Executives: ......

[Ms]: ......

The air gradually froze, and the executives and [the lady] stared at each other with wide eyes, and did not speak for a long time.

"You ...... What is this doing?" [Madam] asked in a weak voice under pressure from several executives.

"Hahaha, that's interesting. [The doctor] felt the full breath of life in [Madame's] body, and then looked at the mirror stream not far away who was flirting with Columbia, and laughed.

[Madame] has no resurrection power, and none of the executive officers present can resurrect a dead person, so it is obvious who did it.

"What an interesting experiment.

[The doctor] stared at [Madame], eager to take it apart and study it. But under the pressure of Jingliu and the rest of the executives, he had no choice but to give up. He casually greeted everyone and left the palace.


Why is [the doctor] looking at him so hotly?And why are the executives here, what the hell are he just doing!Seeing

that the atmosphere fell silent again, [Captain] stood up and asked [Madam], "How are you feeling now, Loehfate." "

What's going on?" [Madame] listened to [Captain's] words, a little confused, and then seemed to sense something, and her face changed slightly.

Wasn't he given to by Raiden Shogun in the castle tower...... Why is it here? Why is it ......here

? "It seems that your expression is fine, and since you are fine, don't think too much about it, and continue to carry out the orders of the Empress. "[The captain] looked at [the lady's] appearance, nodded, gave her advice, and left the palace.

"It seems that the half-day shutdown is going to be canceled, what a pity. "[The rooster] pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, as if he was sorry for the cancellation of the stoppage.

"Oh, it's a pity, but how do I feel like you're a little happy?" [The rich man] chuckled at [the rooster's] appearance, and then said

, "Sure enough, Mr. Mayor, your values are even more distorted than my banker."

"Hahaha, what is this? Rosalyn, as the executive officer of Solstice and the hero of Solstice, fell because of her mission. For me, of course, it's a great pity.

"And now, Rosalyn has appeared in front of me completely, and I am naturally very happy.

"Really? That's a lot of fun. "[The rich] obviously don't believe in [the rooster's] rhetoric, and for themselves and [the rooster], it's not really important whether [the lady] is dead or alive, what matters is whether they can create a profitable ......

"Guys, I'll leave first. If you need to use Mora on a mission, go ahead and come to the Northland Bank. [The rich man] deliberately accentuated his tone with the words "on a mission," and then bowed like a gentleman and left.

"What a 'farce'. "[Rooster] shook his head and left.

Standing on the ice, [Madame], listening to the conversation of several people, can be regarded as knowing what kind of state she is in now.

"Myself...... Resurrected?" [Madam] looked at her palms and examined her body, and found that everything was not much different from when it was at its peak, and in some ways even more powerful.

"What the hell is going on?" [Madam] thought silently in her heart, with her own state at that time, it was impossible for her ......to survive under the sword of Raiden Shogun

In his own cognition, the only one who can save himself is Columbia or Jingliu...... But why did they save me......

And then there'...... [Ma'am] looked around and saw that the environment seemed to be attending some kind of funeral...... A funeral that can be attended by so many executives is at least a funeral that belongs to the same executives......

Coupled with the various behaviors of [Doctor] [Rooster] [Rich Man] and [Captain] before, this funeral ...... It can't be your own, right?"

"[Childe] said hello to this [lady]. Then he looked at [Ms.] with a warlike face:

"Resurrected on the spot, it's really cool." But I don't know if your strength has regressed, do you want to fight now?"

[Ma'am]: ......

Is this the main question now? Isn't the main question now how exactly I got resurrected?

[Madame] looked at [the servant], who didn't say anything, just nodded at him and left.

In the current palace, only Kagami and Columbia, who are flirting on the side, and [Harlequin] and [Childe] who wants to fight with [Lady].

And, of course, our main character, [Madam].

[Harlequin] looked at [Madame's] changing expression and also said

, "Okay, don't think too much, you can take a good rest during this time." Let's take a good look at the thoughts in your mind. "

[Harlequin's] strong and reassuring voice came into [the lady's] heart, calming her somewhat impatient heart a lot.

"Whatever happened before, at least you're still standing in front of us. "

Yes......" [Madam] thinks [Harlequin] makes a lot of sense, no matter what happens, at least I'm not dead now, and knowing that, that's enough......

"Uh-huh......" [Harlequin] looked at [Lady's] appearance and nodded in satisfaction. Then he looked in the direction where Stream and Columbia were, and sighed in his heart.

While what Mirror Stream did would have been a good thing for the Fatui or for the entire Solstice, it ...... Can't you choose a better way to play?

As soon as she made a promise to Rosalyn, she popped out of the coffin and ......

"Hey, Rosalyn, come with me, I'll check for you if there's anything wrong with your body. [Harlequin] sighed again, said to [Madame], motioned for him to follow, and left the palace as well.

[The lady] glanced at where the stream was, then at the back of [Harlequin] leaving, hesitated for a moment, and then followed in the direction of [Harlequin].

[Childe] looked at it and [Madam] today and seemed to be unable to fight, and quietly left the ......

At this time, the palace was calm again, and only the fragments of the coffin scattered all over the ground, as well as the two of them were Jingliu and Columbia.

"Is this what you call a 'surprise'?" Columbia asked, looking at [Madame's] back as she left, and looked at the mirror a little speechlessly.

"How's it going? Isn't it a surprise?"

"While everyone was mourning the loss of [Madam], [Madam] jumped out of the coffin at the sound of 'Bang!'. The expressions on their faces at that time were really funny. "Thinking of the stunned expressions of the executives when [Madam] jumped out of the coffin just now, Jingliu couldn't help but want to laugh.

Columbia: ......

It's the first time Columbia knows that Mirror Stream has such a bad taste.

"So, how did you do that?" Columbia asked Kagami, confused, remembering the fire butterfly that Kagamiru had acquired from her previous time in the castle tower, which contained a hint of [lady's] soul ......

But with just a trace of soul, how can [Madame] be able to resurrect [Madame] completely?

After [Madam] jumped out of the coffin, Columbia carefully observed that [Madam's] soul was complete and not mutilated. How did Jingliu do it?

"Want to know?" Jingliu raised his eyebrows, and then showed a look of underachievement: "

You beg me, beg me, I'll think about telling you." "

Columbia: ......

Please...... (self-brain supplement).


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