Feeling the movement around him, Diluc's eyelashes moved slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking at the person in front of him who had rescued him, and asked weakly.

"Who are you and why did you save me?" Feeling

Diluc awake, the mysterious man put Diluc down.

"Hello, Diluc" the mysterious man said

, "I'm an observer, from the North Road Underground Intelligence Network

" "What is your purpose" Diluc didn't believe that the road was uneven.

"Hehe, don't worry. As an observer, I have been "observing" you for a long time. I appreciate your style. I think you're the best person to join the organization. "

Don't be in a hurry to refuse, do you know what you're missing after this incident?" the observer asked Diluc.

Diluc was silent for a while and said

, "I underestimated the strength of the Executives" "Yes, you underestimated

them too much, and you were the last of the Fatui Executives to fight against you at the beginning, and the weakest of the Fatui Executives. After all, executives are ranked according to their strength. The observer sighed.

"When you easily destroyed a few Fatui strongholds, do you think that the Fatui are like this? Do you think that the executive officer who leads the Fatui will not be any stronger? This is your wrong information! The final result is that you can't even beat the last seat, and your life is in vain. "

So, join the Order! here, you can get all the intel you want to know!" the observer held out his hand to Diluc.

"Can you tell us about the organization?" Diluc didn't rush to reply.

"The organization is made up of volunteers, most of whom are fighters who have given up their identity and reputation, and even worse, their names. "

So I won't force you, even if you refuse, I'll send you back to Mondstadt

" "So, your answer is ......"

Diluc looked at the palm in front of him and made up his mind. Stretched out his palm.

"Yes! welcome aboard!" the observer congratulated.

"Alright, this place is not suitable for conversation, let's go quickly. Just

as the observer was about to leave with Diluc, a voice was heard.

"What makes it possible for you to stand and leave here today. Two

maidens appeared before the Watcher and Diluc.

The people who came were none other than Mirror Stream and Columbia.

"Two executives!" Diluc said solemnly.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them clearly, the observer's pupils suddenly contracted.

"Three seats of "Girl" and zero seat ......

"Sword Head"!" A "girl" can't deal with it at all, and there is also a "Sword Head" whose strength is even higher than that of the "Captain"!) (The observer doesn't know that Jingliu is independent of the seat outside of the Eleventh Executive, thinking that he sits on the head of the "Captain" according to his strength, although his strength is indeed stronger than the "Captain")

"Diluc, it seems that we will have a hard time leaving today" The observer forced a smile on his face.

Diluc had just understood that the executive seats were ranked according to strength, so the hands holding the sword were also trembling at this time......

"Hehe, are you so scared?

"What the hell are you trying to do!" the observer shouted to the mirror as he seemed to be in a hurry.

"Pay attention to the way you speak," Columbia beside her said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmm~ Let me think about it. Jingliu pretended to think

, and then said, "Why don't you take my sword, and then I'll let you go." If you don't take it, you will become a ghost under my sword.

"Not everyone is qualified to die under my sword

?" "Well, do you want to take it?" If you don't, I'll let the girl kill you two right now," Kagmiryu said threateningly.

The observer thought for a moment before saying,

"I'll take it!" "

That'...... Where's this, little brother?" said Mirror, looking at Diluc.

Under the gaze of the mirror, feeling the oppression that emanated from her invisibly, Diluc was so frightened that he couldn't speak. Keep adjusting your breathing.

"Pick up!"

"Good guts," Jingliu praised.

"So, are you ready? Jingliu said with a slight smile.

Diluc and the observer hurriedly took out their weapons and assumed a defensive posture, staring intently at the mirror, not daring to be careless.

"Then let's get started!" said Kagami, taking a step back and retreating a few hundred meters away. With a slap of his right hand, he summons the "Tanhua Sword".

Seeing this, Columbia also quickly withdrew into the distance.

Jingliu took the "Tanhua Sword" in his hand and threw out a sword flower, and then slashed a sword in the direction of Diluc and the others.

"Flying Light!"

the sword qi attacked Diluc and the others at an extremely fast speed.

Diluc and the others looked at the sword qi flying towards them, and at this moment they seemed to feel that time had been frozen. No, it's not as if, but time is frozen by this sword aura! In the face of an attack that can freeze time, the two of them feel how small they are.

The two of them used all their strength to defend, but in the face of this attack, everything seemed so futile......

Eventually, the two were struck by the attack and buried in the snow and ice, not knowing whether ......they were alive or dead

Jingliu looked at the masterpiece in front of him and nodded.

"Hmm~ Columbia, let's go

" "Jingliu, why do you want to spare them? Why don't you kill them directly?"

"Of course, it's because they can't die yet, I'm just giving them a deeper impression of me~" Kagmiryu replied.



"Ahem" felt that Diluc, who was not dead yet, crawled out of the snowdrift.

Looking at the observer on the side, he said

, "Ahem, the sword head" her...... Ahem, what the hell do you want to do, ahem...... I don't think we'll survive that kind of attack

," ......

observer on the side was silent

, "Let's go, don't have any more accidents,"


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