"Old Devil Chen's strength..."

Meng Hanran frowned deeply.

Turning to the left and right, everyone had the same heavy expression.

This is too much!

After they came back from Demon Realm last time, they met Chen Laomo once, and the opponent's strength improved a lot.

In the battle of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, even the gathering of all the great powers in the sanctuary failed to keep him.

But today, he couldn't even block the opponent's casual wave.

One must know that he, Meng Hanran, has also reached the ninth level of the transformation stage!

If Old Devil Chen doesn't leave...

Not only him, everyone was thinking about this hypothesis.

Then my heart became even colder.

If Chen Laomo chose not to leave, would they still be able to defeat him today?

After losing Ye Changsheng?

At this moment, many people felt a trace of regret in their hearts.

They forced Ye Changsheng so much...was it right or wrong?

Do not!

Why did you force him?

It was clearly him, Ye Changsheng, who didn't distinguish between good and evil, and ran to practice the magic way.

It wasn't him who made him fall into the devil's way, right?

After thinking about it this way, I felt much better again.

But the problem is still not solved!

One old devil Chen is enough to give them a headache, and now there is one more Ye Changsheng.

These two big brothers were the two pillars of the two domains of the holy and the devil back then!

Now that the two have gotten together, what will they do?

Ye Changsheng...would he come back for revenge?

Anxiety is spreading.

The five sects and seven sects have always been the mainstay of the sanctuary, even they themselves think so.

But after Ye Changsheng left, they realized that their hearts were also empty.

It turns out that Ye Changsheng is the only one who can be called the pillar of the sanctuary!

Without Ye Changsheng, they didn't know what to say, and the pressure came like a mountain.

With Ye Changsheng around, their Sanctuary could barely deal with Chen Laomo.

Now Ye Changsheng is not only gone, but also united with Chen Laomo.

When Ye Changsheng recovered from his injuries and Chen Laomo reappeared in the future, would they still be able to resist?

What's more, in addition to these two people, there is also a demon king who has been invincible as early as more than ten years ago.

The Sanctuary of Zhongzhou... is about to be destroyed!

The atmosphere at the scene was heavy and sluggish, everyone was bowing their heads in thought, and no one spoke for a while.

Of course, not all.

It's like hiding behind Zhou Baiyu all the time.

A proud student came forward to speak out.

Although things are not going exactly as he expected at this moment, it is not that there is no backup plan available.

Thinking of the adult's explanation when he came back from the Demon Realm, Cang Wudao's expression changed slightly, but he also struggled for a moment.

Only then did he regain his composure, coughed twice, and said: "Everyone, I have an idea that I don't know if it's feasible, but now the imminent time has come, Cang can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

When he spoke, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, but when he saw that it was him who spoke, his expression was slightly disappointed.

Cang Wudao ah.

He and Xiao Mohe's mess, who is right has not been figured out yet.

But seeing Xiao Mohe's bitter hatred that day, the suspicion of his innocence must be even greater, right?

The first step left a bad impression in the hearts of everyone.

Cang Wudao is also a human being, and he knows what is in his heart just by feeling the eyes of everyone.

But I can't care less.

Especially when Ye Changsheng and Xiao Mohe were not dead, he really couldn't control that much.

"This matter is serious."

He straightened his face, and said in a deep voice: "Especially for the current sanctuary, it has reached a critical moment of life and death."

"As a member of the sanctuary, Cang can't disregard the safety of the sanctuary, so there are some things... that must be said."

Having said that, he himself closed his mouth with a look of hesitation.

Meng Hanran couldn't help but said, "Elder Cang, if you have something to say, you might as well speak it out!"

Cang Wudao glanced at the crowd again, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Cang had met a person some time ago, and that meeting changed Cang's impression of him a lot, so Cang felt that now Sanctuary In fact, there are only two enemies, Chen Laomo and Ye Changsheng!"

"Only two?"

Meng Hanran frowned, and couldn't help saying in a deep voice: "Elder Cang, who is that person you saw?"

"That person is..."

...... Pen Fun Library

star space.

"Chen Tianxing, you can let me go now."

Ye Changsheng, who was wrapped in the demon armor, finally took a breath and couldn't help struggling.

Chen Tianxing pouted, "I don't know good people."

He didn't insist, and waved back the Heavenly Demon Armor.

"here is……"

Ye Changsheng turned pale and looked around, the stars and universe in front of him also surprised him.

"Changsheng Daoist don't talk, let me

Come and see! "

Just as he was about to ask Chen Tianxing, a familiar and urgent voice sounded.

Ye Changsheng was taken aback, only to realize that someone had already approached him.

Instinctively, he wanted to use his spiritual power to force people back.

But he instinctively, the man who came still squeezed his wrist.

This made Ye Changsheng smile wryly.

I can't use a little bit of my hard work for nearly a hundred years now.

But the person who came saw it clearly, and couldn't help sighing softly: "Xiao Yixian, I'm sorry."

That person is Xiao Mohe.

Chen Tianxing went to save people, he didn't stay idle, he also came with him, staying in the star space all the time.

It's just that he doesn't know if he wants to be lazy and not make alchemy, or if he is really worried about Ye Changsheng.

At this moment, Xiao Mohe frowned, and the hand protruding towards Ye Changsheng's wrist shook regularly, with an appearance of concentrating on it, and he didn't even have time to meet Ye Changsheng's eyes.

After a while, he finally withdrew his hand, his face was still heavy, but mixed with anger.

Ye Changsheng also knew what he was doing, seeing his expression, he smiled wryly and said, "Is it Cangwudao?"

Xiao Mohe looked at him, nodded and said: "It's hard to say whether he did it himself, but it's definitely related to Shenyi Medicine Sect!"

"Master Changsheng, what you have taken is the Yinshen Pill!"

"Hidden God Pill?"

Ye Changsheng was stunned, "The old Taoist has never heard of this kind of elixir."

Xiao Mohe said: "Because this is not a great medicine, the refining is not complicated, but it is not very useful, it has long been discarded by the Shenyi Medicine Sect."

After a pause, seeing Chen Tianxing's eyes also looked at him, he explained: "This Yinshen Pill was created by an elder of the Medicine Sect back then. Give it to younger disciples."

"The purpose of doing this is for inheritance."

He recalled: "The spiritual power of high-level monks is planted into the bodies of younger disciples through pills one by one, so that disciples can have extremely condensed high-level spiritual power at a low level, so that they can practice well." Get twice the result with half the effort."

"As it turns out, that doesn't work."

"The spiritual power injected into the disciples of the younger generation through the Yinshen Pill cannot be used by them, and they remain in the body like maggots attached to the bones, which affects their own cultivation."

"So this pill has long been abandoned, and only a handful of people from the Shenyi Medicine Sect have seen or heard of it."

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