What makes Chen Tianxing's eyes straight is not how beautiful this girl is. Biqu library

It was the white light shining on her body.

This has to go around twice, right?

Assessing the intensity of the white light, Chen Tianxing showed a gentle smile, "Is this girl calling me?"

Xindao was fortunate that Tianmo Yigu made a handsome guy, otherwise how could such a good thing happen?

This woman took the initiative to find her, she must be asking for something from me, and this could not be better.

Maybe in the process of helping her, you can develop a long-distance relationship that is epic and earth-shattering, that would be even better.

The woman in red stepped forward, looked at Chen Tianxing carelessly, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't the young master from Qingyuan Mansion?"


Chen Tianxing coughed twice, and said: "Miss has good eyesight, I am indeed not from Qingyuan Mansion."

"Then where are you from?"

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly. This girl's high EQ is called blunt, and her low EQ is called impolite.

But he looked at the white light on the opponent's body, and could only answer: "I came from Taixuan Palace."

"Tai Xuan Mansion?"

The red-clothed girl's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Sir, are you a member of Tai Dao Sect?"

Chen Tianxing secretly smiled inwardly.

Back then, Old Devil Chen had fought the most with the Taidao Sect and knew the Taidao Sect the best. If he wanted to pretend to be himself, it would be better to talk to the Taidao Sect.

"Miss, you are laughing. This is the closed disciple of the Taiyi Sect's Changsheng Daoist."

The girl in red jumped up excitedly, ignoring the surprised gazes of others, and said joyfully, "So it's a senior from Tai Dao Sect!"

"It turned out to be the closed disciple of Daoist Changsheng!"

"so amazing!"

The girl stared in starry eyes, and suddenly said in astonishment: "But this senior brother, it seems that he has not heard that Changsheng Daoist will no longer accept disciples, has he?"

Chen Tianxing nodded, "That's right, Master, he has no plans to stop accepting apprentices."

"Then why are you a closed disciple?"

The girl is puzzled.

Chen Tianxing said lightly: "Literally, I am responsible for closing the door for Master every night after he goes to bed."

The girl in red:?

"That... that's also... very powerful, after all, it's the people around Daoist Changsheng."

"That's true."

Chen Tianxing nodded without humility at all, and asked, "I'm Li Erniu, haven't you asked for advice yet?"


"Oh, my name is Yue Qingling."

There was regret in the eyes of the girl in red.

Chen Tianxing asked again: "I don't know Miss Le

Call to live in the next, so what is the matter? "

After chatting for a long while, he had almost grasped Yue Qingling's temper, and only then did he get to the point.

Just kidding, did you really think he was here to flirt?

Everything is focused on white light.

"It's like this..." Biquku

Yue Qingling hesitated for a moment, and she didn't know whether she was intimidated by the closed disciples, or the name of Chen Tianxing's bullshit made her a little entangled.

After a pause, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Just now, I saw that senior brother Li's gestures were full of breath, and I thought he had cultivation, so I wanted to ask senior brother if he could do me a favor."

"Oh, by the way, I am a disciple of the Shenyi Medicine Sect."

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "The five sects and the seven sects are connected with each other, since you are a junior sister of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, how can I not help you?"

"I don't know why?"

Yue Qingling looked at him, her bluntness remained undiminished, "What state is Senior Brother Li now?"

Chen Tianxing said without hesitation: "I am now at the seventh level of the Shenyuan stage."

"Shen Yuan Period?!"

Yue Qingling's eyes widened in surprise, "As expected of being the closed disciple of Daoist Changsheng, he's really amazing!"

"I just broke the delusion!"

Delusion first.

Chen Tianxing had seen her cultivation early on, so she reported for the Shenyuan period.

Yue Qingling wanted to find someone to help, but naturally she couldn't handle it in her current state.

Then it is more reasonable to report for the Shenyuan stage, and then go up, the Tiangang stage is too high, and many elders of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary are only in the Tiangang stage.

It is unreasonable for a strong man in the Tiangang period to walk on the streets of Qingyuan Mansion without making a sound, and he doesn't know how to know the medicine sect.

At any rate, the Shenyuan period will not be too suspicious.

"Senior Brother Li, that little girl just said it!"

Yue Qingling looked left and right, pulled Chen Tianxing to one corner, leaned into his ear and said, "In three days, it will be the biennial assessment period of Shenyi Medicine Sect. Our assessment is different from that of senior brother's Taidao Sect. You know that?"

The girl exhaled like blue, blowing Chen Tianxing's mind for a while, if not for her good concentration, she almost couldn't control it.

"The assessment of Shenyi Medicine Sect is mainly based on alchemy."

Chen Tianxing took half a step back without any trace, and coughed lightly: "If Junior Sister Le wants to help you make alchemy..."

"That's not necessary!"

Yueqing Ling said: "Of course my little sister does alchemy by myself, otherwise wouldn't it be cheating?"

"not to mention……"

Chen Tianxing spread his hands, "What's more, I don't know how to practice."

Dan. "

It's not that he can't, but the pills in Chen Laomo's memory are all evil magic pills. If he really took one to Yue Qingling to return to the sect for business, he would have to be kicked out of the sect as a witch.

"To tell you the truth, my little sister has already thought of a elixir. If she can successfully refine it, she will be a blockbuster in the assessment meeting!"

Yue Qingling was complacent for a moment, but her face became bitter again.

"It's a pity that the ingredients in my pill formula still lack the most important medicine."

"I see!"

Chen Tianxing was stunned, thinking that this is not easy.

Immediately hand over a gold ingot.

Yue Qingling was taken aback, her mouth opened wide, "Senior Brother Li, you are..."

"Isn't it lack of medicine?"

Chen Tianxing took it for granted: "Go and buy it!"

"Is it very expensive, and the money is not enough?"

As he spoke, he took out another bulging money bag and handed it to Yue Qingling together with the previous ingot.

"There are ten ingots of gold here, is that enough?"

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Xiao Mohe didn't know when he would act. Before that, it would be best if he could absorb a little white light as soon as possible, so that he wouldn't be completely unable to do it.

Yue Qingling's mouth never closed again.

Seeing her expression, Chen Tianxing frowned slightly and said, "Isn't that enough?"

"It's okay, how much do you want?"

"This this……"

Only then did Yue Qingling come back to her senses, and stammered: "Closing the door for Daoist Changsheng...do you make money like this?"

Chen Tianxing smiled, "If Junior Sister is interested, next time I will introduce you to Master for you."

"no, I'm fine!"

Yue Qingling waved her hands again and again, then gritted her teeth and said, "Senior brother Li doesn't know, the medicine my little sister needs is not about money at all."

"What I want is a piece of scale armor on Burning Heaven Ancient Chan's body. Money can't buy this thing."

"However, I do know where there is the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad, but this strange beast is so powerful, it can only depend on me..."

Yue Qingling lowered her head aggrievedly, "If I can usually ask the brothers and sisters I know for help, but now everyone is preparing for the assessment, I am really embarrassed to disturb."

"When I was worrying, I saw Senior Brother Li passing by. My little sister, I have no choice but to ask Senior Brother to try it out."

"If Senior Brother Li is unwilling..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianxing waved his hand and said decisively: "I am willing!"

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