
Chen Tianxing just had plastic surgery, um, after the disguise was completed, Xiao Mohe also had a movement on the other side.

With a lot of pills insisting, Xiao Mohe, who was already on the verge of breaking through, broke through the shackles in one fell swoop without taking too much time.

The aura in the dense forest is violent, Xiao Mohe, the Immortal Doctor of Myriad Medicines, finally breaks through the stage of transforming into a god!

The magic eye is still watching Xiao Mohe's every move.

So Chen Tianxing discovered that Xiao Mohe after the breakthrough actually did the same thing as him.

I saw him take out another elixir, and after taking it, he kneaded it on his face. In a short while, Xiao Mohe's appearance also changed drastically.

Yi Rongdan?

Chen Tianxing curled his lips, this Xiao Mohe had a lot of weird pills.

I don't know if it's because he didn't pinch his face well, but after the disguise, Xiao Mohe's face showed a stern look.

The two of them, one bright and one dark, are getting ready.

Although he hasn't left the Demon Realm for seven years, Xiao Mohe is still familiar with the way. He turned around near the border of the Sanctuary and perfectly avoided the Sanctuary cultivators guarding the border. It took only half an hour to truly entered the sanctuary.

It was Chen Tianxing who was extra careful.

His magic skills are too strong, Xiao Mohe was only in the Tiangang stage before, but now he is in the transformation stage, and his perception ability is more than ten times stronger.

Furthermore, when entering the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, there are many people with stronger cultivation bases than Xiao Mohe.

This day, he was able to deceive the younger generation with the demon Yi Gu, and if he accidentally ran into a great power in the sanctuary, he would immediately sense his devilish energy.

This is also the reason why he has never thought of collecting white light in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou.

I didn't expect that I wanted to make an idea on Xiao Mohe, so I went around and brought him to the sanctuary.

I'm not afraid, the worst thing is to walk is the best policy.

The current Chen Tianxing has a lot of interest in Xiao Mohe, he really wants to see how the white light will change after being dominated by hatred for such a virtuous person with strong white light.

He still knows too little about the Taiji Diagram.

But this damn picture is related to his wealth and life, so he couldn't help but figure it out.

While thinking about his mind, he followed behind Xiao Mohe.

I never thought that it would take three full days.

With Xiao Mohe, a local snake, he chose to walk in uninhabited mountains and forests, but after all, his strength was there, and with his superb body skills, these three days still allowed him to go deep into the hinterland of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

Chen Laomo has many enemies with Zhongzhou Sanctuary

Years, but have never been to such a hinterland.

He only knew that this place was not the Tai Dao Sect, and it was far away from Ye Changsheng.

Zhongzhou Sanctuary is not as chaotic as Jitian Demon Realm.

Although the leader of the Righteous Way is the Five Sects and Seven Sects and other powerful sects that transcend the world, it is the Tianxuan Dynasty that manages the Sanctuary on the bright side.

The Extreme Sky Demon Realm is just the opposite. The whole region is divided by one hundred and eight demon gates, and there is no so-called dynasty.

If there is, there is. Biqu library

He, Chen Tianxing, is the emperor of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, the Demon Emperor.

The Sanctuary of Zhongzhou was divided into seventy-two mansions in Kyushu by the Tianxuan Dynasty, and Xiao Mohe is going to Qingyuan Mansion in Dongchen State at the moment.

If I remember correctly...

Chen Tianxing rummaged through Chen Laomo's memory, and found that this Qingyuan mansion was the sect of Shenyi Medicine Sect, one of the five sects and seven sects.


Well, case solved.

The Shenyi Medicine Sect is the only sect in the Zhongzhou Sanctuary that uses pills to enter the Tao.

And Xiao Mohe is known as the Immortal Doctor of Myriad Medicines.

The so-called colleagues are enemies, which is harmed by competitors.

It's a little troublesome.

Chen Tianxing rubbed the center of his eyebrows and felt a headache.

The Shenyi Medicine Sect uses pills to enter Taoism. It is conceivable that their status in the sanctuary is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Mohe.

Then there will be many people with white light under the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

In fact it is.

When the Sanctuary and the Demon Realm confronted each other two days ago, although the Shenyi Medicine Sect was at a relatively rear position as a logistical support, Chen Tianxing still saw a large amount of white light shining from their side.

At that time, I was envious for a while, but I didn't expect that two days later, he would arrive at other people's base camp by himself.

Obviously, Xiao Mohe's target of revenge is Shenyi Medicine Sect.

This time Chen Tianxing didn't want to take the lead easily.

The two entered Qingyuan Mansion one after the other.

Different from the desolation of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, the Zhongzhou Sanctuary is clearly the place where humans should live.

Entering from the gate of Qingyuan Mansion, a lively atmosphere rushed over.

"Come here! Steamed buns just out of the oven, if they don't taste good, you don't need money!"

"Candied haws, big and sweet, two skewers for a penny!"

"Don't miss it when you pass by. Zheng's blacksmith shop carefully crafts a fine steel sword, and it only sells for a tael of silver!"

It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced such a bustling and bustling scene. As soon as I enter the city, my eyes are a little bit insufficient, whether it’s the little things on the stalls or the tea in the restaurants on both sides of the street.

Four, Chen Tianxing was dazzled.

He couldn't help sighing secretly, why did he travel to the Devil's Cult, it would be great if he traveled in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou.

This is where people stay.

While sighing, he took a bad bun and walked around the city.

As for Xiao Mohe.

After entering Qingyuan Mansion, he was obviously more cautious, even Chen Tianxing noticed that at the moment of entering the city gate, Xiao Mohe took out another pill and took it.

When this elixir was put down, his aura did not leak out at all, even a powerhouse at the peak of the transformation stage like Chen Tianxing couldn't sense his aura.

The current Xiao Mohe is no different from an ordinary person who has no cultivation base.

Fortunately, with the lock of the demon outside the body, it will not be lost.

It's just that after Xiao Mohe came to Qingyuan Mansion, he didn't immediately find his enemies to fight for his life. Instead, he found a remote inn to stay, locked himself in the room, and continued to consolidate his newly broken cultivation base.

It seems that Xiao Mohe is not as impulsive as he imagined, he must be waiting for the opportunity.

This made Chen Tianxing very helpless.

He didn't know what Xiao Mohe was waiting for, and he couldn't rush over to ask directly.

Are you cheap!

He is a great heavenly demon respected by everyone in the Demon Realm. In the Demon Realm, anyone who sees him must not tremble three times. Regarding his orders, whoever is not obedient, for fear that an accident will make him unhappy.

But he had to make up his mind on Xiao Mohe.

It just so happens that Xiao Mohe is a person who doesn't fear his identity at all.

I can't do it myself anymore.

Chen Tianxing scratched his head, it seems that his identity as a great demon is not so easy to use.

But why not talk about Xiao Mo, this Qingyuan Mansion is a good place.

Different from the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, the life of ordinary people in the Sanctuary is far better than a hundred times. Just walking along this street, he saw seven or eight people with a faint white light on their bodies.

I wanted to go up and absorb one or two, but after thinking about it, I didn't seem to have anything to help them.

While he was thinking, a crisp voice came from behind him.

"Young master, please stay!"

Chen Tianxing turned his head and took a look.


Standing behind him was a beautiful girl in a red dress and a red dress with bright eyes and white teeth.

This young girl did not have the weakness of ordinary ladies, but was heroic and heroic, full of the heroic spirit of the sons and daughters of the world.

Chen Tianxing's eyes straightened immediately.

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