
Chen Tianxing was overjoyed.

Thanks to Xiao Mohe, the white light he wanted was stabilized.

And with the intensity of the white light on the opponent's body, if the Taiji Diagram was reversed three times, it would be impossible to escape.

"Xiao Yixian doesn't have to do this, this is what the leader should do."

With a wave of his hand, he replied proudly.

However, his eyes turned around Xiao Mohe, and anticipation could not help appearing on his face.

Xiao Mohe was also surprised.

He didn't understand why Chen Tianxing was staring at him so intently?

Thinking of something suddenly, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

I've heard that Chen Laomo's Bliss Heaven Demon Art is evil and perverted, and he specializes in gathering yin and nourishing yang to strengthen his body.

There are countless women who have been raped by Old Demon Chen these years.

Could it be that this magic skill can be used by both men and women?

Otherwise, how could this old demon show so much kindness today that Baba had to come to heal himself?

Thinking of this, Xiao Mohe's face darkened.




"You...don't really want to thank me, do you?"

Chen Tianxing waited for a while, but was surprised to see the white light on Xiao Mohe's body motionless as if frozen.

Think back to absorbing white light twice before.

First it was Xiao Cui, who unintentionally avenged her, at that time Xiao Cui bowed down to her sincerely.

Then there is the Xu Qiushuang.

Although this woman hated herself, she didn't know her identity at that time. After being rescued by him from the dungeon, she was also sincerely grateful to him.

That's why he absorbed the white light.

Then this Xiao Mohe.

This guy said thank you, but he still didn't think so in his heart, it was just a little polite.

If it wasn't out of sincerity, even if I helped the other party a lot, I still couldn't absorb the white light?

This is...

I have a headache.

"Master Chen."

Xiao Mohe said in a deep voice: "You cured Xiao Mou's stubborn illness, thank you, but Xiao Mou also has Xiao Mou's bottom line, if the leader thinks that Xiao Mou can do whatever he wants, then it's better..."

He proudly said: "Please ask the leader to block Xiao's meridians again, even if this matter never happened."


Chen Tianxing was at a loss, "What are you talking about?"


Xiao Mohe flicked his sleeves, "Master, please respect yourself!"

"Me? How heavy is it?"

Chen Tianxing was even more at a loss, "I healed your injury, and then I will input magic power to block your meridian.

live? "

"Am I sick?"

He couldn't figure out why Xiao Mohe's attitude changed before and after.

"In that case, this subordinate would like to thank the leader for his help, so I will take my leave!"

Xiao Mohe bowed his hands, he did not want to give Chen Tianxing a chance to say more, so as not to dirty his ears.

After the words fell, he jumped and jumped directly from the top of the mountain.

"Hey you!"

Chen Tianxing never expected Xiao Mohe to be so staunch, jumping off a cliff at the slightest disagreement?

It was only later that he realized that this guy's injury had healed, and his cultivation at this moment had reached the peak of the Tiangang stage, it was just a mere cliff, and it would be fine to jump off.

"There is something wrong with this man!"

He was aggrieved, but he still couldn't figure out what happened to Xiao Mohe's changes before and after?

What's even worse is that I took all the pains to cure him, what kind of shit Xiao Mohe didn't even thank me sincerely!

If you don't thank me, don't thank me, and say something inexplicable.

What do I weigh?

Why should I respect myself?

and many more!

He was startled suddenly, thinking that Xiao Mohe said that he also had a bottom line.

This guy……

Chen Tianxing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Could it be that he thought that he had something to do with helping him?

Well, that's true.

But what he drew was just a white light that was useless to Xiao Mohe, and even he couldn't see it himself.

But at Xiao Mohe's place, it is estimated that he wanted to go wrong.

He probably thought he saved him, and wanted him to return to the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou to be a spy, right?

After all, the Sanctuary had only attacked the Demon Realm two days ago, and with Chen Laomo's personality of vengeance, of course he had to say this.


It must be like that!

The more Chen Tianxing thought about it, the more reasonable he became.

Besides, he couldn't think of the reason why Xiao Mohe's attitude changed so much before and after.

You hateful Xiao Mohe, why are you thinking so much?

Chen Tianxing was so angry, how could he have such a meaning?

I just want to help you, okay?

No, I have to explain.

Thinking of this, he jumped down from the top of Heimu Mountain.

Xiao Mohe is his source of white light, so he is really unwilling to give up on him like this.

More importantly, apart from Xiao Mohe, where else could he find another person with such a strong white light?

It's just that if Chen Tianxing learns the real reason why the other party dislikes him, he wonders if he will run away on the spot,

Fighting with the Taiji Diagram to explode will also destroy the Wanyao Yixian.

The two jumped off the cliff one after the other, Chen Tianxing let go of his senses, and immediately sensed Xiao Mohe's location.

Xiao Mohe didn't go too far.

After jumping off the cliff, he didn't leave Blackwood Mountain, but got into a dense forest on the mountainside.

After Chen Tianxing followed, he saw a small village with only a dozen or so households in the dense forest. Recalling the location of the mountaintop where Xiao Mohe was before, it suddenly dawned on him.

This guy came to the top of the mountain every day, maybe just to see this small village?

There must be someone or something in this small mountain village that he cares about very much.

Maybe I still have a chance.

Thinking of this, Chen Tianxing hid his aura, and quietly followed behind Xiao Mohe.

With his strength, he is confident that even if Xiao Mohe regains his strength, he will never find himself stalking in the dark.

Not long after, Xiao Mohe came to the entrance of the village.

I don't know if he knew that Chen Tianxing was following, maybe it didn't matter, and he just walked in.

"Uncle Xiao!"

"How did you come?"

As soon as he entered the village, he heard the crisp voice of a child. A child about seven or eight years old flew towards Xiao Mohe with surprise on his face.

"Little ghost, have you made your grandpa angry these days?"

Xiao Mohe fondled his head, looked around, "Where's your grandfather?"

The child pouted, "Little ghost is so good, how could you make grandpa angry?"

"Grandpa, he and a few uncles went to the mountains to cut firewood, and they can only come back after dark!"

Xiao Mohe hummed, still stroking his head with his palm, and said slowly: "Forget it then, when your grandfather comes back, you tell him that Uncle Xiao has something to do, you have to leave for a while."

The little ghost was shocked, hugged Xiao Mohe's thigh and said aggrievedly: "Xiao Uncle, don't leave, okay?"

"You child."

Xiao Mohe squatted down, took out a wooden box from his arms and stuffed it into the little ghost's hand, saying: "Uncle Xiao is just going out to do some errands, and he will come back."

"This box contains the Shengsheng Congealing Blood Pill. Remember to give it to your grandfather, or follow the previous method of taking it."


Xiao Mohe's tone was slightly sentimental, and he forced a smile and said: "Probably when you finish eating the pill in the box, Uncle Xiao will come back."

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