The sword, five feet long, weighs as much as a thousand pounds...

When he lost consciousness, he only thought in his head, "I did it...... Did it...... What the original owner had never done before......

"Changed this dream?memory?"

When the consciousness returned, he was no longer in a dark space, but on a wooden bed.

Feeling the hardness under his body, Jingliu slowly straightened up and rubbed his head: "Didn't you go back to the darkness?" Jingliu

looked around, observing the environment around him.

A very simple room, a bed, a table, a few chairs, and a dresser, although there are few things, you can still tell that this is a woman's room.

"Looking at this figure, it should have been a long time, right?"

Jingliu observed the clothes and silhouettes on his body, and could roughly see that a long time had passed.

Kagiryu got up and got out of bed, walked towards the dresser, and looked closer, and a young girl was reflected in the mirror.

The girl's light blue white waist-length hair, light red eyes reveal bursts of sharpness and confidence, like a peerless swordsman.

"If every experience is based on the story of the character of the mirror stream, now should be the period when he became

the "sword head" of Luofu, right?" "I just don't know if it is the mirror stream that has become the "sword head", or the mirror stream that has not yet become the "sword head", don't let me fight it when the time comes.

"My sword skills can't be compared with Luofu's swordsmen...... But if it becomes the plot after the "Sword Head", ......"

Jingliu prayed silently in his heart.

"Knock knock, just as Jingliu was thinking, there was a knock on the door. Before

Jingliu could open the door, the next second, the door was pushed open.

Pushing the door in, there was a white-haired girl with two fox ears on her head, apparently a fox clan.

"How do you have the key to my door?" said Mirror Mouth, uncontrollably.

"Hehe, for me, how can a single key stump me?" the girl smiled and quickly hid the key she had stolen behind her.

Jingliu saw the girl's small movements in his eyes, and didn't care too much, looking at the girl's appearance, Jingliu also knew who she was at this time.

One of the [Five Heroes on the Clouds], Yao Qing Fox Flying Warrior Bai Heng.

Of course, there may not be the title of [Five Heroes on the Cloud] yet.

"Eh, why do you feel that you seem to be ...... in Jingliu" Bai Heng's mercury-like eyes stared at Jingliu, thinking with some doubts.

A cold sweat instantly appeared behind the mirror stream.

"It won't be discovered...... Jingliu was a little nervous in his heart.

"It seems...... Getting a little lively?" Bai Heng clapped his hands after thinking for a moment and said.

"Hehe, isn't that good?" Bai Heng said as he watched Jingliu carefully.

"How ugly it is for someone as beautiful as Jingliu to have a face every day. Or you ...... in the mirror

" "Stop talking nonsense, let's talk, what are you doing sneaking into my house to find me?" Jingliu was afraid that Bai Heng would reveal his stuff if he continued to speak, so he hurriedly interrupted.

"Correct! I'm not sneaking around. I opened the door of the room in front of you, with the key......, and came in!"

Jingliu took a deep breath: "If you came to me to prove to me that you have the key to my room, now you can go, I need to rest."

After saying that, Jingliu turned around and walked towards the bed.

"Eh, just kidding, I'm here to give you encouragement!" Bai Heng hurriedly said.


at the puzzled expression in Jing Liu's eyes, the corners of Bai Heng's mouth twitched slightly: "Have you forgotten? Tomorrow will be your last battle to achieve Luofu's sword head."

"But I think so, the gap between the opponent and you is quite big, and it's normal for you not to take him seriously. Bai Heng put his fingers on the corner of his mouth and muttered to himself.

"It's really true!" Jing Liu couldn't help but feel a little crying in his heart, compared with Luofu's swordsman, his half-hung sword skills were afraid that he would not be beaten.

Although he was helpless in his heart, Jingliu did not reveal any expression on his face. Bai Heng didn't notice anything unusual.

"Jingliu, it's a sure thing that you will become the head of the sword, so I came to you to hug your thighs with encouragement. Bai Heng stepped forward and hugged Jingliu's arm and said a little coquettishly.

Jingliu smelled the faint fragrance on Bai Heng's body, felt the softness on his arm, and his body couldn't help but stiffen.

"Think about it, when I return to Yaoqing in the future, tell others that my friend is the contemporary sword leader of Luofu Xianzhou! After Bai Heng finished speaking, he rubbed his head towards Jingliu.

Bai Heng's hair blends with the mirror's hair, which is inevitably a little ambiguous.

The next moment. Jingliu pulled his arm out of Bai Heng's hand and walked towards the bed: "I'm going to sleep, you can go."

Bai Heng looked at Jingliu's appearance at this time, and seemed to be a little shy?

Bai Heng smiled and said to Jingliu, "Do you want to ...... We'll sleep together tonight.

When Jing Liuyan heard this, he didn't speak, but stared straight at Bai Heng with light red eyes.

"Ahaha, joking, joking. Bai Heng smiled awkwardly and hurriedly ran towards the door.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I must work hard tomorrow.

After saying that, Bai Heng closed the door and left the room.

"Whew. Watching Bai Heng's departure, Jingliu was also relieved. He lay down on the bed.

"What should I do tomorrow...... I'm not the original owner. It's okay if you lose, if you hurt the reputation of the original owner......

" "Even if it's just a dream, I will be happy in my heart......"

Feeling the hard wooden bed under him, Jingliu slowly closed his eyes.


"Mirror Flow! Mirror Flow!" On

the stage, there was a girl with light blue and white long hair reaching to her waist, and a strong middle-aged man.

At this moment, it is the final battle for the sword head of the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Of course, this battle, from beginning to end, was a battle without suspense. No one was optimistic about the middle-aged man, and this battle, from the very beginning, the victory belonged to the girl.

The ......girl stood on the stage, took a deep breath, and stared at the middle-aged man in front of her with light red eyes.

"What level you have, you have to try to know!" With

this determination, the girl pulled out the long sword placed on her waist and pointed it forward.

"Mirror Flow!Mirror Flow!Mirror Flow!" "

Sword Head!Sword Head!Sword Head!"

As the girl's sword was pulled out, the people under the martial arts stage were once again pushed into a climax.

The middle-aged man's eyes were solemn, waiting for the referee's order.

With the referee's order. The middle-aged man turned into an afterimage and attacked the girl.

At a speed that the girl didn't notice, she quickly arrived in front of the girl, raised her sword, and slashed down.

When the girl reacted, the sword was only a few feet away from her, and immediately fell on herself.

At this critical juncture, the body moved on its own, dodging the attack of the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Jing Liu hurriedly raised his hand and raised his sword to hit the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp, and when he saw the mirror attack, he hurriedly raised his sword to resist. Entangled with the mirror stream.


The battle didn't last long......

After a while, Jingliu put the sword in his hand against the middle-aged man's eyebrows.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man had no choice but to put down his sword and announce the victory of Jingliu.


the surrender of the middle-aged man, the atmosphere of the martial arts stage was once again pushed to a climax.

The battle for the sword head of Luofu Xianzhou also came to an end.

"I declare, Jingliu, a well-deserved Xianzhou sword head!" Teng

Xiao, the contemporary cloud cavalry general, stood on the high platform and announced.


At the ceremony of crowning the head of the sword, a craftsman dressed in black carries a sword.

Put the sword in front of Jingliu's eyes: "My sword, only the head of the Luofu sword can be competent." "

Hope [the head of the sword]...... Catch the sword!"

the craftsman looked up, baring his teeth and smiling at the mirror.

The sword, five feet long, weighs a thousand pounds, and the blood color on the black blade is ......

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