"Is this your bad taste?"

After passerby A left, Columbia helped her forehead helplessly. Children are good everywhere, but they are a little playful.

"It's not because Sumeru doesn't have a Northland Bank. "

I'm afraid we'll forget Mora and be detained to wash the dishes, so that we'll be left behind?" Kagami smiled and explained to Columbia.

To sum up, it's still [the rich] too vegetable.

[Rich man]:6

"I'm afraid this is just your secondary task, your main task is to play." Columbia saw through the inner thoughts of the mirror and said firmly.

"Whereever, I'm definitely doing business, okay. "

Oh, then you're just getting down to business. Columbia listened to Jingliu's words and said a few perfunctory words.

Seeing Columbia's expression of complete disbelief, Jingliu didn't bother to explain. Instead, I started thinking about what to do next.

"Let's get down to business. After thinking about it, Kagamino took Columbia's hand, got up and walked outside.

"Is this serious thing?"

"I didn't say that it was not serious, since it was serious, it must be serious." "

Okay...... You're right...... "......

." "That's what you're

talking about?" "You're talking about watching people dance?"

Although I knew that what Jingliu said was definitely not serious, I didn't expect it to be so improper. Of course, it's not that dancing is not serious, but that the mirror flow is not serious.

Although I didn't just pass by, it was ......

"No, no, no, it's just a drop by to see other people dance, that's not my real purpose. Listening to Columbia's words, Jingliu quickly shook his head.

"But I shouldn't say it.,The navigation function of this void terminal is really convenient.,Can you popularize it on all watts.。 Following the navigation on the Void Terminal, the mirror soon found the Grand Bazaar, and found the Zubayr Theater with precision inside.

Jingliu couldn't help but express his highest praise for this, but unfortunately the Void Terminal could only be used in the territory of Sumeru......

But...... If the whole of Teyvat were to become Sumeru, would the Void Terminal be able to spread on Teyvat?

hmm...... It doesn't seem right, the scope of the Void's popularity should be linked to the strength of the Great Mercy Tree King, and I don't know if her strength is enough.

Forget it, let's talk about this later. Kagami-ryu put aside the idea of the Void Temporal Teyvat popularizing it, and looked up at the red double-ponytailed girl dancing on the stage.

"Do you like to watch it so much, do you want us to sit in the front row and watch it?" Columbia looked at the mirror stream, showing a gentle and understanding smile and looking at the mirror stream, like a little angel.

"Ahem......" was looked at by Columbia like this, Jingliu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, coughed a few times, and then said with a straight expression:

"I'm appreciating art, dance as a kind of art, no matter who is dancing, I will take a few looks."

Then he thought for a moment

, "But if it's Columbia, I'll keep watching."

Listening to what Jingliu said, Columbia couldn't help but glance at Jingliu in her heart:

"That's it, you dance one to show me, I'm thinking about jumping one to show you."

"You're really good at jumping.

"You can jump one and show me if I will." "

Forget it, I'm curious about what you look like when you dance, Columbia, but I don't know how to dance. Jing Liu's brain made up for Columbia's beautiful appearance when she danced, but after thinking about her dancing frustrations, she still forgot it.

Besides, I feel that Columbia is trying to deceive me, after all, it is said that it is considered, and I often use the word "consideration", which is very familiar, which means about the same as no.

"It seems that Columbia has learned badly, and I don't know which dog thing she learned from......

" "Ahh

"Why can I still sneeze?" Jing Liu scratched his head in confusion, with his physique, he shouldn't be able to hit under normal circumstances.

Forget it, Jingliu watched the girl on the stage dance, and also put this problem behind him, and pulled Columbia towards the backstage of the Zubayr Opera House.

"Let's go, let's get ...... Pei, go get down to business. "


"But...... The Zubayr Theater

is a landmark building in Sumeru that has been passed down for a long time, how can you say that if it has not been inherited for a long time, it has not been a landmark building, who told you? Sumeru is a country of wisdom, and there is no need for this kind of entertainment that violates wisdom. Sumeru is a scholar's paradise, not a place for you to have fun!"

"You...... In short, we will never agree to this matter. "

Well, I don't have your consent. As

soon as the two of them walked backstage to the Zubayr Theater, they heard a man and woman arguing inside.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, don't rush in first, let me modify the information in the Void Terminal first. Once he reached the door, Kagami stopped, grabbed Columbia, and began to revise the information in the Void Terminal.

It didn't take long for the mirror stream to finish revising and lead Columbia inside.

"What is your identity now?" Columbia asked curiously, looking at the operation of the mirror stream.

"Now we are the big people in the Akademiya, and we have the first voice under the great sage. Jing showed a smile and said lightly.

"Why is it under the Great Sage?" Listening to Jingliu's words, Columbia asked with some curiosity.

"If it is greater than the great sage, wouldn't it be the grass god himself? It feels a little unrealistic, so I changed it to this. "

Wouldn't the people of Sumeru trust the information in the Void Terminal unconditionally?" asked Columbia.

"It's one thing to believe, but I'm afraid it's too outrageous, and most of them are suspicious, and they won't be able to play anymore when the time comes.

"Anyway, it's just a temporary identity, and it's lost when it's over. Jingliu said lightly.

"The Void Terminal on the Great Sage's side has also been changed for me, he doesn't know we exist.

"But then again...... The god of grass is here...... It doesn't seem impossible.

At this time, a very bold idea popped up in Jingliu's mind.

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