"Columbia, Columbia!" In

the early morning, the mirror shook Columbia, who was still asleep, a few times, and her eyes were full of excitement.

"Hmm......" Columbia was woken up by the mirror stream, yawned and stretched, and looked at the mirror stream with some doubts.

"What's wrong?"

Doesn't the mirror flow usually sleep until the sun basks her buttocks? What kind of wind is blowing today, and you get up so early? Columbia feels that the mirror stream is so strange at this time.

Jingliu gently put his hands on Columbia's shoulders, and said with a serious face: "Columbia, teach me to learn the characters on Teyvat!" Columbia:

What are ??? crazy about today?


"You mean...... You want to write a light novel?" asked

Columbia thoughtfully at the dinner table, listening to Kagami's explanation.

"yes, what's the problem?" looked at Columbia's eyes at her, how could she feel like she didn't trust herself.

Be confident, take the feeling out, Columbia just doesn't trust you. And still very distrustful, thinking that you are just going crazy on a daily basis.

"Good, good. Columbia looked at the serious expression of the mirror, waved her hand at it, dealt with it casually, and continued to eat the breakfast on the table.

Jingliu looked at Columbia's casual attitude towards things, and pretended to be unhappy and said to her: "I'm serious, serious, serious, so please take me seriously." "

Oh...... Don't worry, I'm serious too. Columbia stopped what she was doing, swallowed the food in her mouth, and then said with a serious expression on her face.

Mirror Stream: ......

Conscientious...... Why can't I see your seriousness at all?Kag-ryu looked at Columbia with some suspicion, but it didn't seem like she wasn't serious.

"Okay, just kidding. When does it start?" asked Columbia after finishing her breakfast, elegantly pulling up a piece of paper and wiping her mouth, towards the mirror.

Although I don't know what crazy she is doing now, as long as it is what Jingliu wants to do, then he will support her unconditionally.

"Let's do it now, let's start now!" said Jingliu with a passionate face.

"Good. Columbia looked at the mirror and chuckled.


Mirror Stream: ......

Columbia: ......

"That...... Mirror Flow ...... Why don't we give up?" Columbia looked at the miserable appearance of the mirror stream, and instantly wanted to give up.

Why can you forget words that you just learned? Okay, if you don't remember well, then learn them a few more times.

After learning it a few more times, I finally remembered it and began to learn the second word. Okay, the second word was learned, and the first word was forgotten. The third word is learned, and the first and second words are forgotten. I went on and on, and after studying for a long time, I didn't learn anything.

"Mirror Flow...... Or maybe not. How about you talk about the content, and I'll write the novel?" Columbia proposed a plan to the mirror that she thought was perfect.

Columbia thinks that it is better to be a vase for Jingliu, and it is better to leave it to herself for a place like this where you need to write or read words, and she and Jingliu will not be separated anyway.

"No! no, it only makes sense if you write it yourself!" Jingliu's face was resolute, resolutely not to let Columbia ghostwrite.

Columbia: ......

The problem now is that you won't be able to learn it at all, and at this pace, I'm afraid you won't be able to learn the Teyvat script if Yaedo goes out of business.

"Hey......" Columbia sighed silently in her heart, but she was still trying to teach Jingliu to read, after all...... Who made her his wife?


"No...... I really can't do it, I really can't do it. Columbia sat in her chair full of decadence at this time, feeling that if she continued to teach like this, she might not be long before she could not read......

read"That...... Columbia ......" Jingliu scratched his head a little embarrassed, and said weakly towards Columbia.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you. Hearing Jingliu's voice, Columbia expelled the decadent aura on her body and said confidently to Jingliu.

"That...... Actually, I mean ......" Jingliu looked at Columbia's confident appearance, and was a little embarrassed to speak.

"Well, let's talk about it.

"I mean, why don't you stop here today, and we've been studying for so long, why don't we rest and rest?"

Columbia: ???

you have this ambition? You proposed to be literate, and you also proposed to write light novels. Now when you're getting me excited, you tell me you can't do it? you tell me you want to stop? you tell me you want to take a break?

"No~okay~Oh." Columbia said with a smile on her face and a dark face. It seems that as long as Jingliu says a "no", Columbia will directly erupt.

Looking at Columbia's appearance at this time, Jingliu didn't dare to say a word.

"Come, let's continue~" Columbia's voice was full of gentle, sweet voices, which seemed to make people completely sink in.

But Jingliu understands very well that Columbia at this time is very terrifying ......


It's always fun to study, and in the blink of an eye, it's time to go to bed at night.

"Hmm...... Not bad. That's all for today. Columbia looked at Jingliu and nodded with satisfaction.

Hearing Columbia's words, Jingliu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I feel that if I continue to learn, my brain CPU will burn ......

"Let's take a shower and go to bed, we'll continue tomorrow.

"I'll have it tomorrow." Jingliu thought of the completely incomprehensible Teyvat text in the book, and his scalp tingled.

"Otherwise, if you want to write a light novel, you need to know at least half of the text. "

Mirror Stream: ......

Is it too late for me to retract my desire to write a novel



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