An angry shout finally made Xiao Mohe react.

But he didn't look back, and he didn't have the panic of ordinary Tianmo Sect disciples when they saw the leader.

On the contrary, he said lightly: "Whether a person is willing to do good deeds depends on his heart."

"The reason why they do good deeds is that they have no choice but to succumb to the power of the leader."


Chen Tianxing frowned, playing with taste: "So you mean, you don't want to give in?"

"It's just that I don't want to be played like a monkey."

Xiao Mohe finally got up from the boulder, then slowly turned around, cupped his hands to Chen Tianxing and said: "This subordinate has seen the leader."

Chen Tianxing looked at him.

The Xiao Mohe in my memory is a middle-aged man in his forties, thin in body and spirit but full of vitality, with the demeanor of a master.

But looking at it now, he was no less than twenty years old, his whole body was old and gray, and even the light in his eyes was barely visible.

If you don't say it, who can imagine that this person is actually the high-spirited Myriad Medicine Immortal back then?


Chen Tianxing felt it again, and was suddenly overjoyed: "Your injury hasn't healed yet?"

Xiao Mohe:?


"I mean, with your medical skills, you haven't cured it after so many years?"

Xiao Mohe, who was at the peak stage back then, was at the ninth level of the Tiangang stage, not far from the transformation stage. I believe that if it hadn't happened, with Xiao Mohe's talent, he should have broken through long ago.

However, at this time, when he sensed his aura, not only did he not make a breakthrough, he was not even at the Tiangang stage.

Think back when he was caught in the Tianmo Sect, his aura was so weak.

So after all these years, apart from healing his trauma, Xiao Mohe has not made any progress in his cultivation?

Xiao Mohe said plainly: "Probably because doctors don't heal themselves."

"Let this leader take a look!"

Chen Tianxing couldn't help but probe into Xiao Mohe's vein door, and then the vast magic power poured into Xiao Mohe's body.

With his strength, not to mention Xiao Mohe's unrecovered cultivation base, even in his prime he is unstoppable.

But Xiao Mohe was also a bachelor, he didn't seem to worry that Chen Tianxing would be bad for him, and he didn't resist the magic power pouring into his body at all, allowing it to travel through his meridians.

With this exploration, Chen Tianxing immediately discovered the problem.

I saw Xiao Mohe's large meridians and acupoints all over his body, all of which were condensed into a huge Taoist body.

The spiritual power is so occupied that his own spiritual power cannot pass through it at all.

The spiritual power cannot circulate the meridians, Xiao Mohe naturally cannot practice, and he can still have the cultivation level of the golden core stage, which is all supported by the golden core condensed in the dantian.

But it is obvious that only one golden core cannot break through these huge spiritual powers.

"So cruel?"

Chen Tianxing opened his eyes in surprise, "Who did you offend?"

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a small stone was thrown into Xiao Mohe's peaceful heart, causing ripples.

But soon, he suppressed his emotions well.

"It's just the past, don't mention it."

Xiao Mohe said lightly, then changed the subject, "The leader suddenly came to look for his subordinates, didn't he just want to see his injuries?"

Withdrew his hand calmly.

"Why not?"

Chen Tianxing glared at him, "You are also a member of my Tianmo Sect now, why don't you tell me you have suffered such a serious injury?"

Xiao Mohe:?

"Since I am from Chen Tianxing, how can I be bullied by people from Sanctuary!"

Chen Tianxing said awe-inspiringly: "My leader came today to heal your wounds!"

Xiao Mohe was stunned, "Master, you..."

He has been in Tianmo Cult for at least seven years. Why did Chen Laomo go for such a long time?

"You don't have to!"

Chen Tianxing waved his hand, "As the leader, this is what I should do, Xiao Yixian, you don't have to be moved!"

Xiao Mohe:?

Before he could say anything else, Chen Tianxing grabbed the hand that had just been withdrawn, and this time, an even bigger magic power rushed in.


Xiao Mohe trembled all over, with a pained look on his face.

Even though he joined the Devil's Cult, what he practiced was still the purest Sanctuary Taoism. The so-called righteousness and devil are incompatible, and the magic power that Chen Tianxing stepped up this time still made him feel that life would be worse than death.

Fortunately, Chen Tianxing also had a sense of proportion, he didn't want to kill him, what was transmitted was pure internal force, not aggressive.

Under his precise control, the huge magic power turned into a sharp magic spear, shuttled through Xiao Mohe's meridians, and then divided into eight, rushing towards the latter's most important eight meridians.

Xiao Mohe's statement that doctors do not heal themselves is not wrong.

In fact, both he and Chen Tianxing understand that the condition in his body is not difficult to treat, on the contrary, it is very simple.

If he was still in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, and he was still the Immortal Doctor of Medicine, Xiao Mohe wouldn't even have to do it himself.

, You only need to invite a sanctuary expert, and this crux of the problem can be solved immediately.

Because, in his case, he was forcibly blocked with spiritual power by a cultivator stronger than him.

He has no way to heal it himself, and it's just that his strength is not good enough. He only needs to find a powerful opponent whose strength is comparable to his opponent, and it can be resolved.

But Xiao Mohe couldn't find such a great power.

He could no longer return to the sanctuary after entering the Demon Cult.

But in Demon Realm, he was questioned about his true purpose, and it was even more impossible to find a master who was at least in the stage of transformation to help.

What's more, Xiao Mohe, who was more sad than heartbroken, didn't even think about healing his injuries.

He didn't expect Chen Laomo to come to the door on his own initiative today, which he didn't expect.

While thinking about it, Chen Tianxing moved quickly, and the magic power of the eight strands had already reached the eight strange meridians.

I don't know which holy power is blocking Xiao Mohe's spiritual power, but what is certain is that his cultivation level is lower than that of Ye Changsheng.

Even Ye Changsheng was a head shorter than Chen Tianxing, so it was easy for him to deal with these spiritual powers.

As soon as the tip of the magic gun comes into contact with spiritual power, it is like an ice cube touching chromium iron, and it will be melted immediately.

Not long after, the imprisonment that had troubled Xiao Mohe for seven years instantly disintegrated in front of Chen Tianxing.


Just at Setsuna where the meridian was opened, Xiao Mohe suddenly felt a huge shock, the golden core in his body twirled wildly, throwing a lot of spiritual power into his long-dried meridian.

An unprecedented sense of joy hit the brain, even with Xiao Mohe's calmness, he couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

Fortunately, Chen Tianxing withdrew his work quickly, otherwise Xiao Mohe's spiritual power would have been exhausted when it encountered the magic spear.

It's so easy too!

Chen Tianxing, who withdrew and returned, was ecstatic in his heart.

He came to Xiao Mohe to try his luck, but he didn't expect such good luck.

After seven years in the Demon Sect, Xiao Mohe still has a lot of merit accumulated in the sanctuary.

More importantly, Chen Tianxing still had a headache on how to help Xiao Mohe so that he could absorb the white light from the opponent's body for his own use.

I didn't expect to find out that this guy was still seriously injured after waiting for seven years.

Isn't it God helping me?

Right now, just wait for the white light to be absorbed into him.

bring it on!

Sure enough, when Xiao Mohe opened his eyes, Chen Tianxing was able to see the divine light that only belonged to the strong in the opponent's eyes.

Xiao Mohe, he recovered.

"My subordinates thank the leader for his help."

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