"That person's name is Alhaithham, and he is currently the clerk of the Akademiya, and your lord is interested in him?"

Passerby B glanced at Alhaitham as he looked at the mirror and hurriedly introduced him.

"I'm not interested, I just think he has a special personality. Jingliu chuckled lightly and didn't continue.

"Hmm...... Truly. Passerby B listened to Jingliu's words, and also nodded in agreement.

"Alhaitham is indeed a special person in the Akademiya. He was the clerk of the Akademiya, but people couldn't find him in the corresponding office.

"The Akademiya also intervened in this matter before, after all, it is not a good behavior to be at the place of work during working hours.

"But in the end, I will be sent away by Alhaithham's sentence 'I have done all the work that was sent to me'. Therefore,

the Akademiya could not find any reason but to let him continue like this.

"Is that so? He is a very special person. Listening to the introduction of passerby B, Jingliu couldn't help but chuckle.

"I wish I could see him sometime.

"Do you want to see Alhaitham?" Hearing this, Passerby B opened the Void Terminal and prepared to issue an order. But it was blocked by the mirror stream.

"When I say want to see, I don't want to see it in a commanding way, but in a natural way, and if I can't see it, that's it. "

Hmm...... What a real adult. Although passerby B couldn't understand it, it didn't stop him from patting on the back.

"Well, let's get it here. "

Okay, please walk slowly, and come to the Akademiya often when you have time. "


"I thought that all the people of Sumeru believed in the Void Terminal, but it turns out that there are still people who don't believe it. As she walked along the road, Columbia remembered Alhaithham's gesture and said.

Hearing this, Jingliu smiled and said: "After all, it is a country of wisdom, isn't it normal for one or two people to have wisdom

?" "The direction of his investigation is right now, what if your identity is exposed at that time?"

Alhaithham's actions are all in Columbia's eyes, and he currently wants to go to other countries to investigate clues about Jingliu, this direction is correct, and the exposure of his identity is only a matter of time.

"Exposed, then exposed. Jingliu chuckled, not caring about the problem of not being exposed

"When the time comes, you can change your identity. "

What kind of idea did you come up with again?" Columbia looked at the smile on Kagami's face and understood what the hell was going on in Kamliu's heart.

I really don't know how her brain grows, obviously she can't even learn the simplest words, but the ghost ideas in her brain are endless.

"Guess? I'll tell you if you guess. "

Columbia: ......

"Do you think I guess

?" "Uh-huh?" Jingliu snorted softly, and did not continue to argue with Columbia.

"Huh?" Just as Kagairu was about to continue walking, he suddenly saw something and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Columbia looked at the stopped mirror stream and followed the direction of her gaze.

I saw a Catherine (?) and a white-haired girl walking on the road.

This combination also attracted the attention of many Sumeru people, after all, in their eyes, Catherine, as a robot, would not leave the Adventurers' Guild.

Kagami-ryu and Columbia glanced at each other and walked towards Catherine and the white-haired girl.


"Aren't you afraid of being recognized?" said

to the white-haired girl as he walked up to the two.

"Hmm...... It's you. The white-haired girl looked at Jingliu and Columbia

, smiled, and continued, "I have modified their perception, and in their eyes, I am just an ordinary girl. "

It's Nahida...... the girl looked at Catherine (?) beside her, a little helpless.

"She's a little too conspicuous. "

Hello. Possessed by Catherine, Nahida smiled at Kagami and Columbia.

Looking at Nahida's appearance, Jingliu said to the Great Cishu King with some doubts, "So...... Why do you want to possess her? Don't you just take Nahida out of the Pure Kindness Palace?"

"I'll have to ask Nahida about this, I don't know what she thinks. The Great Mercy Tree King glanced at Nahida angrily.

"There are some devices in the Jingshan Palace that can supervise my presence, and if I leave hastily, it may alarm the people of the Akademiya. Nahida explained, waving her hand.

"Wouldn't it be nice

to block it with your hand?" "yes, that's what I thought too, not to mention that I left those devices behind, but I could block them with a raise of my hand."

"But that's not what Nahida thinks. When the King of the Great Cishu said this, he spread his hands helplessly.

"I'm not here to be on the safe side...... If they find out, things will get a little troublesome.

"I don't think you're talking about it too much, it's about thinking too much. Jingliu said lightly, the power of the gods will never be beyond the reach of mortals.

The Great Mercy Tree King, who was resurrected by the miracle of abundance, has a power that is even more powerful than in his heyday, and it is simply not too simple to shield the perception of a few mortals.

"Discovered by them, what's the trouble?" Hearing this, the Great Cishu King sneered.

"It's going to be very troublesome, but it's not us, it's them!" In

the World Tree space, after Jingliu left, he and Nahida chatted for a long time under the World Tree, and learned that Nahida had been imprisoned in the Pure Shan Palace by the Akademiya for the past five hundred years.

Hearing Nahida talk about what happened over the years, the anger in the heart of the Great Mercy Tree King couldn't help but be directly filled, as the embodiment of the World Tree, and Nahida was the branch that she broke off from the World Tree, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Nahida is her own child.

But...... In the five hundred years since he left, his own children have been disliked by the people of the Akademiya, and as a mother, how could he not be angry?

If it weren't for the sake of the mirror flow to burn down Sumeru City, he would have gone to the Akademiya to wash himself in blood.

"No, the more I think about it, the more angry I become, not to mention whether they can find out for the time being, why do we care about their thoughts?" The more the King of Great Cishu thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't wait to go and rectify the Akademiya now.

"I don't care, since we go out to hang out together, you have to use your own body, use someone else's body to hang out with me, what's the matter?"

After the Great Cishu King finished speaking, he disappeared in place and appeared in the Pure Good Palace.

"That...... Sorry, sorry. Nahida looked at the Great Tree King in a hurry, first apologized to Kag-ryu and Columbia, and then retracted her consciousness and left Catherine's body to return to the Palace of Pure Kindness.

After Nahida was freed, Catherine returned to normal.

"Huh, why am I here...... Looks like we'll have to find a time to check it out—"

Catherine muttered to herself, and walked towards the Adventurers' Guild.


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