant firebird descended toward the Fatui stronghold. An explosion rang out, and everyone except the executive cheered up.

A man in a black cloak slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Haha, presumably this is the mysterious person who has been famous in Solstice these days," Tartaglia, who heard the movement, also arrived at the scene and said to the mysterious person.

"Who are you" seemed to sense Tartaglia's strength, and the mysterious man asked in a deep voice.

"Alright, you guys get out of here first," Tartaglia said to the Fatui soldiers around him. Then he said to

the mysterious man: "The last seat of the eleventh executive of the Fatui is "Childe" Tartaglia!, I have been waiting like this for a long time

" "Executive!" The mysterious man's voice instantly became solemn. I didn't expect an executive officer to bring such a strong sense of oppression to himself.

"Haha, don't be nervous, I'm not interested in you destroying the Fatui stronghold," Tartaglia said.

"What are you going to do?" the mystery man apparently didn't believe Tartaglia's words.

"Fight with me, and if you win, I'll help you avoid what you've been doing in the past few days.

"I refuse

" "I'm sorry, you don't have the right to say no" As soon as the words fell, Tartaglia rushed over mysteriously.


"Eh, it's finally time to fight," Kagairu said with a yawn. Then he asked Columbia beside him

, "Columbia, when are we going over?" "

Don't worry, wait for them to fight a little longer." Although the mysterious man's strength is not bad, he is not as good as "Childe". Columbia analyzed.

"Well, but it should be over soon

," ——————

mysterious man looked at the "childe" in front of him

and thought, "I'm afraid I'll have to stay here if I drag it out any longer"

The mysterious man observed his surroundings and thought about ways to escape, so he was distracted by the battle.

"Oh, friend, it's not a good thing to be distracted in the middle of a fight. Tartaglia said, and then slashed the mysterious number of knives.

The mystery man quickly distanced himself from Tartaglia.

Tartaglia looked at the somewhat embarrassed mysterious man and said

, "Friend, it looks like you're going to lose

" The mysterious man knew that he was not the opponent of "Childe", and immediately ran towards the rear.

But it didn't take long for a huge piece of ice to crash into him...

"Bugs, just stay here," a woman in a long black and white dress and a black crown-like mask stopped in front of her.

The mystery man reacted and ran in other directions.

He hadn't gone far before a tall man wearing a military hat and a mask that covered his entire face appeared in front of him.

Feel the suffocating aura on him. The mysterious man froze in despair.

"I seem to know who you are," a voice suddenly came from behind him.

The mysterious man looked behind him and saw a man with green hair and red eyes and a black mask appear not far from him.

"If I'm not mistaken, you're here for revenge," the Doctor laughed.

"Yes, Diluc Legunfender!"


looked at the "Doctor" in amazement.

"Do I wonder why I know your last name?" "Doctor" smiled. Then he raised his hands and said

, "Your father's evil eye, but it came from ......

" "Die!" Before

the Doctor could finish speaking, Diluc swung his sword and slashed at the Doctor.

But in the eyes of the "doctor", this three-year-old child-like attack was not taken into account at all. Raising his hand, he caught Diluc's attack, and then severely injured Diluc with just one blow.

"Ahem, you...... Damn" Feeling that the bones in his body were about to shatter, Diluc spat out a mouthful of blood and stared straight at the "doctor".

"This is your grudge with Dotore, and I shouldn't interfere. But I admire you so much, you might as well join the Fatui, and I'll be in charge of all your past mistakes!" Captain said as he walked up to Diluc.

"Hehe, you're dreaming," Diluc said, swallowing a mouthful of blood.

"Really, that's a shame," the "captain" seemed to genuinely regret Diluc's refusal. Then he left.

"Madam" and "Childe" saw that they had nothing to do with themselves, and they both left.

"The Doctor" looked at Diluc, who was lying on the ground and was dying, and said

, "You can slowly feel the passing of your life in this snowy field, when your bones will be buried by the wind and snow, and no one will care about it forever."

With that, the Doctor left, leaving Diluc alone to meet ...... death

The sky gradually began to snow, falling on Diluc's body, and the cold feeling of the snow stimulated him.

"Are you going to go out......" Diluc slowly closed his eyes ......


"Jingliu, aren't we leaving?"

"Don't worry, the fish hasn't been baited yet."

At that moment, a figure appeared next to Diluc, picked him up, and ran into the distance to ......

"Look, the fish is hooked,"


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