The unconscious mirror stream returned to the environment full of void darkness again and again, there was no wind, no air, only endless darkness ......

"It's a feeling...... It's so uncomfortable, I can't move, I can't speak, I can't do anything except my head can think. "

I'd rather go to the battlefield and kill the enemy than stay here......"

Jingliu slowly relaxed and ......

In the outside world, the body of the mirror stream bloomed with a bright green light, and the surrounding desert gradually grew weeds to ......


"Keep this oath, we cloud riders, like clouds in the sky, protect the immortal boat

!" "Draw your sword!"

When he woke up again, he was in a palace, and there were cloud cavalry troops standing on both sides, and in front of him was the woman in the previous uniform.

Looking at the environment in front of him in the "Flying Light", when Jing Yuan joined the cloud ride, Jingliu also knew what to do at this time. Slowly pull out the saber at his waist.

"Keep this oath, we cloud rides, like clouds and obstacles, protect the fairy boat!"


The sword is six feet five inches long and weighs fourteen pounds ......

"Is this the sword of the cloud rider? Kagami tried to lift the greatsword with one hand, but was almost smashed in the foot.

"It seems that I can only hold and wield it with both hands...... "

Jingliu carefully observed the giant sword, and heard that the blade seemed to contain fire, and it only took a moment of getting close to it to cut through the outer armor of the beast, and I didn't know if it was true.

"How could I have such a thought? Jingliu hurriedly shook his head and threw his thoughts out of 108,000 miles.

"After all, the Xianzhou Alliance can be regarded as the overlord of the universe, it shouldn't deceive people, right?"

"And this ......" Jingliu thought silently in his

heart, and the next moment, twelve flying swords appeared in front of him!

"Could this be the legendary sword that goes with your heart?" Jingliu looked at the fruit on the table, just a thought, and the flying sword beside him flew over like a wind, piercing all the fruits.

Immediately, his mind moved, and the flying sword immediately flew into his brain.

"Hmm...... It's very useful when it matters most. Jingliu nodded, this can be regarded as a killer feature.

"But...... What time is it?" Mirror looked at the mirror in the room and walked over.

Looking at the appearance of the mirror in the mirror, although it is still the appearance of a girl, it seems to have become more mature,

"It seems that it should have been a year or two since the last time I came here...... "

But...... How did I come here?Did I realize that when I returned to darkness, was it the body controlled by the original owner?"

"Or is it these...... It's just a fragment, not complete?" Jing Liu thought in his head, but he couldn't think of a reason at all.

"Alas......" Jingliu sighed: "It's better to be familiar with the cloud riding giant sword"

According to what I know, the war should be about to break out......


"Go ahead, and make this my second lesson to you. The woman in uniform pointed to the enemy on the battlefield and said to the mirror.

As expected, the next day, the woman in uniform led the army to the battle, and Jingliu, as a cloud horse, naturally followed.

Jingliu heard the words of the woman in military uniform, nodded, and walked towards the battlefield.


He is not the original mirror stream, not a mirror stream that can only "stab", but a mirror stream that has experienced three years of tempering in the demon yin body.

When facing agile monsters, you don't need to learn to "slash". When facing monsters with incredible strength, you don't need to learn to "entangle".

Maybe it's because the original owner has been practicing swords in the past few years, and after killing many monsters, Jingliu only feels a trace of fatigue, and even this trace is negligible.

After Jing Liu experienced the last incident, he also understood the importance of physical fitness, no matter how powerful his sword skills were, under the burden of his body, he would be very weak.

"Unless it's that peerless sword immortal. Jingliu chuckled. Obviously, he is not a peerless sword immortal, he is just a thief who has been stealing the sword skills of the Demon Yin Body Mirror for three years.

"But...... How did the original owner solve the ten war beasts in that situation?" Jing Liu was a little puzzled, at least he could be sure that the original owner's swordsmanship level at that time was definitely not as high as his own, and he just happened to have a hole on the side that he barely fought over, Jing Liu couldn't understand how the original owner cut those ten war beasts under the sword......

"I can only say that I deserve to be my mirror wife. "


"This is the beast warrior "Longbo", right?" Jingliu muttered as he looked at the monster in front of him that was more than ten times larger than himself.

"What the original owner didn't finish, let me finish it. Holding the giant sword in both hands, Jingliu jumped onto the "Longbo", raised the sword, and swung it at the body with force.

The greatsword fell, leaving an insignificant wound on Lombard's body.

"Lombard" let out a slight pain, and also noticed the mirror flow in front of him, shaking his body, so that the mirror flow had to leave.

Looking at the mirror stream that fell to the ground, "Lombard" also launched an attack on the mirror stream.

Relying on the size gap between himself and "Longbo", Jingliu used his flexible body to skillfully dodge every attack of "Longbo" and left many wounds on "Longbo".

Seeing that he was being teased by the mirror, "Longbo" was very angry, exuded all his strength, shook the mirror stream away, and then swung it at the mirror stream with a strong punch.

"Oh no!" Jingliu didn't think about this, thinking that he would be able to win by his side all the time, but he didn't expect to ignore this.

It was obviously too late to dodge this distance, and Jingliu pointed the greatsword forward to alleviate the damage caused by the impact of the fist.

With the arrival of the fist, the mirror stream was instantly knocked away and fell into the bloody mud of the battlefield.

"Ahem. Jingliu

spat out a mouthful of blood and felt the state in his body, which is an exaggeration to say that all the internal organs were shattered.

"I still have to thank this sword, but after the blow just now, I'm afraid the sword's "lifespan" is also fast.

Jingliu stood up and muttered to himself as he looked at the slightly damaged giant sword in his hand.

"However, it seems that you have also discovered a weakness, and if you seize the opportunity, you will win!" Jingliu

looked at a wound on Lombard's body, which was bleeding more blood than the others, and there was no sign of stopping.

With that, Jingliu endured the severe pain in his body, clenched the giant sword, and continued to maneuver around "Longbo", looking for an opportunity.


Soon, Jingliu found an opportunity and rushed straight towards the wound.

"Longber" also seemed to sense Kagami's thoughts, raised his palm, and patted towards Kagami.

"Go, Flying Sword. Seeing this, Jingliu chuckled, and then summoned twelve flying swords and attacked at the wound of "Longbo".

Seeing this, "Longbo" did not care about the flying sword, but strengthened the power in his palm, as if he felt that he was about to die and wanted to pull a cushion.

Kagami looked at the palm that was coming at him, and once again pressed his sword in front of him, ready to take the blow hard.


With a roar from "Lombard", he finally fell to the ground. Jingliu was also slapped into the blood again under the blow of "Lombard".

For a moment, the air fell silent.

Soon after, a hand emerged from the bloody mud, and the next moment, the mirror stream covered with blood all over his body pressed the tip of his sword against the ground, slowly crawling into the bloody mud.

"Huh...... Yes...... It seems that I won

......" "I did it......"

Before he could rejoice, the next moment, the sword body shattered, and Jingliu fell to the ground due to the lack of support, losing consciousness ......

The woman in uniform appeared in front of Jingliu at this time, looked at Jingliu and "Longbo", as well as the broken sword beside her, and ...... silently

The sword, two feet and one inch long, is only the remnant of the broken gong ......

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