The atmosphere of daily life is the most comforting.

The newly bought plates are filled with freshly cooked food, and the rice is also served in new bowls.

New chopsticks, new water cups, and new dining tables and scenery.

Only the person sitting opposite the dining table is still an old friend, a very old but timeless old friend.

Looking at Su Yunxi, the girl does not look like the flawless idol drama or youth film at this moment.

There is still sweat on her face, and the broken hair on her temples is also stuck on her head. She has tied a low ponytail casually with a headband.

She is not wearing a white dress, but just an ordinary short-sleeved shirt that has been worn many times.

The girl is bare-faced, without makeup, and her red lips are not tender and dripping. The bags under her eyes are the dark circles left by staying up late last night.

However, even if Lin Bai racked his brains to think of all the bad words, why is his heart still secretly happy?

"What's wrong?" Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai staring at her blankly, and said with a little fear in her heart: "At least you have to finish your meal and take a shower?"

"Pfft, I'm not thinking about this, no, although I do think about it a little bit."

Lin Bai said as he took out two bottles of Coke from the refrigerator: "For the high spirits tonight, let's drink some soda."

Pretentiously pouring Coke into a highball glass, the overflowing bubbles made everything look like sparkling wine with a lot of pigments added.


The crisp clinking of glasses echoed in the small living room. Looking out the window, the sunset was gorgeous, and the city pressed the mute button and slowed down the playback at this moment.

The passage of time also became clear.

"How do you like the ribs I made?" Seeing Su Yunxi picking up his braised ribs, Lin Bai couldn't wait to ask: "Speaking of which, I haven't cooked for a long time, I feel a little rusty."

Biting the ribs, Su Yunxi raised his head and said with a grin: "You know, as long as you eat ready-made food, it tastes pretty good!"

Laughing, Lin Bai also ate a piece himself.

"It's OK, but it's not stewed long enough, so the bones are not removed. It would be better if it was cooked in a pressure cooker. It's a little different from what your mother made."

Su Yunxi nodded in approval: "After all, you don't have as much cooking experience as my mother in your two lifetimes combined, so it's already rare to have this level of cooking."

"Eat more. The refrigerator can't hold it. It's a pity if it goes bad in the hot weather."

Lin Bai reminded him, and had already covered the tomato scrambled eggs on the rice and stirred them together: "It's a pity that I didn't buy tomato sauce, so the tomato scrambled eggs are not strong enough."

"Don't buy this. Go back and eat Kaifeng dishes. Ask the front desk for a few more packets of tomato sauce. Let's go on Thursday. It's crazy Thursday. There are hot and spicy chicken bones for 19 yuan and 15 yuan."

"I think it's okay." Lin Bai nodded. The tomato flavor is not strong enough now.

Drink enough, don't do things. Drink enough. Eat enough.

The ribs are finished, and there are still a few other dishes left. It's not a pity to throw them away.

Standing on the terrace outside, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi leaned against the iron fence and looked into the distance.

The view in the distance was cut off by high-rise buildings, but the glass curtain wall reflected the sky, which was as gorgeous as a kaleidoscope.

The evening breeze at the end of August was no longer hot, because it was an old community, and there were many elderly people walking downstairs.

Occasionally, you can see couples and students from the same neighborhood, one after another.

"Are you happy?"

"My surname is not Hu, it's Lin, but I'm very happy." Lin Bai smiled and hugged Su Yunxi's waist.

Lin Bai leaned his head against Su Yunxi's head, rubbing his cheek against the girl's temples, and muttered: "I am very happy. It is the happiest thing for me to be with you again. I am very happy to be able to reverse the past with my own hands."

"I love you, more than ever before, and every day after that will love you more than the day before."

Kissing Su Yunxi's hair, Lin Bai's voice was a little low, but it was enough for Su Yunxi to hear it clearly.

Turning around, gently leaning her head against Lin Bai's arms, the girl leaned against Lin Bai's heart and quietly reached out to touch the corner of her eyes.

Tears are clearer than sweat.

Recognizing Su Yunxi's little action, Lin Bai gently held Su Yunxi's tear-wiping wrist, took a step back, and lowered his head to touch the other's forehead.

Looking at Su Yunxi pouting, biting her lips, and looking at herself with red eyes and tears.

Without saying anything like "don't cry", Lin Bai just carefully wiped the corners of Su Yunxi's eyes and stroked the girl's cheek with the tip of his thumb, with an irrepressible happy smile on his face.

"I love you too, I love you so much." Su Yunxi said softly, and while she was talking, she had already closed her eyes and tiptoed gently.She stood on tiptoe and touched the boy's lips.

The sunset stretched their figures on the terrace, and reflected on the yellowed wall, like a weathered painting.

When they parted their lips, they suddenly realized that they had come to the living room without knowing when. Lin Bai leaned on the sofa, and Su Yunxi knelt on Lin Bai's legs.

Looking at Su Yunxi, whose lips were slightly swollen and whose eyes were a little blurred, Lin Bai gently supported her back and soon put Su Yunxi down on the sofa.

The girl's ups and downs and rapid breathing all told of her restlessness.

However, the leather sofa was very small, and leaning on it at this moment, she soon felt stuffy because it was not breathable.

Holding Lin Bai's neck, Su Yunxi gently said, "I'll take a shower, and you go wash the dishes."

Looking at Su Yunxi, Lin Bai nodded and gently stroked the girl's long hair, "Okay, I'll blow your hair for you later."

The sound of water was the sound of the shower in the bathroom.

This is a smaller bathroom than at home, because it is so small that there is no way to separate the wet and dry areas.

But there is a mirror.

Looking at the mirror blurred by the mist, Su Yunxi aimed the shower head at the mirror, and the clear mirror reflected the girl's proud figure.

The hair that was washed first was now tied together, revealing her perfect white neck, but I don't know how many strawberries Lin Bai will plant on her tonight.

The hot water passed over her skin, and the mist of water vapor made Su Yunxi's eyes tremble. Although she claimed to be a master of abstinence, she was just a girl with normal physiological reactions.

The fingertips drove the bath ball to pass every inch of her body, and the delicate foam wrapped up the sweat and dust.

Su Yunxi had never washed so seriously. When she came out, Lin Bai had already washed the dishes and sat on the sofa.

With a red face, she lowered her head and walked into the bedroom quickly with a bath towel wrapped around her. "I'm done, you wash it."

"Okay, right away."

"Wash it clean, don't, don't be impatient." Su Yunxi poked her head out of the bedroom and looked at Lin Bai to remind him.

"Yeah, I know."

"Don't be too slow, I, I'll wait for you to blow my hair." Su Yunxi's face became even redder, and she gently closed the bedroom door.

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