"The Immortal Master is also here?"

Zhou Baiyu stood up suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face.

At the usual assessment meeting, although there were elders from Tai Dao Sect, Ye Changsheng never came.

Immediately said to the middle-aged beautiful woman: "Lord Huangyu, please wait a moment, Daoist Changsheng is coming, I have to go to meet him."

But I don't want Huangyu Master to not raise his head, just said calmly: "Sect Master Zhou doesn't have to go, he has already arrived."

After the words fell, a detached Dao call suddenly sounded outside the hall.

"The phoenix domain master's perception is still so sharp, the old man admires it."

The words fell to the ground, and it was Ye Changsheng who led a group of disciples from Tai Dao Sect.

Only then did the master of the Phoenix domain raise his head, and smiled at Ye Changsheng: "Old man Ye, you are still so polite."

These words startled Zhou Baiyu.

In the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, Ye Changsheng is the real Changsheng revered by everyone, who dares to call him Old Man Ye?

Well, it seems that some old devil likes to call it that too.

Just about to smooth things over, Ye Changsheng waved his whisk and said with a smile: "It's okay, Lao Dao and the two domain masters Feng and Huang have known each other for a long time, and they are used to joking around."

"By the way, why didn't your husband come?"

Ye Changsheng casually took the first seat under the Lord of the Phoenix Region, and behind him, a group of disciples including Xu Qiushuang stood behind him.

The Master of the Phoenix Territory curled his lips, "My man is so stupid in the Beast Realm, no matter what I say or say, he won't move, so I have no choice but to come out and play by myself!"

"It happened to coincide with the Shenyi Medicine Sect's assessment meeting, so I wanted to join in the fun."

Ye Changsheng nodded, "Beast Realm has long been stabilized under the leadership of the Xian couple, so it's good to go out to relax."

The wild animal domain is different from the Zhongzhou sanctuary and the extreme sky demon domain.

There are five sects and seven sects in the sanctuary, and one hundred and eight demon sects in the demon realm, but in the wild beast realm, there are no sects.

The Wild Beast Territory is named after beasts, and there are a lot of alien beasts in its domain, more than ten times more than the total number of alien beasts in the other four domains.

Cultivators living in the realm of beasts have entered the Tao with the art of controlling beasts, and are good at taming alien beasts for their own use. The deeper the cultivator is, the more alien beasts he can control.

For a powerhouse at the transformation stage like the phoenix domain master in front of her, she can control more than a thousand beasts.

It can be said that one person is an army!

Decades ago, the Wild Beast Territory was also extremely chaotic, but a couple turned out to be born out of nowhere, with the hands of Thunder

Duan swept the Beast Realm and forcibly integrated the scattered Beast Realm into one. The achievement of one realm is a supreme feat of one faction, and is respected by all the people in the Beast Realm.

This couple, with the word Phoenix in their names, is honored as the Phoenix Territory Master and the Phoenix Territory Master.

"Longevity real person!"

Zhou Baiyu sat back on the main seat, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "You are a rare visitor!"

Ye Changsheng sighed slightly: "In the battle a few days ago, although the Sanctuary lost little, morale dropped a lot. The old Taoist also wanted to take advantage of the medicine sect's assessment day to meet the sect masters."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Baiyu fell silent.

He did not personally go to the Sanctuary's attack on the Demon Realm, but he also learned about it from the elders who came back.

"This old devil Chen is full of tricks, and he came up with a way to lure us into the demon realm by pretending to be seriously injured. It's really hateful!"

Zhou Baiyu said sharply.

This time it was Ye Changsheng's turn to be silent.

Is it Old Devil Chen's trick?

After he came back, there were no such voices around him, but Ye Changsheng always felt that something was wrong.

What's more, if Chen Laomo had planned everything...how could he let them go so easily?

Ye Changsheng thought about this matter all the time, but he still couldn't figure out the key point.

And there are more important things right now.

That is to boost the morale of all sects in the sanctuary!

In case the Demon Realm mobilizes the crowd to attack while the Sanctuary is in decline, plus a Chen Laomo who is not injured, this battle will be really dangerous.

"Old Man Ye, if you want to fight Old Demon Chen, we, Beast Realm, can help."

The Lord of the Phoenix Region spoke at this moment, and proudly said: "The outrageous thing Chen Laomo did has already been introduced to the Beast Realm, but he just couldn't take action before."

"If there is a chance, the domain master would like to meet him for a while!"

"The Master of the Phoenix Region must not underestimate him!"

Ye Changsheng hurriedly said: "The old devil's blissful heaven magic art has its own unique features. To deal with him, we must plan carefully."

The Master of the Phoenix Region snorted coldly, and was about to say something more, but turned his eyes to the outside of the hall.

At the same time, Zhou Baiyu also looked unhappy, and shouted: "The suzerain is entertaining distinguished guests, who dares to make noise outside the hall?"


"It's me, Master!"

Outside the hall, Zhou Baiyu was taken aback by the subsequent crying.


He frowned slightly.

Yueqing Ling

He is a little apprentice whom he loves very much, and he is very talented.

But how can she be fooled today?

Just as he was about to scold him, a red shadow rushed in. The disciples outside the hall were unable to stop them, and they were led to a staggered position, and they also fell into the hall together.

The red shadow was solid, it was Yue Qingling who was crying like pear blossoms and rain.


Zhou Baiyu said angrily: "You don't even look at what kind of occasion this is, how can you force your way?"

"Master, hurry up and save people!"

Yue Qingling cried loudly, slammed her head three times at Zhou Baiyu, kowtowed until her forehead was flushed, and cried: "Hurry up and save Senior Brother Li, he will be gone if it's too late!"

Zhou Baiyu frowned, "Which Brother Li?"

"What are you raving about?"

Yue Qingling cried: "My disciple's alchemy is still short of an ancient toad scale armor. Brother Li kindly helped me, but I didn't expect that ancient toad to be so big!"

"It! It...it swallowed Senior Brother Li in one bite!"


Zhou Baiyu was even more confused when he heard it, and reprimanded: "You are confused, how old is the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad, can it swallow people?"


Yue Qingling was in a hurry, she rushed forward and wanted to pull Master, and said anxiously: "Master, let's go, you will know when we arrive!"


Zhou Baiyu was still waiting to be reprimanded, but the phoenix domain master next to him laughed and said: "Little sister, don't worry, your brother Li won't die."


Only then did Yue Qingling realize that there were still many people in the hall.

"Lord Huangyu, do you know this Burning Heaven Ancient Toad?"

When Zhou Baiyu saw her speak, he suddenly had a guess.

The Lord of the Phoenix Region nodded with a smile and said, "The ancient toad you mentioned that can swallow people was brought by me, but it was too huge, so it was placed near the clear water cold pool."

"Don't worry, my toad has a gentle temperament. Without my order, it will never harm anyone."

"I think you acted a little recklessly and annoyed it, so I gave it some lessons."

Speaking of this, she looked Yue Qingling up and down, and said to herself: "Unless someone moves its reverse scales, this will stimulate it."

"I see that your cultivation base is not high, and your senior brother's cultivation base is not very high. With you, you can't move its reverse scale."

Unexpectedly, after her words fell, Yue Qingling burst into tears, spread her hands, and broke down: "But we moved!"

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