
The Heavenly Demon Knife drew a dark green glow, and cut lightly on the fiery red scales.



The immovable Fentian Ancient Toad seemed to have been stepped on to its vitals suddenly, and suddenly burst into a shrill scream, and a scorching flame rose from its huge body in an instant.

Chen Tianxing jumped off the opponent before his body burst into flames.

"Junior Sister Yue, I got the item!"

He flew up to Yue Qingling and spread his hands cheerfully.

A flaming red scale armor the size of a palm was held in front of Yue Qingling's eyes.

"Li...Brother Li...behind...behind!"

Yue Qingling, who was supposed to be joyful, was trembling all over at this moment, pointing behind Chen Tianxing with chattering teeth.


Chen Tianxing frowned slightly, and at the same time, he felt a scorching murderous intent lock onto himself.

Turning his head, he saw a huge volcano lying on the ground.

Fen Tian Guchan no longer kept the squatting posture, but lay on his stomach with his head facing him, the fire flickered in those huge vertical pupils, and the scorching murderous intent arose from this.

"Hey, don't be so stingy?"

Chen Tianxing was not afraid, and waved the scales he had cut off, and said with a smile: "I just cut a small piece, you still have a lot."


Before he finished speaking, the irritated Fentian Guchan opened his mouth wide, and an icy white tongue rushed towards him like a sharp arrow.

Chen Tianxing's complexion changed, and he pushed Yue Qingling away, and he jumped into the air when the toad tongue attacked.

"This beast moves slowly, but its tongue is very flexible!"

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Tianxing's complexion changed again before he could regenerate another thought.

"What the hell?"

The Burning Sky Ancient Toad, who was labeled as slow-moving, leaped to a higher sky one step ahead of him, and at this moment, he smashed Chen Tianxing head-on with the force of a volcano.

"Brother Li!"

Yue Qingling was in a hurry and yelled worriedly from below.

"Give you a face, right?"

Chen Tianxing snorted coldly, raised his hand and punched, the strong wind of the fist hit the body of the ancient toad first, and he also used this counter-shock force to fall faster than the volcano.

As soon as he landed, he stepped on his feet again, and rushed to Yue Qingling, stuffed the scale armor in her hand, and shouted: "You go first!"

"No, I'm not leaving!"

Yue Qingling bit her red lips tightly, and said resolutely: "This incident is all because of me, I, Yue Qingling, will never leave Senior Brother Li and run away alone!"


Chen Tianxing

He came up, and almost slapped him, and finally suppressed it, and said softly as much as possible: "Be obedient, you go outside the forest and wait for me first!"

Turning his head and scanning his eyes, he saw the Fentian Ancient Toad crashing to the ground, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky.

He said again: "This bastard is not weak, but I can stand it, senior brother. On the contrary, you are here, so I take care of you!"

"If the stinky toad threatens me with you, that would be bad!"

Yue Qingling shook her head, tears were rolling in her eyes, "Senior brother, you must have lied to me, I won't leave!"

Why are you so stubborn?

Chen Tianxing said helplessly: "How can I lie to you as a closed-door disciple of the Shenyuan period?"


Before the words fell, Fen Tian Guchan had already heaved a sigh of relief, and lowered his body to the ground again, his vertical pupils locked on Chen Tianxing again.


Chen Tianxing became impatient, and swung his palm to slap Yue Qingling far away.

I regret it when I'm done.

Anyway, let the little girl thank herself first!

It's not like he's flirting with such a big deal.

It's a pity that with this palm, Yue Qingling flew away with crying sounds, and the white light that Chen Tianxing coveted for a long time also flew farther and farther away.

"Hey, wait for me outside the woods!"

"Don't run away!"

It was already cold in the back.

He didn't even look, his body only flashed, and the bone-chilling toad tongue pierced through only an afterimage.


The Fentian Ancient Toad was furious, its huge chest contracted and contracted, and the mighty pressure of ice and fire descended brazenly.


The clear water cold pool was stimulated by this, and a large amount of clear water was lifted into the air, and before it landed, it was evaporated by the blazing high temperature of Gu Chan's body.

However, the evaporating mist hadn't had time to disperse, and the icy breath came again, and the surging mist instantly condensed into ice cubes, freezing the entire ten-foot area around it.

At this moment, with Fen Tian Ancient Toad as the center, a gigantic super-cold ice unexpectedly appeared beside the cold clear water pool!

After all this was done, the fire light on Gu Chan's body was withdrawn from his body, and his vertical pupils turned slightly, looking in one direction.

There, a figure was deeply embedded in the ice.

It was Chen Tianxing.

"Good trick, you are not bad!"

Trapped in the ice, Chen Tianxing was neither surprised nor afraid, but even praised him.

"As expected of a strange beast with the strength to transform into a god, if this leader doesn't show some real skills, I really can't deal with you!"

That's right, the stage of transforming gods!

Before, the Fentian Ancient Toad remained motionless like a mentally handicapped man, and even his breath was hidden in his body, which made Chen Tianxing understand its true strength.

Misjudgment of power.

But when he cut off a small piece of scale armor with a single blow, Fen Tian Guchan was out of anger and broke out with all his strength.

Only then did Chen Tianxing realize that this toad actually had a powerful strength equivalent to that of a human cultivator at the stage of transforming into a god.

Strange beasts are no more difficult than humans, and their cultivation is not easy, but once they are successful in cultivation, their strength will overwhelm human cultivators.

Although Chen Tianxing was not afraid, he couldn't deal with Gu Chan with only physical strength.

So he had to let Yue Qingling go first, otherwise he would not be able to perform magic skills under the watchful eyes of the little girl.

At this moment, Yue Qingling had already flown far away, and Fentian Guchan wrapped him in ice, which just played the role of isolating sight and breathing.

Then what is there to worry about?

"Little Toad, you are too stingy!"

Chen Tianxing sneered: "Also, are you out of your mind?"

"I tell you, you messed with the wrong person!"



As soon as he said that, the ice around him suddenly melted, and he saw the dark magic light on Chen Tianxing's body, and the huge magic energy broke through the confinement, and slowly condensed and formed behind him.

"Heavenly demon possessed!"

Chen Tianxing took a deep breath, and the phantom of the demon behind him merged with him, forming a hideous and terrifying armor of the demon god.

Chen Tianxing at this moment is like the Nine Nether Demon God descending into the world!



With the Heavenly Demon Armor on his body, his body shook, and the huge block of ice exploded with a loud bang!


The Fentian Ancient Toad also seemed to be startled by Chen Tianxing's devilish energy. The toad opened its mouth, and the tongue that contained the power of extremely cold ice spewed out again.

Only this time, there was blazing energy amidst the freezing cold, and the blending of ice and fire increased its power by more than ten times.

"Did you treat me like a fly?"

Chen Tianxing shouted violently, stretched out his devil claws and grabbed the tongue.

"Believe it or not, I pulled it out for you!"

With a pinch, he was about to use his magic power to regain it.

at this time.

"Brother Li!"

"I, Yue Qingling, will never leave you and run away alone!"

"I am coming!"

In the dense forest, a fiery red figure rushed towards her in a hurry.


"Hey hey?"

Chen Tianxing's face froze.

When Yue Qingling was about to wear Setsuna out of the dense forest, his demon armor melted like frost.

Thus, Yue Qingling who rushed back was shocked to see that her senior brother Li was swallowed into the bloody toad's mouth by the burning tongue of the ancient toad.

"don't want!"

"Brother Li!"

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