I Just Want To Be A Good Person For Seizing The Leader Of The Demon Cult

Chapter 25 How Can There Be Such A Good Person In The World?

"Brother Li!"

Yueqing Linghua turned pale, and rushed forward desperately.

"Stinky toad, spit it out!"

Throwing it vigorously, a mini medicine cauldron flew out, and then used all the spiritual power to shoot into the cauldron.

Amidst the loud noise, the medicine cauldron magnified more than a hundred times, turning into a huge medicine king divine cauldron, whistling and galloping, it hit the waist and abdomen of Fentian Ancient Chan directly.

However, after being magnified a hundred times, the Yaowang Shending was still extremely small compared to Gu Chan's huge body, and when it hit it, it was immediately thrown far away.

Yue Qingling's strength is still far behind that of Fentian Guchan in the transformation stage.

"Brother Li, it's all my fault!"

Her eyes were full of tears, but her expression was even more determined.

Suddenly raised his hand, and shouted at Fen Tian Gu Chan: "Your scales are here with me!"

This strike really worked, and the huge vertical pupils of Fen Tian Gu Chan were immediately attracted.


The vertical pupils were blazing, and the Fentian Ancient Toad was obviously extremely angry, and the toad's mouth opened wide when it aimed at Yue Qingling.

The toad tongue with the power of ice flashed out and went straight to Yue Qingling.

"Senior Brother Li, Qingling is useless and cannot save you, so I'm here to accompany you!"

"On the way to Huangquan... I can also be a companion!"

In desperation, Yue Qingling did not dodge or dodge, and even closed her eyes in a state of relief.



Just at the critical moment, Yue Qingling suddenly heard a huge neighing from Fentian Ancient Toad, and then, a gust of wind came from the bottom up, blowing her whole body into the sky.

Does the stinky toad want to torture me a little more?

Yue Qingling's heart is calm, she is not even afraid of death, what else is she afraid of?

However, after the strong wind passed, she waited for a while, but she still didn't feel the attack of Burning Sky Ancient Chan land on her body.



Instead, there was a loud bang in a direction that was getting farther and farther away from her. "Um?"

Yue Qingling opened her eyes in surprise, and was shocked to find that the Fentian Ancient Toad was going crazy, and kept using its huge body to hit the waterfall rocks.

It was only now that Gu Chan's terrifying neigh revealed a hint of pain.

It's Senior Brother Li!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Yue Qingling's mind, and her tears were like broken jade beads.

"It must be Senior Brother Li!"

"He was swallowed by the stinky toad and hasn't given up yet. He's still saving me!"

For a moment, Yue Qingling felt that her heart was being robbed by billions of dollars.

The sword pierced through, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

Senior brother Li is in the Shenyuan period, his body protection is strong, even if he is swallowed into the belly of the toad, he can last longer.

Presumably, it must be the senior brother who heard his death will in the belly of the toad, so he tried his best to consume a lot of spiritual power, and wanted to make a scene in the belly of Fentian Ancient Toad, so as to create an opportunity for himself to escape.

Recalling the scene where Senior Brother Li slapped him flying with his palm and would rather face Burning Heaven Ancient Toad alone, Yue Qingling felt even more heartbroken.

"How can there be such a good person in this world?"

Do not!


I can't let Senior Brother Li die!

That's right, Senior Brother Li is in the Shenyuan Stage, so he will last longer than himself.

Me, my low strength can't save him.

Being moved by Chen Tianxing, Yue Qingling lost her will to die.

Chen Tianxing who worked so hard made her heart ache, and she was determined to save him.

"Brother Li, hold on!"

Yue Qingling wiped away her tears, and shouted loudly in the direction of Fen Tian Gu Chan.

After that, his figure flashed, and he left quickly outside the dense forest.

"You want to kill me, don't you?"


"I let you eat! Eat!"

"Punch me again!"

At this moment, the Fentian Ancient Toad was in the belly.

Chen Tianxing was covered in dark magic armor, punching left and right, having a great time playing.

No harder than the surface of the body, apart from the highly corrosive acid in the body of this ancient toad, the internal organs are extremely flexible.

With the protection of the demon armor, the acid could not touch Chen Tianxing's body at all, which made him feel more relaxed than fighting the ancient toad outside.

He is also depressed.

Originally, he could have directly killed this ancient toad when he was outside.

But just as he was about to strike, Yue Qingling rushed back again.

Defeating Fen Tian Guchan was not a problem, but the problem was that he couldn't show his magic skills in front of Yue Qingling.

The white light on Yue Qingling's body was about to belong to her. If she found out that she was from the Demon Realm at this moment, wouldn't that be a failure?

So at that time he had no choice but to choose to remove the Heavenly Demon Armor.

And it happened at that time that he had already grabbed Fen Tian Guchan's tongue.

The toad was agitated by the devil's energy, and instinctively retracted under the pain, and only then did it drag Chen Tianxing into its belly.

As for Chen Tianxing rescuing Yue Qingling at the critical moment...

It's just a coincidence.

The Burning Sky Ancient Toad was so huge that it was sucked into its belly

After the battle, Chen Tianxing couldn't hear the sound of the outside world at all, so how could he hear Yue Qingling's cries?

It was just because he was no longer afraid of being discovered by Yue Qingling about his magic skills at this moment, so he made a big fuss in Gu Chan's body, which just happened to save Yue Qingling whose death will sprouted.

"Good beast, the internal organs are very tough!"

Chen Tianxing attacked for a while, and found that although his punch had made Gu Chan's body bumpy, it returned to its original shape after a while, and it didn't have any effect.

This made Chen Tianxing even more angry.

"You're not afraid of fists, are you?"

He grinned grinningly, and a knife glow appeared on the edge of his palm, "Then try this!"


The Heavenly Demon Knife was invincible, and with a slash of the knife in his hand, a terrifying dark green knife light rushed away, rubbing Gu Chan's stomach wall and pulling out a large bloody flower.

Where the blade light passed, even its tough toad stomach was sliced ​​through, leaving a bloody hole.

In the outside world, Fentian Guchan, who was crazily crashing into the mountain, froze suddenly.


In an instant, a scream of pain erupted, and the bloody mouth trembled and opened wide, as if wanting Chen Tianxing to come out of his stomach quickly.

However, Chen Tianxing had already penetrated deeper into Gu Chan's body along the severed stomach wall.

"Hahaha, the Heavenly Demon Knife is still easier to use!"

He had no scruples, the Heavenly Demon Saber flew up and down, chopping Gu Chan's body until he was bleeding profusely.

Want him out at a time like this?

What are you doing out there?

Chen Tianxing didn't know that Yue Qingling had left.

When he thought about it, instead of going out with his hands and feet tied up, fearing Yue Qingling's existence and not daring to use magic skills, it would be better to kill Guchan directly inside.

"Hey, what's that?"

After chopping for a while, Chen Tianxing was sinking deeper and deeper, and suddenly felt an aura of ice and fire blowing towards his face. When he took a closer look, there was a red and white light flickering not far from the front, which was blocked by the internal organs.

With the Heavenly Demon Armor on his body, Chen Tianxing was able to move freely in Gu Chan's body, he swung his saber to open the way, and touched the place where the light came from.

"This is……"

Even he suddenly opened his eyes wide when he saw what the light was.

Right in front, a ball with two colors of ice and red was spinning crazily, and a large amount of ice and fire aura was thrown out from this ball.

"It's the beast pill!"

Chen Tianxing looked happy.

Beast pills in the stage of transforming gods, this is a good thing that even money can't buy!

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