"Anyway, that's it. I'm not informing now, I'm ordering!"

as soon as Kagamino and Columbia entered, they saw that their quarrel was over. After the man said a cold word, he prepared to leave.

"I think art is ...... It's also a kind of wisdom.

Jingliu walked in, chuckled, and said.

The man heard the sound of Jingliu and looked over with some anger.

Art is also a kind of wisdom, and this is simply the funniest cold joke I have heard this year. The

man looked at the mirror and did not speak in a hurry, but first searched for the woman in front of him in front of him in the void terminal to see what kind of immortal could say such a thing in the realm of wisdom.

But...... As time progresses, the man learns the story and identity written by Kagami, and the anger on his face fades away in favor of respect.

The legendary figure of the Akademiya!The first day since the establishment of Sumeru!The hexagonal god of war who is proficient in all fields!The

man had no idea that such a legendary figure would appear in front of him. The man couldn't think of any words to describe his excitement.

In this kingdom of wisdom, only wisdom deserves to be respected. And the various achievements of Jingliu (compiled) are enough for her to be praised forever! It is enough for her to stand at the peak of Sumeru!

Although I don't know why I didn't find the existence of this legendary figure in the Void Terminal, I think it was because I didn't have enough authority before, so I didn't know about her existence, which is also very normal. After all, compared to this one, he can only be regarded as a small person.

The man was smiling and about to send his most sincere greetings to Kagami, when he suddenly remembered what the legendary had just said...... But in an instant, the man was sweating.

"That...... That one...... Big...... Hello adults......" As soon as he thought of this, the man stammered a little.

"Please...... Excuse me...... That ......"

"Hmm. Jingliu nodded coldly, and then continued

, "Art is a highly diverse activity, and in the realm of wisdom, art deserves to be respected. So, I'm keeping my original thoughts, do you have any questions you can ask. "

I...... I ......" was stared at by Jingliu's eyes, and the reason why Jingliu's deeds recorded at the Void Terminal were too shocking, the man instantly felt that a thousand catties of stone were pressing on him, making people breath......less

"I have no opinion......" The man said quickly, taking advantage of the time to catch his breath.

Since it was said by this legendary figure, there must be a deep meaning to her, and she is not worthy of being compared with her. Sure enough, my realm is still not high enough, and I can't understand the deep meaning of what this legendary person said, it seems that I still have to study hard.

It's decided, I'll take a long vacation starting tomorrow and go to Dao Chenglin for in-depth study!

After speaking, the man saluted Jingliu sincerely, and then left.

After watching the man leave, Jingliu's gaze fell on the red double-ponytailed girl, showed a smile, stretched out his hand and said

, "Hello, my name is Jingliu, and I am an unknown little person. "

You...... Hello...... "The red double ponytail girl has just seen the information of the person in front of her in the void terminal, and her life resume can be called a legend.

For this kind of big shot, the girl can't help but be a little timid. But looking at its seemingly friendly appearance, he also mustered up the courage and reached out to shake it:

"I...... My name is Nilou...... Ten...... It's a pleasure to meet you......"

"Hehe. Kagami looked at Nilou's appearance and couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill will. "

I...... I...... Not...... No...... Nervous ......" Nilou shook her head hurriedly and stammered as she listened to Kagami's words.

"This is Columbia, my academic partner and lover. Kagami pointed to Columbia beside her, and did not hide the relationship between the two, and introduced herself to Nilou.

"You...... Hello. At first, Nilou's attention was all on the first half of the mirror, and she didn't notice the second half at all.

"Hmm......" Columbia nodded to it with a flat face.

It wasn't until a while later that Nilou reacted in hindsight and exclaimed,

"Love...... Couple?"

"Probably not what I thought...... Nilou thought to herself, how could she use this vulgar idea in my mind to speculate on the legend's ......

After all, two girls or something, there are still some ......

that"Don't worry, it's the one you think in your heart. Looking at the changing appearance on Nilou's face, Jingliu said lightly.

Hearing Mirror's affirmation, Nilou was shocked, but she also learned a lot.

"It turns out that two girls are okay......

" "We returned to Sumeru City this time to cooperate with you." "

Hop...... Cooperation!" Nilou was a little flattered when she heard Kagami's words. I'm just a dancer, how to get involved with this kind of legendary ......

"Don't be self-deprecating, now we have what we want from you, so be confident. Kagyu-ryu watched Nilou's reaction and smiled

, "I hope your art can spread throughout Sumeru, and of course, it would be great if it could spread throughout Teyvat." "

This ...... This ......" Listening to Kamiliu's words, Nilou's face was a little embarrassed.

Not only some, Nilou felt that Jingliu had been misunderstood by some street rumors...... Some people who have seen their own performances will infinitely exaggerate their own events and then promote them.

Then it happened to be heard by the mirror who returned to Sumeru City, so he had high expectations for himself.

But in fact, he doesn't have the skills that are rumored on the street...... It's good that someone likes their dances, and Nilou is happy to promote herself with contempt.

But when it comes to this kind of thing, Nilou doesn't know whether to cry or laugh ......

Looking at Nilou's expression, Jingliu seemed to see through the thoughts in her heart

, and smiled, "Don't think about it from a distance, I just saw your performance in the audience and came up with this idea."

"I don't think there's anyone better suited than you. "

Yes...... Is it......" Listening to Kagami's words, Nilou also felt some confidence in her heart.

"That...... Can you tell me more about what I need to do?" Nilou said, plucking up her courage.

"Don't worry about it now, what you were doing, do it now, just keep it the same. "

Oooh. Nilou nodded ignorantly.

"What you have to do now is to accumulate performances, then accumulate popularity, and finally make your debut on the spot!"

"What do you mean by debut?"

"Of course, it's to make my debut as an idol, and I call this plan the cultivation diary of a Teyvat beautiful girl idol. "

Nilou: ???

Columbia: ?


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