Burning Heaven Ancient Toad?

There are many rare and strange beasts in this world, and Chen Tianxing doesn't know what they are.

But that's not the point.

The point is, Yue Qingling really wanted something from him!

So this wave is finally stable, right?

Having already talked about this point, Yue Qingling seemed to be really anxious.

So as long as I help her, can this white light still run away?

So Chen Tianxing agreed without even thinking about it.

As for how strong Fen Tian Guchan was, and whether he could beat him.


Chen Laomo is still afraid of a broken toad?

How strong can Yue Qingling, who has broken the stage, dare to make up his mind?


Yue Qingling's eyes lit up, "That's great!"

"Worthy of being a senior brother of Tai Dao Sect, he is a warm-hearted Gu Dao!"

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "Junior Sister Le is too famous, but I don't know where is the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad?"

"Not far not far!"

Yue Qingling hurriedly said: "I've already done an investigation. Someone has found the Burning Sky Ancient Toad near the Bishui Hantan, which is more than 70 miles away from Qingyuan Mansion!"

Chen Tianxing nodded.

It was only three days before the Shenyi Medicine Sect's assessment, and it must be nearby, otherwise how would Yue Qingling have time?

Secretly paying attention to the scene outside Huamo's lower body, and finding Xiao Mo He Nai motionless in the inn, he couldn't help but sneer.

Xiao Mohe, Xiao Mohe, buddy won't play with you anymore.

If you play well this time, Bai Guang won't have to worry, you can just play in the mud yourself!

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

Yue Qingling was naturally eager, her little head was like a chicken pecking at rice.

The two turned around and walked out of the city.

It has to be said that this girl, Yue Qingling, doesn't admit her birth at all.

It was only a few words of friendship with Chen Tianxing, but she completely trusted him, and while walking at the moment, she was talking and laughing with Chen Tianxing, as if she had known him for many years.

I don't know if his heart is really so pure, or because he has no choice but to pin his hopes on Chen Tianxing because of the pressure of the assessment three days later.

Or, it was Chen Tianxing's pretended Tai Dao Sect identity that played a role.

The two chatted while walking, benefiting from the years of fighting with Ye Changsheng, as the saying goes, the one who knows you best is often the enemy. Chen Tianxing's understanding of Ye Changsheng is quite deep, and Yue Qingling's occasional insinuations made him answer fluently.

In this way, Yue Qingling has no doubts about Chen Tianxing's identity.

Chen Tianxing is also happy to have beauty around him

As a companion, she is still a beautiful woman who asks for herself.

This experience is much better than following the inexplicable Xiao Mohe all the way.

When he remembered that he had helped Xiao Mohe, the other party not only didn't appreciate it, but also treated him as a thief to guard against him, Chen Tianxing felt very depressed.

How nice do you think Yueqing Ling is?

This didn't help her yet, and she was already asking her about her health.

Look, what is sensible?

This is called sensible!

Hmm... is there a way to build a long-term friendly partnership?

Chen Tianxing looked at Yue Qingling who was bouncing ahead and leading the way, and was already thinking about the issue of long-term meal tickets.

After leaving Qingyuan Mansion, the speed of the two of them increased a lot.

After all, Kele Qingling had only just broken through the Delusion Breaking stage, and her speed couldn't be compared with Chen Tianxing's, so by the time she arrived near the Clear Water Cold Pool, it was already dark.

The location of the clear water cold pool is in the Tianqing Mountain outside Qingyuan Mansion. There is a waterfall in the mountain, and cold springs flow through the waterfall all the year round to the pool below.

According to Yue Qingling, there is a piece of ice marrow on the highest peak of Tianqing Mountain, and the cold spring is formed by the invasion of ice marrow.

The Bishui Hantan has a special geographical location. The cold spring water pours into the pond, and its coldness is just at the critical point, so the water in the pond is emerald green and has not condensed.

But the Clear Water Cold Pool looks ordinary, and even very ornamental, but the danger is not low at all.

If ordinary people accidentally fall into the pool, they will be frozen into ice cubes in less than two breaths.

It is precisely because of the special nature of the Clear Water Cold Pool that this place has become the favorite habitat of the Burning Sky Ancient Toad.

The Fentian Ancient Toad is a strange beast with extreme fire attributes, because its fire nature is too violent, if there is no extremely cold thing to suppress it, it will be burned to ashes by the strange fire in its own beast core.

And once there is the suppression of the extremely cold thing, the Burning Sky Ancient Toad can reconcile the yin and yang, and it will grow into a strange beast with dual attributes of ice and fire. It has both the fierceness of extreme fire and the coldness of extreme ice, and its strength will also increase exponentially .

That's why Yue Qingling was worrying about how to deal with the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad.

The two entered Tianqing Mountain.

It's a hot summer now, but it's just stepped into the mountain, and the temperature has dropped sharply before reaching the vicinity of the clear water and cold pool.

"Good place!"

Chen Tianxing couldn't help expressing emotion.

Most of the cultivators in the Demon Realm practice evil and evil magic skills, so many places in the Demon Realm look eerie.

And places like Clear Water and Cold Pool, which naturally have a yin and cold attribute, are no less than wind for monks who practice magic arts.

Water treasure land.

It's a pity that this is already the hinterland of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, and it is impossible for the cultivators of the Demon Realm to come to the Clear Water Cold Pool to practice.

Well, I still have the self-consciousness of being a leader!

Where can I find a good leader like me who considers everything for his subordinates?

"It's not good at all if I say so!"

Yue Qingling curled her lips, "If it weren't for the clear water and cold pool, the stinky toad wouldn't be so strong."

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "But if there is no clear water and cold pool, do you think this toad would still be here?"

Yue Qingling was startled, "Senior Brother Li still sees it clearly."

There is no need for Yue Qingling to lead the way here.

The two of them just need to go in the direction of the cold air, and the further they go, the colder the cold air will become. Chen Tianxing even saw that the trees along the way had been frozen by the cold air, and the grass that should have been soft under their feet became softer when they walked. Like walking on blades.

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly.

From the cold air blowing towards his face, he could even feel a trace of scorching heat mixed with it.

Extremely cold and extremely hot, these two extreme breaths are mixed together, making people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Brother Li, don't you need to defend yourself?"

Yue Qingling had already set up the defensive shield formed by spiritual energy, even so, her face was still pale and red, but Chen Tianxing looked like a normal person, and she couldn't help being surprised.

Chen Tianxing needs a defensive cover?

As far as this ice and fire aura is concerned, it is nothing to him.

What's more, even if there is anything, it's not easy for him to put up a defensive shield in front of Yue Qingling.

Yue Qingling's is spirit energy, his is magic energy!

It was also because of this, not to mention the defensive cover, Chen Tianxing could not use his Heavenly Bliss Demon Art when he started to use his hands later, lest the little girl find out the truth.

Fortunately, Chen Laomo's physical body is also extremely powerful. As far as the ancient toad's aura he has come into contact with so far, Chen Tianxing believes that physical strength alone is enough to deal with this toad.

"By the way, can I borrow Master Yue's saber?"

Chen Tianxing took a look at Yueqing Ling's exquisite saber that was more decorative than practical.

"Ah? My sword?"

Yue Qingling was stunned, but still untied the sword, "I bought this sword for ten taels of silver to look good, isn't it good?"

"No problem."

Chen Tianxing took the sword, rolled up his sleeves, and said hey: "Junior Sister Le doesn't need to make a move later, I will chop it!"


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded in the mountains and forests. The sound was so loud that it seemed as if thunder was falling from the nine heavens.

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