I Just Want To Be A Good Person For Seizing The Leader Of The Demon Cult

Chapter 23 You Can't Put The Pot Down, Can You?

"It's the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad!"

Yue Qingling lowered her voice and exclaimed.

The direction from which the loud noise came was the clear water and cold pool.

Chen Tianxing narrowed his eyes slightly, "Go, go and have a look."

Raise your sword first and move forward.

Seeing Yue Qingling shaking her head, she secretly thought that it was a pity for such a good skin.

Senior Brother Li looked like a butcher with a butcher's knife at the moment.

Aren't the brothers of the Taiyi Sect all elegant and out of dust?

Well, it is estimated that the requirements of closed disciples in terms of temperament are not too high.

The two held their breath and moved forward.

After walking for a short time, I could hear the sound of rumbling water, and the clear water cold pool was in front.

Chen Tianxing dodged to the back of a small hill by the pool and turned his head to look into the pool.

Except for the cold spring waterfall that was flying straight down, the water pool was very calm, and there was no trace of Burning Sky Ancient Toad.

"How about it?"

Yue Qingling also leaned forward and asked nervously in Chen Tianxing's ear.

"I didn't see..."

Chen Tianxing shook his head, and was about to lean out more, at this moment!


Another loud bang exploded above their heads.

The shock made Yue Qingling tremble all over, and she threw herself directly into Chen Tianxing's arms.

Warm and fragrant nephrite hugged her arms, but Chen Tianxing's expression was serious.

He looked up, his eyes suddenly opened wide!

Just above his head, a pair of huge vertical pupils shining with a strange red light are staring at him.

Those eyes... are a circle bigger than others!

Chen Tianxing was shocked, he exerted strength on his feet, and rushed back to the forest with Yue Qingling, his heart was already ready to unleash his magic skills.

Fortunately, the vertical pupil didn't seem to care much about the two of them, he just glanced at it, and then turned his gaze back to the waterfall.

A normal person who would care about the ants under his feet?

Chen Tianxing knew that the two of them were no different from ants in the eyes of the owner of those vertical pupils.

"You call this a toad?"

Looking at Yue Qingling who buried her small head in her arms, Chen Tianxing was both funny and angry.

"Brother Li, you, have you killed it?"

Chen Tianxing didn't respond angrily: "Well, I killed it."

Only then did Yue Qingling poke her head out tremblingly, and when she looked forward, there was another exclamation, and she buried herself even deeper.

Small fists pounded Chen Tianxing's chest wildly.

No wonder she was so scared, in fact, even Chen Tianxing was taken aback.

It turned out that the small hillside he dodged past, where is that hillside?

that's obvious

It was a huge toad squatting on the edge of the cold clear water!

Burning Heaven Ancient Toad!

I didn't expect it to be so big!

Chen Tianxing raised his head, his neck was a little sore, and he was able to see the top of Burning Heaven's head.

This toad is so huge that its head is almost at the same level as the waterfall. Its whole body has been squatting motionless by the pool for an unknown number of years. Its body is covered with moss, and even weeds have grown in some places.

It was night again, and the cold air constantly emanating from the cold pool was misleading. If you didn't look carefully, it was really hard to find that this was actually a toad sitting by the water.

From this observation, Chen Tianxing also discovered that on the back of the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad, there were three pieces of armor that looked like red-hot chromium iron, which were extremely dazzling in this dark night.

Think this is the purpose of this trip?

"Junior Sister Yue, take a look."

Chen Tianxing patted Yue Qingling in his arms.

"I do not!"

"take a look."

"Do not!"

"Okay, let's go back then."

"I see, I see!"

Only then did he dare to peek out half of his head and take a look.

"Ancient Toad Scale Armor! It's Ancient Toad Scale Armor!"

At this glance, Yue Qingling finally overcame her fear, and there was a hint of surprise and longing in her eyes.

Chen Tianxing said helplessly: "The scale armor is almost as big as the roof, can't you put the pot in it?"

"What pot!"

Yueqing Ling said: "It's an alchemy furnace!"

Then he felt aggrieved and said, "I didn't expect it to be so big!"

"According to the alchemy book, the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad is actually not that big. What did it eat?"

Chen Tianxing pointed to the three scales, "Do you want more?"

Yue Qingling said pitifully, "Can I still have it?"

Chen Tianxing weighed his hands, "If you can get off me, you can try."


It was only then that Yue Qingling realized that she was still in the arms of the other party.

Although she was always careless, she couldn't help blushing at this moment, and hurriedly struggled to jump off Chen Tianxing's arms.

"Senior Brother Li, if possible, you only need to cut off a small piece of its scales, and you don't have to pull it out."

She fiddled with the corners of her clothes, rarely showing the appearance of a little girl.

In the end, I was still a little worried and said: "If it doesn't work, forget it, I will find another way, Brother Li, don't force it!"

Chen Tianxing chuckled, "Junior Sister Le, have you heard a word?"


I saw him waving the sword flower casually while rolling up his sleeves, and said slowly:

"Man, how can you say no?"

"Junior Sister, wait a moment, I'll go chop it!"

He went up with his sword in hand.

Yueqing Ling was dumbfounded.

I thought to myself that senior brother Li Erniu is also very good at temperament.


What am I thinking?

Seeing that the fierce battle was imminent, Yue Qingling hurriedly shook off the distracting thoughts in her mind, and stared nervously at Chen Tianxing's back.

Let's talk about Chen Tianxing.

Even if he couldn't use the Bliss Heaven Demon Art in front of Yue Qingling, his cultivation level was still there.

At his level, his physical strength is unparalleled. During his brief contact with Fentian Ancient Toad just now, he probably had a little understanding of the strength of this giant toad.

It is not difficult to kill it, but it will expose the magic power.

But if you just cut off a little scale armor, then there is no problem.

With the force under his feet, the whole person soared into the air in an instant, and jumped directly into the air, which was higher than the burning sky ancient toad.

Chen Tianxing focused his eyes, and locked on one of the three scales. The long sword in his hand danced like a sword flower, and slashed at that scale.


When the swords and armor clashed, the sound of gold and iron was shaken.

When Mars burst forth, a black shadow rushed towards him.


Chen Tianxing was startled, turned his head to avoid the shadow, but it was the half of Yue Qingling's long sword. Biqu library

Looking at the scale armor again, it didn't even have a white mark.


Fen Tian Guchan seemed to be aware of it, and turned his huge head left and right, but he couldn't see what was behind his neck.

I don't know whether it's because I've lived too long and my intelligence has deteriorated or I'm just stupid. Someone moved a knife behind its back, which didn't arouse Gu Chan's vigilance. After finding nothing, it turned its head to stare at the waterfall again.

Chen Tianxing was already lying on its back.

"Good guy, so hard?"

He looked at the half of the long sword left in his hand, slightly surprised.

Although the sword is just for good-looking decoration of the long sword, its power is not fake.

At his level of cultivation, not to mention a long sword made of fine iron, but picking a leaf at random, what can he cut?

"I still can't cure you?"

The defeat of the sword also aroused Chen Tianxing's arrogance, he turned half sideways, and at an angle that Yue Qingling couldn't see, he secretly used the Blissful Heaven magic skill with his palm.

During Setsuna's right palm, a dark green saber glow appeared on the edge of his right palm.

Heavenly Demon Knife!

"Give me... off!"

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