I Just Want To Be A Good Person For Seizing The Leader Of The Demon Cult

Chapter 121 The One Who Knows You Best Is Your Enemy

"Xiao Yixian, what do you mean, the Shenyi Medicine Sect injects demon energy into my body through the method of refining the Yinshen Pill?"

Ye Changsheng thought about it, and the situation was exactly as Xiao Mohe said.

He could feel the demon energy in his body, but if he said it was his, it wasn't always true.

From the beginning to the end, he could only feel the magic energy in his body, but he couldn't drive it, nor could he use it to perform exercises.

But this demonic energy is very tenacious, and no matter what he does, it cannot be driven out of the body.

Not only that, but his spiritual power was invaded by demon energy when he was performing it, and the Taoism he played was covered with a layer of demon energy, making him look like a demon cultivator.

"It's the Hidden God Pill, you can't go wrong!"

Xiao Mohe said in a deep voice: "The senior who developed the Yinshen Pill is a member of the Yinmen like me, and he usually likes to develop some weird pills."

"When he refined the Yinshen Pill, he showed it off to me for a while, so I also know the refining method of this pill."

"It's just that, Immortal Changsheng, what you took was not the Yinshen Pill mixed with spiritual power. Maybe you should change the name to Yinshen Pill!"

Ye Changsheng remained silent. Biqu library

Long ago, he guessed that the mutation in his body was inseparable from the Shenyi Medicine Sect, but now he just used Xiao Mohe's mouth to confirm it again.

"Master Changsheng, have you taken the pill from Shenyi Medicine Sect recently?"

Xiao Mo asked curiously.

With Ye Changsheng's cultivation level, no one in the Sanctuary could forcefully feed him medicine.

And for him to be tricked without anyone noticing, he can only be willing to submit to this situation.

Ye Changchang sighed, "Not bad."

He glanced at Chen Tianxing, "Back when the old Taoist made a breakthrough, his realm was not very stable, so he gave the elixir to the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and asked Sect Master Zhou to refine it for me."

"What did you serve in total?"

Xiao Mohe asked again.

Ye Changsheng shook his head with a wry smile, "There are forty-nine pieces in total, and I just took the last one today."


Xiao Mohe was speechless.

The Yinshen Pill is to use the elixir to plant high-level spiritual power into the disciple's body. The predecessors who developed this elixir had calculated that the maximum dosage is forty-nine.

But I also understand, if it is not known that today is the day of the completion of the Hidden God Pill, how could those people in the sanctuary make trouble today?

Chen Tianxing smiled as he listened, and gave Ye Changsheng a thumbs up, "Old man Ye, you have to be the one to be big-hearted. Can't you refine this kind of elixir yourself?"

"You have to let Shenyi Medicine Sect refine it for you, what an authority!"

"Isn't this self-inflicted?"

Hearing this, Ye Changsheng opened his mouth, intending to refute a few words, but was speechless for a while.

On the contrary, Xiao Mohe said: "The Sanctuary of Zhongzhou has long been used to the existence of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and the Immortal Changsheng asks the Shenyi Medicine Sect to refine the elixir, this matter has something to do with the leader."

Chen Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, then pointed his thumb at himself, and asked in surprise, "What's the matter with this sect master?"

Xiao Mohe smiled wryly, and looked at Ye Changsheng.

Ye Changsheng shook his head and sighed, "It's not because you, Master Chen, are too strong."

Chen Tianxing cupped his fists and laughed, "It's easy to say, easy to say!"

Ye Changsheng sighed: "The pressure Master Chen has put on the Sanctuary these years has also made us understand that if we are not united, we will not be able to compete with the Demon Realm."

"So in order not to disperse energy, Sanctuary has long had a clear division of labor. The practice of cultivation, the alchemy of alchemy, and the refining of weapons. Whichever is the strongest in each sect, focus on which one, and leave the rest to Same way."

Chen Tianxing was stunned, "So you guys stopped alchemy a long time ago, and handed over all this work to the Shenyi Medicine Sect?"

Ye Changsheng nodded and remained silent.

This proposal was made by him back then.

And it works.

When all the sects maximized their own strengths, the strength of the entire sanctuary was raised to a higher level, and thus they were able to withstand Chen Laomo's stormy offensive back then.

As Xiao Mohe said, after so many years, each sect has long been accustomed to the existence of the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

If there are pills that need to be refined, all you need to do is provide the medicinal materials or explain the requirements, and leave it to the Medicine Sect. Biqu library

Ye Changsheng thought the same way.

If he has time for alchemy, he might as well practice more, and supplement it with the effect of pills at that time, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Only in this way can the profit be maximized.

But he never expected that it was this proposal that made him suffer a lot today.


Chen Tianxing spread his hands, "Anyway, if you have any problems, you can blame the leader of the sect, I don't care."


Chang Sheng looked at him deeply, cupped his hands suddenly, and saluted solemnly: "Old Taoist, thank you Master Chen for your kindness in saving us."

This made Chen Tianxing a little uncomfortable.

The two of them have been beating people to death for more than ten years, and I have always been the one who calls me an old man, and you say an old devil.

These two people who were in conflict suddenly reconciled?

Chen Tianxing scratched his head with a chuckle, "Old man Ye, aren't you afraid that it's my master's trick to kill you first and then come to save you, to cheat your trust?"

Ye Changsheng shook his head, "The old man knows who you are, Chen Tianxing."

"Although you are arrogant, overbearing, conceited, cruel and tyrannical..."

"Stop, stop!"

Chen Tianxing interrupted with a headache, "Just get to the point."

Ye Changsheng smiled and said: "But if you say that you, Old Demon Chen, are a person who can play tricks and tricks, I, Ye Changsheng, will not believe it for the first time."

"So I'm just a dumbass in your heart?"

Chen Tianxing was very depressed.

"Then you guessed my intention to save you?"

At this point, Ye Changsheng's brows that had just been relaxed frowned again, "It's because we have a common enemy."


Chen Tianxing frowned, "You mean Sanctuary? You want revenge?"

Ye Changsheng took a deep look at him, "Master Chen, you don't need to test it, you know who I'm talking about."

Yes, Chen Tianxing knows.

Both of them knew in their hearts that the sudden chaos in the sanctuary must be related to another person besides the rebellion of the Shenyi Medicine Sect headed by Cang Wudao.

And if there wasn't that person behind to control everything, he might not dare to challenge Ye Changsheng.

That person is Demon Lord!

Otherwise, at this juncture, what good would the Shenyi Medicine Sect's rebellion do them?

Just because of the little personal grudge between Cang Wudao and Xiao Mohe?

They all knew what Ye Changsheng was like.

Although he is jealous of evil, he has a long-term vision.

After a peerless monster who was stronger than Chen Laomo and more vicious suddenly appeared in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, how could Ye Changsheng bother to investigate an old case back then?

All his thoughts must be on dealing with the Demon Lord.

So Cang Wudao didn't jump out at this time at all, otherwise, once Ye Changsheng was gone, wouldn't it be equivalent to cutting off his own arm?

In the future, the Demon Lord will lead the crowd to fight, who else can turn the tide?

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