"Jia Le Fu" supermarket.

As soon as they walked in along the escalator, they could smell the smell of a large supermarket.

It was not a feeling, but a special smell that a large supermarket would have. Fresh vegetables were mixed with cooked food, and the cold air from the air conditioner was mixed with the smell of people.

It was the same smell as the vegetable market, a lively smell.

On both sides of the aisle, old ladies with their own small stools were fanning themselves with palm-leaf fans to cool off.

Lin Bai, who usually liked to carry a basket, also changed to a cart this time. There were really a lot of things to buy this time.

"I still like to go shopping in the supermarket." Su Yunxi looked at the dazzling array of goods on the shelves and said with some emotion.

"Me too, I feel very at ease." Lin Bai nodded, "Let's buy some toiletries first?"

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. were naturally brand new, and even changed to the smell that they didn't usually use, as a declaration of a new life.

Bought new beautiful porcelain bowls and plates, and the set of tableware looked fresh and cute.

"I've had enough of the dishes at home, but my mother won't let me change them!"

Su Yunxi muttered, "Too old-fashioned, what do you think?"

"You're right, but I don't seem to pay much attention to it. Aunt Su's cooking is delicious." Lin Bai said with a grin.

"You only know how to eat." Su Yunxi took out two more cups at this moment, "I want this kind of simple glass cup for the cup. I don't like fancy mugs. What about you?"

"Me too." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"You're not, it doesn't matter if you drink water from a mineral water bottle." Su Yunxi said with a smile.

"How could it be? I don't want a mineral water bottle, I want a 2L Coke bottle, so can we go buy Coke?"

"Coke kills sperm, drink less." Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai, blinked and smiled.

"It's okay, just waste it."

"Go away, what should I do?" Su Yunxi punched Lin Bai's stomach lightly at this moment.

Shopping all the way, buying all the way.

"I feel happier than when I got married." Su Yunxi said while holding the Kumamon bear she just got.

Looking at the smiling girl, Lin Bai gently touched her head: "Because we were too stupid at that time."

Looking at Lin Bai, putting the Kumamon bear doll in the shopping cart, Su Yunxi suddenly opened her arms: "Hugging in a big supermarket is also a classic scene in the movie?"


Using his feet to block the wheels of the shopping cart, Lin Bai stood on the shelf and hugged Su Yunxi.

"Empty supermarket, pale white lights, flowing cold air.

The more alienated and cold the environment is, the more unforgettable the hug becomes.

This is the art of movie shots. I hope you who watch the video can also have such a hug."

Flipping through his latest movie commentary video, Du Xiao suddenly sneezed: "I was abused in the movie, and I was abused in real life, and I have to catch a cold?"


Vegetable area.

Tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, ribs and mandarin fish.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi are going to make a simple dinner tonight. It is perfect to cook the first meal in the new house at home.

However, they did not buy too many of these things. The refrigerator in the rental house is not a double-door refrigerator, and it is even smaller than the general single-door refrigerator.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi did not think of changing the refrigerator. They mainly eat in the school cafeteria in the future.

Pushing the full cart to the self-service checkout machine, Lin Bai suddenly pinched Su Yunxi's hand and said, "You choose one?"

Su Yunxi looked at the shelf: "Chewing gum?"

But soon Su Yunxi blushed. As we all know, there are only three things at the checkout of large supermarkets.

Chewing gum, chocolate and that thing.

"How do I know which one to buy?" Su Yunxi pouted and blushed, twisting Lin Bai's arm.

"I don't know either? You can take whatever you want." Lin Bai stroked Su Yunxi's head, and the girl fell on his chest.

However, seeing Su Yunxi taking three boxes of three brands of products, Lin Bai felt a little pain in his waist.

"Try it and you'll know which one is good." Su Yunxi blushed and covered the three boxes with Kumamon.

The girl's blush was quite similar to Kumamon's cheeks.

Cashier, checkout.

Three large shopping bags were used.

Lin Bai carried two, Su Yunxi carried one with Kumamon.

Originally thought it was only a short distance, so I would go back early, but as soon as I went out, I saw an empty car for rent.

Without any hesitation, I stopped it and sat down.

Panting and panting, Lin Bai came to the sixth floor, feeling a little weak.

Su Yunxi was okay, because her female dormitory was on the sixth floor, and she was used to climbing stairs.

Seeing Lin Bai sitting on the sofa as soon as he entered the door, Su Yunxi kicked his calf.

"Hurry up and pack with me."Looking at Su Yunxi wiping her sweat, Lin Bai nodded helplessly and smiled: "Okay, right away."

They bought a lot of things, and Lin Bai was in charge of the kitchen, sorting out the refrigerator.

The dishes and drinks were basically his, Su Yunxi didn't drink much.

Su Yunxi put toothbrushes and other things in the bathroom, and also washed cups and arranged flowers.

Kumamon also had to be washed before he could hold it every day.

The two were still busy in the afternoon, which was expected, and the reason why they came to clean up in advance.

If they waited until school started, it would be too late, and they still had to go to class.

But they were very excited now, and they were busy and happy.

The sound of cutting vegetables in the kitchen and the sound of water in the bathroom echoed in the distance, and Lin Bai lit the natural gas stove.

He wiped his sweat, cooking is a hard job, especially in summer.

While the ribs were still cooking, he wiped his hands and turned a corner, and saw Su Yunxi washing vases and tableware.

He hugged Su Yunxi, who was hunched over, from behind, and put his head on the girl's shoulder.

Su Yunxi wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, and looked at Lin Bai behind her: "It's so hot, don't hug me anymore."

Lin Bai was close to Su Yunxi at this moment, and could feel Su Yunxi's slightly damp short sleeves. There was no air conditioning in the bathroom, and the cold air from the living room was difficult to spread over.

But at this moment, Lin Bai felt very good.

Crawling on Su Yunxi's back, he suddenly kissed Su Yunxi's earlobe gently, and the girl's earlobe had a little salty taste of sweat.

Su Yunxi's face was flushed at this moment, and she struggled to look at Lin Bai in the mirror: "Little Teddy is in heat."

"Well, that's it." Lin Bai hummed, and the movements of his hands became less regular.

Turn over Su Yunxi's body, Su Yunxi tiptoed to sit on the edge of the pool, and hugged Lin Bai's neck.

Sweat, summer, the stuffiness of the bathroom, the misty water vapor covered the eyes of the two.

It had nothing to do with gender, or even the taste of the last life.

The two 19-year-old boys were somewhat confused at the moment.

His fingertips slid across Su Yunxi's shorts, bare thighs, wet with sweat.

Su Yunxi had closed her eyes gently like a kitten, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

With a sly smile, he tapped Su Yunxi's head, and Lin Bai looked at the girl's resentful eyes and opened them, and smiled softly: "After dinner, I made ribs."

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