"Come, sir, please...... Please drink tea.

After Jingliu walked into the Akademiya, because of his identity as a writer, he was immediately invited to the VIP room respectfully and entertained.

"This tea is imported from Liyue Qiaoyingzhuang, and although it is very valuable, it is not worth mentioning for your status.

"But I have this little heart, please accept it. "

Mirror Stream: ......

Tea, precious, identity, not worth mentioning, how can Sumeru people also pat on the back. I used to think that sycophants were exclusive to Liyue, but it turned out to be common to all Teyvat.

Although Jingliu complained frantically in his heart, he didn't show any expression on the surface, just a faint "um", which was quite a kind of coldness of a genius scholar.

Then he reached out and picked up the teacup, brought it to his mouth, and took a small sip.

"Hmm...... Not bad, good tea. Kagyuki nodded in appreciation.

The tea is good, very tasty, but it doesn't taste good.

"It's good to like it, it's good to like it. Passerby B looked at the appearance of Jingliu and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he asked respectfully

, "I don't know why you returned to the Akademiya this time

, do you want to inquire about any information, or do you want to do any academic experiments?" "If you want to do academic experiments, what do you think of me?"

As a scholar, I don't think about how to improve my knowledge, and I think about patting other people's sycophants all day long.

Although it is useful, it is worthy of the title of scholar!

"Isn't it okay to come to the Akademiya to have a look?" Jingliu looked at the appearance of passer-by B, and said lightly, with no joy on his face.

Listening to Jingliu's words, a cold sweat broke out on the back of passer-by B, and he quickly apologized:

"No, no, my lord, you are a genius of the Akademiya, and the Akademiya will always welcome you back." "

Uh-huh. Jingliu chuckled lightly, and then said,

"This time I returned to Sumeru City to conduct a research.

"As for what kind of research it is, it doesn't matter to you. "

Yes, yes, yes......" Passerby B felt a little pity in his heart, if he could rub on the experiment of this big man, I am afraid that he could ...... his decades of research experience

Although passer-by B was very puzzled in his heart, he did not reveal any regret on his face.

"But I have one thing that I need to trouble you.

"You say, you say. When passer-by Yi heard that Jingliu had something to trouble him, he was overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

"You know the Zubayr Theatre. "

Zubayr Theater?" the passer-by thought for a moment, and then said

, "It's the Grand Bazaar, I know, does it have anything to do with this?"

Jingliu smiled and said

, "This experiment of mine has a deep connection with the Zubayr Theater, and it is an experiment with the Zubayr Theater as the core.

"But ......," said Jingliu's voice

after a pause, "When I first arrived at the Zubayr Theater, I actually heard that the Akademiya was going to demolish the Zubayr Theater.

"If it's a normal day, it's nothing. But...... Now I need to use the Zubayr Theater for my experiments, and if I dismantle it for you, I'm afraid my experiments will be seriously affected.

After finishing speaking, Jingliu glanced at passer-by B with a little meaning.

Looking at Jingliu's expression, the passer-by understood in seconds, and hurriedly said: "I understand, I understand, I'll give a notice immediately." "

The demolition order for the Zubayr Theater is cancelled immediately!"

"Hmm. Listening to the words of passer-by B, Jingliu nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, having an identity is good.

"I'm here for this matter, and since this matter has been handed over to you to deal with, I'll leave first.

With that, Jingliu touched Columbia and got up to leave.

"I'll send you, I'll send you. Passerby B hurriedly followed behind Jingliu like a dog.


"If you have any problems, please feel free to come to me at the Akademiya, and I will do my best to help you solve it unconditionally. On

the way out of the Akademiya, passers-by said flatteringly to Jingliu.

"Hmm. Jingliu didn't open his mouth, a word came out of his nose, and he didn't continue.

Although he knew that Jingliu was perfunctory, passerby B was still very happy to get her reply. Quiet lead the way ahead.

"Huh?" Kagami seemed to sense something, and a smile curled into the corners of his mouth.

It didn't take long for a young man to come in front of the three of them.

With short smoky gray hair and widened bangs that half-cover his left eye, according to his temperament, he seems to be a big man in the Akademiya.

"Huh?" The young man looked at the passer-by who passed by him, B, Jingliu and Columbia, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"When did these two people come out of the Akademba?" The young man looked at the very respectful appearance of passer-by B, and was very puzzled in his heart, although he didn't care about these things, but he needed the respect of passer-by B, and it was impossible for him not to be impressed.

After the three of them disappeared from his field of vision, the young man searched the void terminal for information about the two.

Looking at the information in the void terminal, the young man did not react in the same way as passerby B, but instead filled the vigilance in his heart.

If she really did what she said in the Void Terminal, then she couldn't have been impressed......

Now there are two possibilities...... One, these things were deliberately concealed by the Void Terminal, and all the previous memories of the Sumeru people about her were deliberately erased......

The second ...... It was she who tampered with the information ...... in the Void Terminal

If it's the first one, it's fine, since the Void Terminal has hidden it before, and now it's released, it proves that it doesn't pose any danger to Sumeru.

But if it's the second ...... It's a big problem......

The young man stood still, thinking in his head. Although I don't want to take care of the affairs of the Akademiya, I have to pay attention to the matter of the "void", so I have to pay attention to ......

Being able to modify messages within the Void Terminal, since the advent of the Void, no one has been found to be able to ......

The "Void" is the legacy left by the Great Mercy Tree King, and if anyone can modify the news in the Void Terminal, it can only be the Great Mercy Tree King or the current Grass God......

"Could it be that she is the Great Mercy Tree King?"

the young man wondered in his heart, the current god of grass, the little auspicious grass king, has been living in the Jingshan Palace for five hundred years, and it is not ...... the size of that person

Now there are only two possibilities ......

One, she is the King of the Great Mercy Tree, she is not dead, but has been observing the people of Sumeru.

Two...... She is a ...... of gods with the same abilities as the Great Mercy Tree King

Thinking of this, the young man hurriedly put down all the work in his hand and prepared to go to the place where the "void" could not look at ......


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